Thursday 29 November 2018


I am very sad to report that author Dave MacPherson went to be with the Lord on the 7th of November.

Dave was an excellent researcher and devoted his life to opposing the pre-trib rapture and the deceivers that promote it. His book 'The Rapture Plot' is probably his best known work.

Dave befriended me a few years ago, and although we never met in person, we communicated via email. He was kind enough to take an interest in both my work as a researcher/writer and also my life. He often honoured me by asking me to post his articles on my blog. Dave's articles will remain up indefinitely as they are very relevant in today's climate of spiritual deception and superficial Christianity.

Please pray that Dave's material will continue to be promoted as it is very much needed in these times.


  1. From the Sovereign Grace Advent Testimony's (London) quarterly magazine (October-December, 2019 page 215).

    Called Home

    Mr Dave MacPherson of the U.S.A. passed away on 7th November, 2018, age 85. His calling was journalism and after receiving a B.A. in English in 1955, he spent 26 years as a newsman reporting and filming many notable events, persons, presidents and dignitaries. His father was Dr Norman S MacPherson who pastored churches in Otego, New York and Long Beach, California. Like his father, Mr Dave MacPherson took a lot of interest in the study of the prophetic Scriptures and travelled to Scotland and England researching the subject. However, he mainly studied the Bible and felt very strongly that the pre-tribulation, secret rapture teaching of J N Darby was not Scriptural. Consequently, he wrote various helpful books and articles on the subject.

    Received this brief testimony today (26/09/2019) on the life of our old friend.
    God bless you.

  2. Dave's work on the rapture was very important Colin. He was quite a joker as well.. he made me smile when he referred to Tommy Ice's interpretation of the scriptures as "Texas Receptus". I miss him.
