Wednesday 26 December 2018


Below is a video where David Nathan address all the issues he is accused of by Jacob Prasch and his henchmen who are determined to discredit David Nathan and villainize him as a heretic. It serves as an example of what is known in a religious system as “the good boy network,” where a leader is placed on such a high pedestal that they themselves are beyond correction and criticism, who themselves are unaccountable to anyone for their actions and behavior. Where those who follow do so with complete blindness. Its a matter of conformation bias which is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s own beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. In attempting to debate supposed accusations the leadership of Moriel and its affiliates have made themselves look very foolish by stroking Jacob Prasch’s agenda against David Nathan and refusing to investigate the matter fully and address Prasch’s unbibical behavior and refusal to meet and resolve said issues.

Men such as John Haller, Bill Randles, Ian Huxham & Amos Farrell cozy up to Prasch and are enablers to his hot style, aggressive, unethical, and unbiblical behavior all while David Nathan has pleaded for reconciliation. Prasch on the other lies and manipulates the facts. In fact, he is guilty of far worse that what he has accused David Nathan of. He diminishes the role and ministry of the Holy Spirit in his faulty eschatology, reverses Pentecost without any biblical evidence and distorts Jesus’ teachings concerning the Holy Spirit role in the world. An article is soon coming. Watch the video below, examine the facts, and by all means do the right thing. Take a stand, its time people stand up to bullies such as Prasch, who abuse their power over others and ostracize without any real biblical grievances. Who himself is disobedient to our Lord’s teaching on church discipline as taught in the beatitude and outlined in Matthew 18.


  1. This is so sad. Yet another Youtube video posted reciting the same complaints against
    David Nathan. After months of this, you really start to wonder "what is the real
    agenda here?" It is obviously very one sided. If they think David Nathan is so
    terrible, disassociate yourself from him and move on. Do they not care how his wife
    must feel, his kids, and his unsaved Jewish family must think? I have unsubscribed
    from Bill Randles blog after this latest video with him and John Haller. What is the
    motive behind all this? We understand they don't like some of David Nathan's teachings,
    but why can't they drop it? And then to give Jacob a pass on his teachings and
    behavior. Looks like if anyone disagrees with Jacob, they become "mentally unstable".
    I've had a "female Jacob Prasch" in my life, and as soon as you don't go along, you
    become the next target. To have all this out in the public has been very disheartening.

  2. It is spiritual Anonymous... to call Prasch "mentally unstable" is to underestimate the situation in my view. We wrestle not against flesh and blood... God bless.
