Sunday 19 May 2019


New Apostolic Reformation Apostle and false teacher Todd White speaks out against Sozo and says something right for a change.

Bethel Sozo claims to be an inner healing and deliverance ministry. Bethel define Sozo as “a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” {1}



  1. Hi again Treena, I thought you might find this video interesting where Todd White joins the likes of Bill Johnson in denying Jesus deity... To me this then negates anything else he may come out with as he is preaching a false Jesus who did his miracles as a man, not as God...

    Only God knows about these teachers but at the moment he is definitely mark and avoid territory, God bless, Angela

  2. I do not acknowledge Todd White as a sound teacher Angela.. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. However this video is very interesting. It undermines Sozo and Johnson. I wonder if there is a split in the camp?
    God bless.

  3. Hmmm yes that is interesting because they all are very much thick as thieves! I guess it's a case of watch this space... God bless, Angela

  4. From what I can gather, Sozo is the Bethelized repackaging of the highly destructive inner healing/deliverance practices which have been going on in charismstic circles for decades. I was horribly affected by them when I joined this counterfeit movement in the early '80's. The revival of the Healing rooms by the heretic John G. Lake is, I think, connected to it as I believe Bill Johnson was involved with the restoration of these rooms. (Lake was a cohort of Charles Parham, the heretical father of the modern Pentecostal movement, and a scandal ensued after a person died from these men attempting to 'beat demons out of her'.
    Sozo has (justifiably) garnered a bad reputation and churches running this style of false ministry are now likely to call it something else. White is a very dangerous false teacher and is possibly attempting to appear 'discerning'. Although I believe he came forth from Bethel church, he is no doubt popular (and rich) enough in his own right not to need to please Johnson.
    Like Finney and others, Todd is on record stating that he leads a sinless life and that Christians need to 'become the Bible, not just read and preach it'. He promotes himself as an example to follow in order to lead a bold and miracle - working Christian life, so maybe this is connected to this message ie. you don't need inner healing if you imitate my walk. Sinless perfection was the original goal of the so-called post-salvation Baptism in the Holy Spirit. It produced self-deception, frustration, a redefining of sin and even cults where sexual abuse was rampant. Todd presents a smorgasbord of heresies and an ego which is nauseating beyond belief. The notorious antiChrists Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn are his mentors and I think Patricia King helped him on his road to ministry - does anything further need to be said? My best, Mike

  5. I have nothing good to say about Todd White Mike.. as far as I am concerned he is an out and out false teacher. I do hope that his departure from Bethel's Sozo teaching causes some to question the NAR. Sozo is a counterfeit "ministry" that is very harmful.
    God bless.

  6. Hi again Treena, have been reminded Che Ahn is coming to HTC on Friday... Couldn't help but notice someone associated with HTC referred to him as "Papa Che".... This reminds me have been taking notes from his "modern day apostles" book, which no doubt he'll be signing copies of on Friday!! God bless, Angela

  7. Gosh sorry Treena, it was last Friday Che Ahn was at HTC... Please ignore my last message!! God bless, Angela
