Thursday 26 August 2021


(33) AFGHANISTAN IN PROPHECY: The Taliban, Biblical Prophecy, and the Great Harvest - YouTub

The recent concerning events in Afghanistan have prompted Joel Richardson to give a heads up to charismania, and in particular false prophet Paul Cain. This shouldn't surprise anyone since he regularly appears with various false teachers on CNN and TBN, many of whom are ecumenical and apostate.

In common with many believers, Richardson admits that he has been "burnt" over the years by charismania. As such you would think that he would have learned his lesson. Richardson is very good at doublespeak. Whilst avoiding any discussion about the false teachings and immoral lifestyle of Paul Cain (1929-2019), Richardson openly endorses this arch deceivers so called "prophetic ministry". Joel Richardson on the subject of Paul Cain's history as a drunkard, a homosexual, a false teacher and a liar: "I don't know, I don't track with it and I don't care.. it is none of my business."  As a Christian teacher and broadcaster, it is Richardson's responsibility to make it his business!  Teachers have a tremendous responsibility to protect the body of Christ from false teachers. (1 Peter 5:2-12).  

Like Richardson. I also believe that the Lord speaks today. However I absolutely reject the claims of neo-charismatic/Pentecostal NAR "apostles and prophets". I have no hesitation in marking them out as dangerous deceivers who are a blight on the Body of Christ. (2 Peter 2:13).

The false teachings and predictions of neo-charismatic "prophets" such as Rick Joyner, Benny Hinn, Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, Paul Cain, Todd Bentley etc. have been thoroughly documented and exposed. I will not repeat the shameful antics of these wolves here. (See further links). After all the evidence of their lies and deception we should not consider or weigh anything they have to say! The scriptures teach unequivocally that we must mark and avoid such people: I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. (Romans 16:17).

Paul Cain was not a genuine prophet of God. 

Despite the real and present danger of leading believers into the devastating errors of charismania, in true hireling style, Richardson proceeds to relate a "prophecy" made by Paul Cain in June 1988. (John 10:13).

Richardson: "Paul did move in a profound anointing for words of knowledge and prophecy during his lifetime. In fact he actually shared a few prophetic words with me personally. They were things that no man in the world could know.. in a gathering of tens of thousands of people, he calls me out by name, calls out my wife's name, speaks specifically to the prayers that I was praying on the way there and the week before etc. etc. There were seasons during his ministry where he moved in a very legitimate word of knowledge and also prophecy. I believe he had a genuine gift."

Please forgive my skepticism if you are a follower of Joel Richardson, but we have seen this kind of thing before. Richardson's story reminded me of the Peter Popoff scams. Popoff revealed personal information about individuals during revival meetings, supposedly conveyed to him by God. Actually the information relayed to him by his wife by way of a hidden radio transmitter. {1} Another example is cold-reading false prophet Shawn "Smart Phone" Bolz. {2} Who knows where these "prophets" obtain their information and what they get up to! They think nothing of employing Popoff style scams or making things up out of their own imagination. (Ezekiel 13:17). In some instances false prophets have a connection with unclean spirits, and it is my view that Paul Cain fell into this category. Like any diviner or spiritualist, information gained from this source can be unnervingly accurate. (Acts 16:16). In Paul Cain's case, there appears to have been a definite demonic connection. According to David Pytches: “Paul's mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother had all been born with the gift of 'seeing.' His great-grandmother would sometimes see things in broad daylight and ask her friends or family if they could see them too. If they said they could not, she would occasionally lay her hand upon them and they would immediately see the identical vision. …Cain inherited this gift passed on from generations believing it is from the Lord where 'He could see when a person was going to be healed and live and also knew when someone was going to die.' (David Pytches in Some Said it Thundered Some Said it Thundered p.24-25)." {3}

Richardson goes on to endorse Paul Cain's 1988 "three part prophecy" beginning with the 1988 Bush/Quayle presidential election.  

1. “George Bush is not fishing, he is hunting for quail right now. But quail will be behind the bush..”

On the 16th of August 1988 George HW Bush selected little-known 41-year-old Senator Dan Quayle as his running mate.

2. "Within one year after George H Bush is in office I am going to deal a death blow.. I am going to knock the wind out of communism.' 

3. 'I am going to raise up the residue or the remnants of communism and it is going to marry/join/mix with the spirit of Islam.. Together this will form an empire that will be led by the Antichrist. It will have tremendous power in Europe, but the church in Europe, particularly in London and Berlin will rise up and stand against this thing and do great exploits."

Richardson freely admits that scripture does not seem to point to a coalition between Communism and Islam, and he affirms that they have no ideological connection. Nevertheless, having set the scene, in typical Richardson double speak, he essentially props up his own theories with Cain's prophecy and a further "prophecy" from a unspecified Pentecostal minister: "The events in Afghanistan probably is the beginning of this marriage in the spirit between communism and radical Islam."    

It is true that both both China and Russia are seeking to befriend the Taliban at the present time, and they may well form a coalition. However, we need to be very cautious about how end time prophecy will play out. Anyone giving credit to someone of Paul Cain's dubious reputation is very foolish. Where the scriptures are silent, we should be silent. Even if Paul Cain's information is correct, we know that Satan is a liar and cannot ultimately be trusted. (John 8:44).

Richardson continues and quotes an unnamed Pentecostal minister who had a dream that seemingly confirms the third part of Paul Cain's prophecy. (25:00 mark)

"He shared a dream where he saw a wheat field.. at night.. Above the wheat field was a crescent red moon with a star above it, and it was red. It was a bright crescent red moon with a star, and then it went down, and then he saw the harvest taking place, and then as it rose back up, this bright red crescent with the star, the harvest continued. looked like the former soviet red flag with the hammer and sickle.. and also resembles the Chinese flag and then of course the Turkish flag which is red with the white crescent moon and star with five points. In his dream the star actually had six points. His impression, what the crescent represented was a merger between Islam and communism. It dovetailed with the word that was shared by Paul Cain in the 80's.."

I will not comment on an anonymous "prophecy" or a "prophet" that Richardson refuses to name. Why hasn't this "prophet" gone public if his dream is truly from the Lord? 

Scripture always trumps prophecy!

If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, ‘Let us go after other gods,’ which you have not known, ‘and let us serve them,’ you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams. For the LORD your God is testing you, to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 13:1-3).

Paul Cain endorsed false teacher Joseph Prince in 1992. {4} He also endorsed and transferred his "anointing" to Todd Bentley. {5} Paul Cain also claimed to have had a dream in which he saw God put His Spirit upon President Clinton and change him into another man in an identical manner to King Saul in 1 Samuel 10. {6} 

Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers. (1 Timothy 4:16).

Paul Cain and his protégé Todd Bentley are both doctrinally and morally bankrupt ~ they have neither sound morals or sound teaching! These charlatans have absolutely nothing to offer that any true Christian would benefit from, on the contrary. 

Joel Richardson's concerns for the Christians in Afghanistan might be more convincing if sound doctrine and the spiritual wellbeing of the Body of Christ was on his agenda! 

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1).

1 comment:

  1. Paul Cain Accused of Faking Words of Knowledge by J. Lee Grady
