Tuesday 22 January 2019


I am posting this warning about Mindfulness Christian Meditation due to the 'Christian Mindfulness Day' being promoted by Meadows Community Church at The King's Centre in Wigston near Leicester on the 2nd of February: http://meadowscc.org.uk/event-items/christian-mindfulness-day/

Christian Concern have published a short YouTube video warning that Mindfulness is a Buddhist form of meditation that is actually at odds with Christianity. Mindfulness is a form of the rigorous Buddhist meditation called vipassana (insight), or a form of another kind of Buddhist meditation known asanapanasmrti (awareness of the breath). M.B.S.R. therapy (mindfulness-based stress reduction) seeks to lay aside all extraneous thinking and to focus on the self in a non judgemental way.

Eastern meditation advocates mental passivity and other practices that can put people at risk of being influenced by demonic entities. Mindfulness is certainly anti-Christian. In contrast, Christian "meditation" is the scriptural practice of actively thinking about specific things that will edify Christians in their faith.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8).

Dr Peter Jones speaks about the dangers of mindfulness.

Time does not permit at the present, but I hope to write in further depth on this subject at a later date. I believe that the warning should go out now to those who are considering attending this event at the The King's Centre. 


  1. Hello again Treena, am so glad to see your article, had spotted this, there is a website Christianmindfulness.co.uk which advocates courses and is run by someone who references Brother Lawrence - I researched this and it's Catholic mysticism, a strand of this promotes three levels of spirituality, the third level bringing "union with the holy spirit", of course, not scriptural! Also, the amount of the term "awareness" in one article (21 times!) had my new age lingo alarm bells ringing ...as well as much emphasis on "the Presence" - one particular quote "we begin to increasingly connect our awareness with the vast ocean of love that is in us", and "we can open our awareness to the presence and beauty of God who is in us and all around us"...the website also advocates lectio divina too ...

    I emailed the leaders, pleaded with them for the sake of those attending, to research and their reply was my argument was about "the word meditation" (no it wasn't, it was about the lying root practice of mysticism!) ...and they finished with saying I must also be critical of bethel Redding (well gosh, once someone has read the bill Johnson "if Jesus did his miracles as God I'd be impressed" recent quote from "awakening Australia", then one would hope that would alert some pastors immediately!!) ...and they finished with, they are mature and discerning enough and happy to run the event...

    Well, they have been added to my prayer list! As has another pastor who advocates starting the day with breath prayer, Brennan Manning suggestion of breath in, "abba", breathe out (says the Bible nowhere!) and "dialogue with the Spirit within" ...

    Yes, it seems NAR/purpose driven and spiritual formation continue to merge ...all back to Mother Church!!

    Blessings, Angela

  2. Good article Treena and great response Angela. I made a comment on this issue at raptureforums in the Apostasy in the local church' forum.
    People have been very dumbed down by false teaching/manifestations going right back to the false revival at Azusa st (and the influences such as the Irvingites and Charles Parham which led up to that global rebirth of Montanism). After more than a century of ever-increasing heresy, the enemy can now easily delude professing believers with all manner of mysticism and have those who oppose it labeled as Pharisees.
    As so-called Christian yoga (promoted by Rick Warren amongst many others) and contemplative prayer (embraced by liberal and apostate evangelical denominations) have been brought in to churches , it was only a matter of time before the more obvious practice of Mindfulness entered the (false) church to be received without the least discernment being shown. God has sent them a strong delusion in answer to their misguided zeal for signs, wonders and power and their rejection of the simplicity that is in the gospel of Christ. Even people who have listened to me and even left NAR churches continue to attend charismatic churches, even ones which are connected to the NAR such as the AOG. Those who do not listen to me answer with reviling and accuse me of blaspheming the 'spirit'. (I do speak evil of the kundalini spirit, which has impersonated the Holy Spirit from the word 'go' in the gatherings of Montanus in the 2nd century & in the meetings of John Wesley and Jonathon Edwards (at least they rejected it after testing it, although we have Wesley to thank for the doctrine of a subsequent 'baptism in the Holy Spirit' which led to delusions such as 'sinless perfection' and 'heavenly tongues;Wesley also is on record as an admirer of Montanus, despite the good things he did and said). The shaking, jerking, slaying in the spirit, drunken laughter etc were nothing new when they took the world by storm in Toronto and then globally. They were experienced at Methodist camp meetings in the 1800's,the meetings of the heretical Shakers(whose leader said she was the female return of Christ) and at Parham's bible school and Azusa st. The mormons produced miracle healings and some spoke in unintelligible speech which they believed to be the gift of tongues (which they dubbed 'Adamic language). I recommend an excellent book detailing this 'global hoax' called THE TORONTO BLESSING:SLAYING IN THE SPIRIT, THE TELLING WONDER by Nader Mikhaiel written back in the '90's. It is excellent and very well researched. The chapter exposing Kenneth Hagin is a must read for anyone who has come under his wicked influence.
    Those of us who have come out of this massive deception should be thanking God daily.

  3. Thank you for your thoughts. I did briefly look on the website Christianmindfulness yesterday. It is very New Age. It is concerning that Christian leaders are so undiscerning and that many people are being led into grave error these days. As you say, it is all connected to the one world religion that is being formed at this time. I do intend researching this subject more thoroughly at a later date.

    I would also recommend a book: On Christian Mysticism: A Conservative Evangelical Perspective by Bruce MacPherson. This is the best material I have read on mysticism. Bruce was the brother of Dave MacPherson who often sent me articles to post on my blog before he went to be with the Lord. Both Dave and Bruce died within two weeks of each other and will be sadly missed.

    God bless you both.

  4. Thanks for the tip Treena. Have ordered the book. My best to you, Mike

  5. Hello again Treena, hope things are well with you, wasn't sure if you're aware but Ben fitzgerald is visiting chroma church in Leicester, just heard about this today...


    Gosh, it really is a day to day keeping eyes peeled! I just got a new box folder for my research today!!

    Blessings, Angela

  6. Thank you Angela. I will write a short post warning about this event.. Chroma Church used to be the Vineyard Church in Leicester until 2017. They seem to have left the Vineyard denomination, but their mission remains the same apparently. https://www.chroma.church/ourstory
    You would think they would have more sense than to get involved with Bethel.. but Vineyard have always had false teaching.
    God bless.
