Tuesday 3 March 2015


I was contacted by two separate sources in February who advised me that 3DM has failed as a business in the USA leaving behind debts and job losses.

Apparently senior members of the Anglican community in the UK are looking into what has been going on within this organisation.

This news follows Breen's announcement in January that he was giving up his contrived position as "Senior Guardian" of The Order of Mission (TOM).



Peter Findley Senior Leader Network Church Sheffield: 
"As you know, in November we found that there was a big hole in the finances and a huge deficit to the end of 2014, and then an ongoing deficit of about £12000 a month this year......" 

"It is with great regret that the NCS Board announces the role of St Thomas’ Philadelphia Base Leader now redundant, due to reorganisation and finances. This role has been shared by Nick and Marjorie Allan since 2011, therefore due to this redundancy, they will be leaving the NCS staff team and the Philadelphia family just after Easter 2015.  - See more at: http://www.stthomaschurch.org.uk/news/79#sthash.qHCtvRkm.dpuf....." 

Read the full article on the following link:  http://www.stthomaschurch.org.uk/news/79

"UPDATE FROM THE BOARD: As many of you are aware January 1, 2015 marked the completion of the 3DM decentralization process.  3D Movements now fully operates under the leadership of the 3Dmovements Board."  http://3dmovements.com/

Notes on 3DM and the Order of Mission - makes very interesting reading: http://www.andyrowell.net/andy_rowell/2015/05/notes-on-3dm-and-the-order-of-mission.html


UPDATE: 3DM is now known as 5Q with Alan Hirsch, Cairn Network. Kairos network.

It is with great regret that the NCS Board announces the role of St Thomas’ Philadelphia Base Leader now redundant, due to reorganisation and finances. This role has been shared by Nick and Marjorie Allan since 2011, therefore due to this redundancy, they will be leaving the NCS staff team and the Philadelphia family just after Easter 2015.  - See more at: http://www.stthomaschurch.org.uk/news/79#sthash.qHCtvRkm.dpuf
It is with great regret that the NCS Board announces the role of St Thomas’ Philadelphia Base Leader now redundant, due to reorganisation and finances. This role has been shared by Nick and Marjorie Allan since 2011, therefore due to this redundancy, they will be leaving the NCS staff team and the Philadelphia family just after Easter 2015.  - See more at: http://www.stthomaschurch.org.uk/news/79#sthash.qHCtvRkm.dpuf

It is with great regret that the NCS Board announces the role of St Thomas’ Philadelphia Base Leader now redundant, due to reorganisation and finances. This role has been shared by Nick and Marjorie Allan since 2011, therefore due to this redundancy, they will be leaving the NCS staff team and the Philadelphia family just after Easter 2015.  - See more at: http://www.stthomaschurch.org.uk/news/79#sthash.qHCtvRkm.dpuf
It is with great regret that the NCS Board announces the role of St Thomas’ Philadelphia Base Leader now redundant, due to reorganisation and finances. This role has been shared by Nick and Marjorie Allan since 2011, therefore due to this redundancy, they will be leaving the NCS staff team and the Philadelphia family just after Easter 2015.  - See more at: http://www.stthomaschurch.org.uk/news/79#sthash.qHCtvRkm.dpuf


  1. Keep digging, there is so much disturbing stuff still to be revealed about Mike.

    A truly demonic work.

  2. Oh my, it does seam serious. Do you think Mike Breen stepping down could be linked to the redundancies at St. Thomas' in Sheffield?

  3. It is difficult to say at present Anonymous - I would only be speculating if I said any more. We can only wait and see what comes to light. God bless you.

  4. "I would only be speculating.." Treena, do you not feel that this entire blog is based on speculation? You've never met any of the people involved have you?

  5. "Since we have heard that some persons have gone out from us and troubled you with words, unsettling your minds, although we gave them no instructions...." (Acts 15/24). Paul had NOT met the "super apostles" who were troubling the church. There are enough of Breen's teachings out there (3DM TOM 3dmovements New Wine) or whatever else he calls them. It is possible to make a judgement on false teachings without having met the person circulating them. I have never met Kenneth Copeland or Benny Hinn but I know they are false teachers/prophets. This is a very silly argument!

  6. Concerned Person25 April 2015 at 04:18

    Has there been any more news on this and the news at St Thomas's?

    I noticed they have a church meeting on Monday to discuss 3dm, TOM and other 'influences' on the church.

  7. Apparently they are having a "church restructure". Other than that I know very little at the moment. God bless t http://www.stthomaschurch.org.uk/news/79

  8. I did basic summary: http://www.andyrowell.net/andy_rowell/2015/05/notes-on-3dm-and-the-order-of-mission.html

  9. Hi Treena,

    Here is the first part of an interesting three-part blog on 3dm. Just follow the links for parts 2 and 3. Worth the read.


    Mike Villar

  10. Thank you Mike I will read. God bless you.

  11. Good read. A lot of accuracy here. I used to work for him in Pawleys.

    You do need to fact check the 5Q connection however.

  12. There isn't much of a church left now at St Thomas, Peter and Anne have left and left a vicar and a young lad with a business degree in charge who has rented most of the site out. They are still involved in the whole 3DM model and trying to roll it out even after everything they still can't see what's happening. The church Nick and Marjorie planted after being made redundant and dropping 3dm stuff has gone from strength to strength and keeps growing where as St Thomas keeps shrinking and shrinking sadly

  13. Thank you for the information Anonymous.
    God bless.
