Friday 7 August 2020


If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame. (Proverbs 18:13).

Scott Pruitt NOPRETRIB is yet another willfully ignorant Praschite. His recent knee jerk reaction regarding Jacob Prasch's teaching about the Metatron lacked any research whatsoever. {1} I have provided Pruitt with unequivocal evidence that Prasch refers to the Metatron as Jesus Christ and I have asked him to correct his error. So far he has refused point blank to do so. As a result, Pruitt gives a completely false impression of what Prasch teaches in this regard. The whole object of running an apologetics ministry is TRUTH, but this fact seems to have escaped Scott Pruitt! Very sadly, Pruitt, in common with other Prasch cult followers, has morphed into a false witness (Exodus 23:1; Proverbs 14:5, 19:5). Pruitt has made all kinds of false insinuations about myself and others, and frustratingly he has not given me the right of reply on his website. As a result I am obliged to correct him here and to put the record straight.

The discussion was initiated on NOPRETRIB by Christopher S Brownwell on the 4th of August:

Pruitt then reverted to Messenger and attempted to speak to me directly after I had already refused to have a verbal conversation with him. When I refused again he messaged the following:

Finally I sent Pruitt the following email this morning:

Dear Scott
Regarding your points on messenger: 
To clarify - I have not been closely involved with any of Prasch's detractors apart from Pat and Mike who are friends of mine. I have occasionally communicated with Deborah Menelaws, but I have not found these conversations to be of any value.  When I say I have distanced myself, I mean that I no longer share tbck's videos, and also that I have ended my acquaintance with Deborah. Frank's videos are not inaccurate. There are no background noises on any of his other videos apart from the one I shared with you, and I put that down to some kind of interference rather than anything deliberate. I have found him to be very honest and he has rectified any errors he has made.
Eitan Bar and JP do not utilize the Metatron material in the same way at all.. I have previously explained all this and I see little point in repeating it again.
You have implied that I am trying to hide the fact that my issues with Prasch are historical. My intra-seal critique and other exposures of Prasch as a false teacher are well recorded and are by no means a secret! We are discussing the Metatron on this occasion, not his other various false teachings.
My unwillingness to have a phone conversation with you is not out of fear (another assumption). Written conversations have the advantage of accuracy in that I am able to refer back to them regarding the precise details of exactly what is being discussed. I do not know you, and certainly your inferences about me to my face, and also your remarks to Colin privately, are not indicative of a friendly or fair exchange. Another reason I prefer written conversations is because it gives me time to think about my responses to what is being discussed. I have had too many meetings with false teachers and others who have attempted to back foot me. I believe that it is a wise decision not give anyone else that opportunity. 
I have posted two comments on your website which you have chosen not to approve. I have provided unequivocal evidence of what Prasch teaches about the Metatron and you have not given me the right of reply. 
I suggest that you drop all these side issues and insinuations and concentrate your attention to the main point.  You have misrepresented Prasch's teaching on the Metatron on your website and this needs to be corrected. 
If you do not do this then I will do so. 

The evidence I sent to Pruitt was Frank Rogers video below, and also an excerpt from Moriel's 2007 article in Afrikaans translated into English which is unequivocal in identifying the Metatron as Jesus. This is not an Acts 17:22-23 apologetic to an "unknown god" as Prasch has recently claimed, rather it is a devious attempt to substitute Jesus Christ with a named mythical Jewish figure. (Titus 1:14). Pruitt has point blank refused to post this evidence on his website.

There is further evidence available if Pruitt would care to do his own research. Below: September 2009 * Moriel Quarterly 15. Prasch states: "Jacob wrestled with the Metatron, God in a human form."

Prasch's ancestry is yet another point of contention for Pruitt. Once again I advise him to do his own research since he obviously does not trust the evidence brought by others.


  1. Let me say at the beginning that this is based on my memory.
    As I’ve said before, I came across JP at least 30 years ago at Richmond Messianic Felliwship. After one talk, he asked if he could give another one Dolly for the purpose of taping it. Of course everyone said yes. So he gave what I assume was his first taped talk about the Metatron. I might even have it somewhere in the loft... I don’t remember the detail, but I remember his conclusion that since the Jews believe in the Metatron they believe in Yeshua. We were all very impressed, and I suspect the tape includes the round of applause we gave him afterwards. If you like, I’ll see if I have that particular tape - I know I have some of his tapes from that era.
    And again, as I’ve said before, why his continuing obsession with the Metatron? I can’t find that being preached in the New Testament. Whatever happened to ‘The Messiah only?’

  2. If you could try to locate the tape John I would be very grateful for your help. It is a totally heretical teaching.
    God bless.

    1. Hi Treena
      Sorry - I’ve explored the dark recesses if the attic without success. Perhaps at some time in the past I had the sense to get rid of his tapes. If they ever turn up I will certainly let you know.
      Many blessings

    2. OK John thank you for looking anyway.
      God bless.

  3. Dear Treena,
    Scott Pruitt certainly KNOWS from his own study of God's Word that the pre-tribulation rapture is not grounded in the Scriptures; we are 100% in perfect agreement with him on this.
    I think (not that I have voted for any political party in the last twenty or so years) that the "single issue" political parties that have sprung up over the years have much in common with Scott Pruitt's "No Pre Trib .Com"; primarily, they are focused on ONE single issue, this much is obvious, hence the name of his website. Invariably, as we all know, we can't separate the Lord's Second Coming from His written word; the Scriptures teach that the despised and crucified One WILL return. Nevertheless, ALL the teachings of God in Christ cannot be separated from Him; He is NO "one trick pony"; to put it another way-the full counsel of God must be preached (Acts 20:27) as the inspired apostle declares.
    To hear Prasch say that the "Metatron is Jesus Christ" is MOST terribly disturbing to say the very least, but also hardly surprising, with all his multitudinous other issues thrown into the mix.

    It is tragic that Scott Pruitt is blinded by Prasch's toxic theology, we can but pray for him.

    As B.W. Newton said (a writer whom you have quoted much from) "it is a great sin to speak lightly of the Reformation."

    It seems to me that Scott Pruitt would rather the Reformation never happened and that we were forever shackled by the popes!

  4. Pruitt has formed his own pre-conceived ideas and he is unwilling to take the trouble to look at the evidence Colin. It is pointless arguing with such a person. Very disappointing.
    God bless.

  5. Further to what has been said, if I may add; isn't it somewhat ironic that Scott in his very own words strongly infers that he has been greatly blessed and influenced by the late Dave Hunt: Scott calls him a "true Berean" despite the veritable fact that Hunt was an ardent pre-tribulationist - yet his website is totally contrary to Hunt's teaching on the Lord's Second Coming!
    God bless.

  6. The fact that Dave Hunt was an ardent pre-tribulationist is antithetical to the Berean mindset Colin. I have heard him debate the subject - he seemed genuinely incapable of grasping the mountain of evidence against the pre-trib rapture. For all his sound teaching in many other areas, Hunt's pre-trib belief was very puzzling indeed. They tell me that the timing of the rapture should not be a point of separation between believers. However, it is unacceptable that many pre-trib teachers tend to shove their views down one's throat. Hunt is hardly an inspiration for someone like Pruitt.
    God bless.
