Thursday 31 December 2015

a question for adam simmonds pcc northamptonshire

Does Adam Simmonds believe that other religions are a valid means of salvation and access to God? 

For the benefit those who may not be aware, there is a vast difference between ecumenical Christianity and what is known as the remnant i.e. the true church; those faithful Christians who believe the Bible is the Word of God, and who accept the Son of God Jesus Christ to be the ONLY Messiah (John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 John 4:15). The scriptural mandate for Christians who believe the Bible and the exclusivity of Jesus Christ is to maintain unity with one another (Ephesians 4:3-4; John 17:22). The Ecumenical Movement is completely at odds with this mandate, since it actively seeks syncretism between Protestants, Roman Catholics, and non-Christian religions. Modern ecumenical leaders promote "interfaith dialogue" with Mormons, Islamists, Hindus, Buddhists, Wiccans, Universalists, and a variety of New Age belief systems. This is what the Bible calls spiritual prostitution (Revelation 14:8). Scripturally, it is anathema for true Bible believing Christians to embrace the Ecumenical Movement, it is considered apostasy (James 4:4; 2 Corinthians 6:14-16). Religious pluralism promotes the validity of all religions and philosophies, and the Ecumenical Movement is rapidly moving in the direction which will eventually lead to the Antichrist, the One World Religion and the New World Order.

Adam Simmonds is Director and Trustee of Trinity Life Church in Leicester, which is an Assemblies of God (AOG) fundamental Pentecostal denomination.* If you refer to their web site, the AOG DO NOT accept non-Christian religions as valid means of salvation and access to God.

"The Assemblies of God aligns readily with evangelical Christianity in declaring that only in Christ is there salvation. No apology need be made for this exclusive claim for Christ. For this reason the Assemblies of God disavows universalism and the toleration of worldviews that do not require entering the kingdom of God through the narrow gate of the God-man, Jesus Christ."

Furthermore, the AOG IS NOT affiliated with ANY ecumenical organisations. 
"The Assemblies of God is not affiliated with either the World Council of Churches or the National Council of Churches."

Requirements for Assemblies of God Deacons and Trustees:
"The deacon/trustee is proper in doctrine, keeping “hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience” (1 Timothy 3:9), fully subscribing to the tenets of faith of the Assemblies of God."

Deacons likewise must be dignified, not double-tongued, not addicted to much wine, not greedy for dishonest gain. They must hold the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. And let them also be tested first; then let them serve as deacons if they prove themselves blameless. (1 Timothy 3:8-10)

Apart from his other questionable activities such as cronyism and overspending, there is grave dissonance between Simmonds political aspirations and his so called "faith".  If Simmonds really does hold onto the deep truths of the faith, then there is an inexplicable conflict between the biblical beliefs required as a Trustee of the AOG and his overt ecumenical activities. The so called Christian "faith groups" Simmonds dishes out money to such as Corby Street Pastors, Perspective Trust, Crime2Christ are all ecumenical. This is why I question whether Adam Simmonds faith is in fact the genuine article.

Simmonds creation of the Office of Faith-Based & Community Initiatives (OFBCI), his involvement with Churches Together in Northampton, the Faith Covenant for Engagement Signing Event (APPG), Interfaith Festival of Color Basti Ram and the Woolf Institute which specialises in the study of relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims from a multidisciplinary perspective etc. are completely at odds with his so called beliefs as a "committed Christian". Furthermore they certainly are not consistent in any way with Assemblies of God principles or rules for Trustees. In my view, these activities disqualify Simmonds from holding the position of Trustee and Director at any AOG church. Individual AOG churches are run autonomously, and as I have previously written,Trinity Life Church in Leicester is sadly wanting in respect of its biblical principles, probably due to compromised leadership, bad theology and the influence of Simmonds and his ilk.

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. (Matthew 6:24) 

Equally no one can serve God and selfish ambition (James 3:14-16; Philippians 1:17).

Petition: Vote of no confidence in Adam Simmonds PCC for Northamptonshire:


* It appears that Simmonds is no longer a Director or Trustee of Trinity Life Church in Leicester:

"In answer to your question regarding whether or not Mr Simmonds is a Director or Trustee at the Trinity Life Church, I can confirm that the current published register of interest accurately reflects the fact the Mr Simmonds no longer holds any such role at this, or indeed any other organisation."

From John Neilson 
Active Chief Executive
Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner
Dated 15th February 2016


  1. What do you expect? Pastor Hinds asking him to repent and resign? Ain't no bishop above Hinds on a witch-hunt rooting out all the non-compliant deacons and trustees.As long as tithes come in and people look moral and socially acceptable, gay inclusive things are not going to change.

    What does it say of John the Baptist, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert...".

    Welcome to the wilderness Treena!

  2. What do you expect? Pastor Hinds asking him to repent and resign? Ain't no bishop above Hinds on a witch-hunt rooting out all the non-compliant deacons and trustees.As long as tithes come in and people look moral and socially acceptable, gay inclusive things are not going to change.

    What does it say of John the Baptist, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert...".

    Welcome to the wilderness Treena!

  3. In any TRUE biblical church, there would be outrage and Simmonds would be expelled. However as many people know, TLC is not biblical, and Hind himself is a compromiser who (amongst other things) has been involved with ecumenical Churches Together. I do not expect anything Unknown. My only motive is to expose these wolves and hirelings for what they really are.

    Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; (Revelation 18:4)
