Friday 27 October 2017


It amazes me why anyone would attend Taylor's new venture New Beginnings after the failure of the so called "Welsh Outpouring" and his adultery in 2014. {1}

Factually, we know that Taylor is a false prophet due to the failure of the "Welsh Outpouring" and all the "prophecies" surrounding its expansion and success. We know that Taylor is a self confessed adulterer (after being caught in the act that is). We know that following his adultery, Taylor seemed to think that it was perfectly acceptable to continue in so called "ministry", and although he was fired by Elim, he vigorously sought other avenues in which to perpetuate his presumption and folly. Taylors behaviour was too much, even for Elim, the shamefully apostate ecumenical UK based Pentecostal denomination!

To rub salt into the wound, Taylor's alleged "church" has been set up at Bethania Chapel in Merthyr Tydfil, the very church that was acquired by Victory Church under very questionable circumstances back in March 2012 under Taylor's leadership:

“Bethania Chapel was bought in 1999 by Bethania fellowship with money provided by Woodlands Trust, a charity owned by Richard Sheppard. Bethania Fellowship carried out major repairs to the church, also building a new toilet block and baptismal pool, work which cost them tens of thousands of pounds. During this time they were repaying the money back to the charity. They were also paying the buildings insurance, a policy arranged by Mr.Sheppard for 'owners' of a building. About three years ago, Mr Sheppard said he wanted to sell the building and told the fellowship that the money they had been paying to the charity had been 'rent' not repayment, even though there had never been a rent agreement drawn up. Bethania fellowship had the building valued by two local estate agents and offered Mr Sheppard the valuation price . But he told the fellowship he wanted them to pay him at least double the price quoted by the estate agents, even though they had worked so hard on the building and put a lot of money into it. It became obvious that he didn't want Bethania fellowship to have the building, so they had to leave the church.”
Comment posted by Elizabeth Evans on the 17th of October 2013. {2}

I notice that Taylor's wife, Jill, joins him in his folly as "Senior Pastor". I was contacted by Jill Taylor over a year ago when she requested that I remove all my posts about the "Welsh Outpouring" in order to give her husband a second chance. I am assuming that Taylor himself was behind this dubious appeal so that he could lessen the impact of his murky past whilst planning future deception. Biblically Taylor is a marked man: Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. (Romans 16:17 KJV).

I hope that readers of Rob Thomas's blog and also my posts, will understand how completely outrageous any alleged "Christian" venture set up by Taylor is. Anyone attending New Beginnings has to be completely out of their mind and have no interest in the scriptures or anything remotely true and praiseworthy.

“A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats.”  ?CH Spurgeon.

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4).

The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:9-12).



  1. Hi Treena!

    Many thanks for your continued efforts to expose the counterfeit revivalist Richard Taylor, now operating out of New Beginnings Church here in Merthyr Tydfil, a "campus" of Jonathan Miller's church of the same name in Orlando, Florida. Miller has appointed Taylor as his European Director; both men appear on TBN, which speaks volumes. (Miller is a great friend and promoter of Benny Hinn, no less!) It is obvious that their intention is to use this base in Wales to ignite further "strange fire" to spread across the UK and beyond. As audacious as it is apostate!

    With very best wishes in Him,

  2. Thank you for explaining that to me Rob, I had not heard of Jonathan Miller. It appears that Taylor has found his opportunity at last then, and is linking up with the worst of the worst on TBN. I do hope and pray that Christians will have more discernment this time around! God bless.

  3. Hi Treena!

    We can indeed hope and pray, but this is an evil generation that seeks a sign, with so many desiring soulish sensationalism and wishing to have their itching ears tickled. But at least a warning has been sounded, for anyone who still has ears to hear!

    With very best wishes in Him,

  4. God bless you for sounding the warning Rob.

  5. Its a sad day in Wales when this deceiver has once again raised his head to attempt to fool the masses once again But to use a secular phrase 'Shame on him (RT) if he fools them once, shame on them if he fools them twice' There is not a scrap of repentance in this man He has even used his major indiscrepancies to try to gain sympathy by accusing his critics of lacking forgiveness Possibly the only person I know who has attempted to use his own major sin and deflect it towards those who are voicing legitimate concerns about why he is being allowed anywhere near the pulpit!

  6. Hi Treena and Rob,

    Thank you both for your blogs and for sounding the trumpet to warn people to test all things against Scripture. Scripture is our only measure as the Word of God - anything apart from it is false.


  7. "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared.." 1 Timothy 4:1–2:

    False teachers are mouthpieces for evil spirits.. they promulgate “things taught by demons”. They are hypocritical liars.. they wear a mask of holiness but are full of falsehood. They are unscrupulous.. their consciences have been cauterized. This explains much. How can false teachers lie with no shame and spread deception with no compunction? Because they have seared consciences. They operate in a totally different mind-set outside of God's truth and reality. Lying and deception means nothing to them and they are blind to the consequences, both for themselves and others.

    Like Rob, I did not particularly want to re-visit Taylor but it appears that it is necessary.

    God bless you both and thank you for your comments.
