Monday 1 April 2019



  1. Very interesting and revealing videos. The income statistics were very condemning. Joshua did a good video exposing the downfall of Francis Chan not too long ago. I hope he wakes up and repents for any and all collaboration in the wicked activities which Moriel has perpetrated of late and continues to do things which are of help to deceived believers. My best, Mike

  2. Frank Rogers exposé is excellent Mike. He did a really good job.
    I share your hopes for Joshua Chavez to repent of his wicked association with Prasch.
    God bless.

  3. Yes...numbers DO speak!

    The faces that Mr Prasch pulls prior to telling those porkies is really quite something!

    These three videos were very well edited, concise, and to the point, and all not much more than 15 minutes! (how it should be done).

    How can Prasch defend himself here? I would like to hear him try!

    Some tend to think that his earlier sermons, writings, dvds, or whatever are still good, or valid, but would they stand close (or perhaps not so close) scrutiny? Bin the lot I say!
    (I am not suggesting that everything he said or taught is wrong, by any means, but given what we know now, would you want to endorse it all?).

    God bless.

  4. He has lost ALL credibility Colin. I have been through his previous material re intra-seal, and as you know, it is full of errors. Incredibly I am informed that he still has some staunch followers left! It is a case of: "Don't confuse me with the facts, I have made up my mind."
    God bless.

  5. JP has recently put a video on YouTube responding to the investigation taking place and maintaining he is the victim of false accusations. No great surprise. My best, Mike

  6. I have seen it thanks Mike.

    I did warn Marco Quintana on Messenger about Prasch some time ago when this began to erupt. Marco is a FB friend of mine. I think it is a case of "Don't confuse me with the facts.."

    God bless.

  7. Regrettably there's no clear apostolic verse in the NT that says FOLLOW THE MONEY.
    the nearest we have is our Lord's scathing indictment: Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

  8. I know very little about him Bill. He has been posting videos for about 12 months.
