Monday 20 November 2017


“I did not send the prophets, yet they ran; I did not speak to them, yet they prophesied.." (Jeremiah 23:21).

NAR ecumenical "Prophet" Simon Braker's latest "vision" regarding the Church of England is yet another piece of fiction, either from his own imagination, or demonically inspired. (Jeremiah 23:16; 27:9; 1 Timothy 4:1) Braker is part of the senior leadership of Holy Trinity Church in Leicester (CofE).

John McGinley, Holy Trinity Leicester has introduced a whole plethora of false doctrines since his ill-fated appointment as Vicar in 2009: Sozo (Bill Johnson), Monasticism and 3DM (Mike Breen), Breathe (Eastern Mysticism), Ecumenism, Mission Shaped Communities (Mark Stibbe). McGinley is the Regional Director for the Midlands and East branch of New Wine, a movement associated with a much wider apostate movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) also known as Dominionism, Third Wave, Latter Rain, Kingdom Now, Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, Charismatic Renewal etc. According to Braker, John McGinley now has the new title of "Apostle". (2 Corinthians 11:13). McGinley is in fact fully engaged with NAR Dominionists and attended grave sucker/necromancer Bill Johnson's European Leaders Advance 2015. In fact he seems determined to promote anything and everything apart from the teaching of Jesus Christ and the real apostles. (Acts 2:42)! Dominion Theology is NOT the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (John 18:36). The scriptures are replete with warnings about false teachers arising from within the church. The scriptures do not speak in terms of the vague possibility of false teachers infiltrating the church, they speak in terms of absolute certainty. (2 Peter 2:1-3; Acts 20:29-30). Tragically, there are very few believers who are prepared to exercise the vital gift of spiritual discernment. (1 John 4:1; 1 Corinthians 12:10).

I attended a leaders meeting at Holy Trinity Church in Leicester some years ago when John McGinley told those who refused to comply with the teachings of false prophet Mark Stibbe of "Toronto Blessing" fame in no uncertain terms to "get out of the boat". He labelled those who could not accept Stibbe's unbiblical "mission shaped" teachings "resistors" to use a Nazi term. He and Elaine Sutherland (Associate Minister) thought it a great joke as I remember! For once I was happy to oblige them! I regard Holy Trinity, and in fact the Church of England as a whole, about as safe as the Titanic and just as delusional! It is safer by far to be in the lifeboat and to watch the Titanic go down from a distance, though in the intervening period, the CofE's house built on the sand appears outwardly appealing to some (in the flesh). (Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 16:15; John 8:15; 1Samuel 16:7).

Justin Welby's Masonic Service at Canterbury Cathedral on February 18th 2017 says it all:

"In blatant defiance of a recent ruling against Freemasonry by an ecclesiastical judge of the Church of England, Justin Welby is opening his archiepiscopal cathedral at Canterbury to a full-scale Masonic service on February 18, 2017.

Canterbury Cathedral agreed to hold the service of thanksgiving to celebrate 300 years of Freemasonry after receiving a donation of £300,000 ($374,520) from the Masons for the restoration of the North-West Transept in the Cathedral.

This is in complete violation of the spirit of the ruling by Chancellor Geoffrey Tattersall (Queen's Counsel) who as the judge in the Consistory Court of the Diocese of Carlisle banned a family from having the Freemasons square and compass emblem engraved on the gravestone of a Freemason who died after devoting much of his life to the organization.

The set square and compass is a Masonic symbol and can be found on a number of large wooden tables at Liverpool Cathedral where Justin Welby was Dean before becoming Bishop of Durham and Archbishop of Canterbury.

While Welby was Dean of Liverpool he accepted a gift of £69,000 ($86,139) by the West Lancashire Freemasons' Charity, which was used to install a new elevator in the Lady Chapel in Liverpool Cathedral despite the uneasiness many felt about Welby's and the Cathedral's close association with Freemasonry.

The service at Canterbury Cathedral is expected to last about three hours and it is not clear whether Archbishop Welby has given his permission for the Masons to participate in full regalia.."

For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? (2 Corinthians 6:14-15 cf. Isaiah 5:20).

A "remnant" cannot exist within the CofE. The only way that a remnant can exist is if faithful believers in Jesus Christ come out of this evil organisation! (Revelation 18:4).

Simon Braker ~ Vision Regarding the Church of England

"Simon Braker, School of the Spirit, Leicester. 19 Sep 17

This is not a word I give lightly; we need to pray!!

At Capstone Church last night the Lord took me into a vision.

I saw in front of me a beautiful old English oak tree; its trunk was wide and its roots spread all over the nations.

As I looked, I could see the branches of one side of this tree reached up to the sky.

But on the other side, I saw a large old branch; it was old and thick but I could see it was bending towards the ground. Then I saw that many brambles were reaching up from the ground and pulling it down. This continued for some time until I heard an almighty crack!

I then looked and saw this beautiful old oak had been split in half; the old branch was now fully on the ground and, quickly, bramble grew round the branch. As this happened the branch grew black and died, yet because of all the bramble it looked like it had many leaves. But it was not the tree branch that lived, it was the brambles and thorns that did.

As a looked, I saw the other half of this old tree struggled to live for a short time, but then out of the break, new fresh branches began to grow, with fresh new leaves.

I asked the Lord the meaning of the vision. He said:

'The tree you see is the Church of England. It has spread and flourished across the earth and many of its branches reach up to me.

The old branch you saw is a branch that has become more and more entangled with this world and its fallen and perverted ways; in its desire to reach out and be understood, it has become compromised and entangled and pulled down. This will continue until there is a fracture; at this point a whole section of the church will fully fall away into the world. On the surface it will appear to be alive, but its life will be death.

What’s left will be shaken and for a short time it will struggle to live, but then out of the break new life shall come forth.'

Simon Braker is the founder of School of the Prophetic, Leicester. Simon operates in the office of a Prophet and has been actively involved in equipping and raising up prophetic ministers both in the UK and overseas for over 20 years."

Further churches in Leicester involved with the NAR:

  • Trinity Life Church Leicester are indoctrinating their congregation with Simon Braker's School of the Spirit.
  • All Nations Church Frog Island Leicester is a blatant NAR church. All Nations Church are hosting an NAR Global Legacy Conference in January 2018. Paul Manwaring is the head of Global Legacy Europe. Manwaring is on the senior leadership team at Bethel church, Redding, CA, with specific responsibility for Global Legacy, a ministry of Bethel that promotes "worldwide revival".{3}
  • Leicester City Vineyard Church is ecumenical and follows the aberrant Third Wave teachings of John Wimber.
  • The Meadows Community Church Wigston Leicester have also jumped onto the New Wine apostate bandwagon, apparently along with eight other local churches.{4}

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; (Revelation 18:4).


  1. It pains me that this bunch of NAR charlatans are in positions of church leadership; truly it does.

    There again; "it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!" Matthew 18.7.

    If it were not for Biblical pre-millennialism, I wouldn't be able to make any sense of this utter nonsense. But it is worse than nonsense, this is pure wickedness, for they are truly deceivers in every sense of the word-leading men and women toward Antichrist.

    Let us thank God that these false teachers will NOT be able deceive the "elect" Matthew 24.24?

    God bless.

  2. I;m not sure if "the elect" cannot be deceived Colin... There are different views on that particular question.

    It is grievous to discover that those I trusted all those years ago from first becoming a Christian have turned out to be charlatans, though they did cause me a great deal of pain even then! I did trust and respect Brian Niblock.. I really believed that he had integrity, though I never trusted David Hind and his cronies. It has been challenging and difficult to discover the depth of the lies and deception in all the mainstream denominations, and now also the neo-evangelicals. We have surely begun the end time falling away. (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

    "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (2 Timothy 4:3-4).
    God bless

  3. It depends entirely upon what we mean by "the elect"/election? Clearly we have ALL been deceived at some point in our lives, and in some areas (hopefully minor ones!) will continue to be so?
    But, as regards Matthew 24.24, strictly speaking it refers to the eschatological climax of this present age, but it does have a wider application for "My sheep hear my voice" John 10.16, & "a stranger they will not follow, but will FLEE from him" John 10.5!

    We can but pray for some of those deceived by the charlatans you write about above will 'stumble' on to articles like yours and others such like? and FLEE from them!

    God bless.

  4. The ones lying on gravestones are creating a "gravestone sandwich" or perhaps a "death sandwich" since it's easily assumed that the one beneath the gravestone is physically dead while the one on top of the gravestone can easily be viewed as someone who is spiritually dead!

  5. "These are hidden reefse at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever." (Jude 1:12-13).

    God bless you Irv.

  6. hello
    have u heard of this Prophetess Francina Norman.
    Is she real or not?
    here is a video.

    here is her link

    Can u tell me what u think?

    my email is

  7. I have not heard of her Lawal. I do not like it when people use the prefix "Prophet".. they are usually in it for the "Profit"! I will take a look and email you. God bless.
