Monday 11 February 2019


I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. (Acts 20:29-30).

Chroma Church in Leicester was formerly Leicester City Vineyard Church, an affiliate of the Vineyard movement led by apostate John Wimber from the early 1980s. Chroma Church left the Vineyard Movement in 2017 after a period of ten years. Whatever the reasons for their departure from Vineyard, sadly it was not due to doctrinal issues. Chroma Church state unequivocally that their mission remains the same. {1}

Chroma Church are deeply influenced by the present apostasy that has swept over the major Christian denominations. On the 10th of March, Chroma Church will be hosting Ben Fitzgerald at their "Finding God Event". {2}  Ben Fitzgerald was formerly a pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California. He is currently the leader of Awakening Europe and GODfest Ministries.

The main issue affecting many charismatic and Pentecostal churches is the de-emphasis of scripture in favour of the false claims of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). 

The NAR can be briefly summed up as follows:

Ecumenism is the ultimate betrayal of Jesus Christ involving the de-emphasis of doctrine for the sake of bringing all Christian denominations together under one tent. In particular the NAR aligns itself with the false system of Roman Catholicism.

Dominionism is the false assertion that God is restoring the so called "lost offices of church governance", namely the offices of Prophet and Apostle. NAR leaders de-emphasise doctrine and usurp the authority of the scriptures via claims of new revelations and greater authority than Jesus' original apostles. (Revelation 2:2). Dominion theology/Kingdom Now/Third Wave is the false assertion that focuses on believers taking literal dominion of the earth. (John 18:36). Bethel Church attempts to achieve this by their infamous Seven Mountain Mandate.

The NAR is known for its overemphasis on signs and wonders at the expense of scriptural authority. (Matthew 16:4).

Below is some information about Ben Fitzgerald from the Bethel website:

"Originally from Australia, Ben Fitzgerald was on staff at Bethel in Redding for several years when in 2014, Jesus showed him a vision at a field to take back Europe. After many confirmations, Bethel sent Ben to Germany where he and his team now live and host city wide events across the continent called Awakening Europe. These events, funded primarily by giving, serve three primary functions: to equip believers to share Jesus with no fear, to unify the church for God’s plan for their nation, and to win many new people to God through mass outreaches." {3}

Ben Fitzgerald fully supports his parents, Jen and Ken Hodges, who lead the pseudo Christian ministry Christalighnment. This supposed ministry promotes "..accurate, personal destiny reading bookings, dream interpretation, spiritual cleansing, relationship counselling or healing..", via their Destiny Reading Cards, or more accurately, Christian tarot cards, as their critics contend. {4} Christalignment is anything but biblical and is based on New Age occultism.

"Christalignment thinks it's a good idea to take and then post photos of the naked people who visit their booth for 'Destiny Card' readings"

Ben Fitzgerald promotes the bizarre practice of "Grave Sucking " aka "Grave Soaking", which in reality is necromancy. (Isaiah 8:19). Bill and Beni Johnson of Bethel Church Redding appear to have initiated this wicked practice a few years ago. The many detestable practices at Bethel go from the sublime to the ridiculous and are too numerous to mention here. Bethel claim that the “glory cloud” of God’s shekinah presence often manifests in their worship services and that the appearance angel feathers is also a regular occurrence. Bethel's obsession with false signs and wonders at the expense of the scriptures is truly astounding!

Below is a short video of Ben Fitzgerald promoting the practice of grave sucking:


  1. Hi again Treena, a well written warning and I can only hope it acts as a huge red flag for people who read it ...blessings, Angela

  2. Thank you for letting me know about this event Angela. Those who follow such a ministry must have taken leave of their senses! I pray that no-one will be sucked into this wickedness.
    God bless.

  3. Good article Treena. Ben led the NAR debacle known as Awakening Australia here in Melbourne recently. Many false teachers spoke inc Bill Johnson and Heidi Baker, who was pretty incoherent and rambled in a very unstable fashion. Shockingly , our new PM is in the NAR and spoke or prayed at the beginning of this Heresy Fest. He claims Brian Houston as a mentor and has prayed publicly at Planetshakers, where Bill Johnson is given annual meetings. I assume his political office is viewed as evidence that the 'mountain of politics' is being conquered in this nation. (I will NOT be voting for his party next election - I would rather vote for a non-conservative than a member of the NAR!)
    I believe Ben is participating in the upcoming NAR big noise with Lou Engle called THE SEND, in which the usual suspects (Johnson, Baker, Chan, White, Bickle) will be declaring and decreeing that the Mantle of Billy Graham is to descend upon the thousands in attendance. Can this global delusion get any worse? My best, Mike

  4. Thank you Mike.

    We are living in a very dangerous time. I think it must get worse before the return of the Lord. We can only hope and pray that some will come out of this nonsense and come to their senses.

    Those who deny the sufficiency of scriptures will inevitably be deceived:

    "Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).

    God bless.
