Sunday 14 October 2018


The following is an excerpt from The Reason Files:

"In the third and final part of this article series concerning Mr. Joshua Chavez (aka: “Servus Christi”), we will take a look at his hypocritical “Do As I Say, Not As I Do” methodology for determining who is an apostate.

Please see the latest on this three part series: Servus Christi Updated, where I respond to a lengthy defense of Servus Christi, written at his behest by one of his friends.

Concerns, Part Three
D. Hypocrisy
In addition to presenting Mr. Chavez with all of the above evidence of his sin, I also attempted to demonstrate to him the hypocrisy of his actions by applying the standards and logic he applies to the numerous Christian brothers mentioned above, to himself.
As noted in the introduction, Mr. Chavez claims he is exposing apostasy in the Church. However, as also shown, he has not done this. Not once. In fact, his exposés are nothing more than strawman arguments and ad hominem red herring fallacies. He condemns person A because they appear at a conference or in a photo with person B, who in turn has appeared at a conference or in a photo with person C who may or may not be a false teacher, or is somehow affiliated with a false teacher. This is guilt by association twice removed. As faulty a methodology as this is, it is the methodology Mr. Chavez has chosen to employ; and, in doing so he has exposed his own hypocrisy.
I have dubbed the red-herring methodology used by Mr. Chavez the “Servus Christi Rule of Partnerships and Affiliations.” As you will see, when Mr. Chavez and his own affiliations and partnerships are examined by using his own methodology, his hypocrisy becomes glaringly evident.
On his website, Beginning of Sorrows, Mr. Chavez recommends both Jacob Prasch and Moriel Ministries, as well as Beresford Job.

Now, as it just so happens, Beresford Job, on his Truth According to Scripture website, promotes John Piper, Paul Washer, and John MacArthur. By employing the “Servus Christi Rule of Partnerships and Affiliations,” we see Mr. Chavez, is therefore partnered with John Piper, Paul Washer, and John MacArthur via Beresford Job. Of course, Mr. Chavez has soundly (and falsely) condemned these men as apostates, frauds, false teachers, deceivers, hypocrites, and more; so his apparent partnership with them is not only hypocritical, but somewhat schizophrenic as well.

Far more interesting (and telling) is Mr. Chavez's personal, intimate, and open partnership with James Jacob Prasch and Moriel Ministries. Since Mr. Chavez recommends Mr. Prasch on his website, we can again employ the “Servus Christi Rule of Partnerships and Affiliations” to ascertain his actual involvement with Jacob Prasch. I have noted that throughout his various internet venues (blog, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook) Mr. Chavez speaks glowingly of his close personal friend Jacob Prasch. To quote Mr. Chavez, “I highly recommend following/supporting the ministry of Moriel TV and James Jacob Prasch.” Mr. Chavez calls him, “Balanced and indespensible,” “without compromise,” “Excellent teaching,” and “I don't recommend people lightly.” To further remind you of the importance of your intimate partnership with Jacob Prasch, I offer another verbatim quote from Mr. Chavez: “There is no guilt by 'association' but by APPROVAL. WATCH!” and his approval and recommendation of James Jacob Prasch defines his approval, recommendation and partnership with those Mr. Prasch is partnered with.
To begin with, let's look at Chuck Smith of Calvary Chapel. Jacob Prasch calls Chuck Smith his “friend and brother,” “solidly supporting” Chuck Smith's positions, defending him against any and all critics. It should also be noted that Mr. Chavez also speaks glowingly of Chuck Smith as well. On his blog he writes of Chuck Smith, “Smith was known for being a verse by verse bible teacher.” Based on his approval of Chuck Smith, Mr. Chavez has clearly aligned himself with Chuck Smith as well; and that brings us back to the “Servus Christi Rule of Partnerships and Affiliations,”
Chuck Smith held Rick Warren in high regard, calling Warren a “brother in Christ,” and stating that he had no problem sharing a stage with him. This is the same Rick Warren who has affiliated himself with both Islam and the Vatican. That places Mr. Chavez only one degree of separation away from Rick Warren. The fact that Mr. Chavez judges and condemns others for doing the same thing that he himself has done exposes Mr. Chavez as a hypocrite.
In his last email to me, Mr. Chavez tried to explain away Chuck Smith's affiliation with Rick Warren by saying, “As for Chuck Smith, he entertained Rick Warren ONCE in 2009 at 82 years of age a few years before his death at a time when Rick Warren was not well known nor established in his ecumenism.” And yet, this isn't true. In fact, it is a bald-faced lie. Rick Warren was quite well known when he shared a stage with Chuck Smith at the Calvary Chapel 20 year anniversary “Harvest Crusade” on August 16, 2009. Warren had published his best selling book, The Purpose Driven Church, in 1995. He followed this up with another best seller, The Purpose Driven Life, in 2002. To say Chuck Smith was unaware of Rick Warren would also be untrue, as Smith denounced Rick Warren in 2006. A statement released by Smith's church stated, “The teachings and positions of Rick Warren have come into conflict with us at Calvary Chapel. Pastor Chuck has directed us to discontinue this product [Purpose Driven Life] effective immediately.”
Furthermore, on April 17, 2005 Rick Warren launched his ecumenical “Global P.E.A.C.E. Plan” before a crowd of 30,000 people in Angel's stadium in Anaheim, California. On January 20, 2009 Rick Warren appeared at President Barack Obama's inauguration where he publicly prayed to the Islamic “Isa;” and, on July 4, 2009 Warren appeared at the 2009 ISNA Conference addressing upward of 40,000 Muslims. By the time Chuck Smith shared a stage with Rick Warren on August 16, 2009, Rick Warren and his ecumenism were both well known and well established. And yet, none of this served to dissuade Chuck Smith, a man whom both Mr. Chavez and his close friend Jacob Prasch held in high regard (and whom Prasch was intimate friends with), from reversing his condemnation of Rick Warren, and embracing Warren as a Christian brother and a friend.."

Further parts can be seen on

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