Saturday 5 November 2022


Pastor Benny Hinn’s 70th Birthday Celebration - Benny Hinn Ministries

Benny's "exclusive" 70th birthday bash at the Ritz-Carlton in Dallas to celebrate 70 years of apostasy. 

As you might expect, it doesn't come cheap.

"The unforgettable evening of glittering ambiance will be filled with special guest appearances (including surprise guests), praise and worship, and a lifetime of memories."

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. (2 Peter 2:1-3).


  1. What a party and a non-reason to celebrate! I wonder if one of the "surprise guests" will be a "physical appearance of Jesus" on the platform, as he once infamously predicted (great link to your detailed list of his heresies and false prophecies)
    Like the Pharisees, one can fork out big sums of money to sit in the "chief seats" at this feast. If it was the only way to avoid it, I would pay $2500 to be elsewhere!
    My best to you Treena, Mike

  2. It's about as bad as Joyce Meyers' recent tattoos Mike. I have managed to hold back on that story. These false teachers are disgusting. God bless.

  3. Yes. I noticed the reports on Joyce's hip tattoos. When my mother and grandmothers were 79, that would have been the LAST thought on their minds as something worthwhile to do. Joyce has had more plastic surgery than Mae West and Marlene Dietrich combined. Sad and pathetic. Plus she told a very crude joke when a guest preacher at Steven Furtick's Elevation "church". I wasn't elevated! Can't believe I once took her seriously.
    I will add a comment soon to your Faith on Fire article. I have noticed what I think are charismatic/liberal evangelical errors on his videos and Justin Peters has made a response video which I am reluctant to hear. The errors he will expose will probably devalue the valid criticisms made on FOF. Calvinists have an answer for everything, though it's worth noting thst Peters has yet to respond to your criticisms.
    I agree with 90% of the material by Dr Scott Johnson of i am sending him support. He is another refugee from charismania. It seems extremely hard to rescue the friends I am srill in touch with who are in this cult. Scott describes its adherents as "the most deluded in Christendom" and I agree. I thank Christ daily for deliverance from it and also for showing me that Calvinism is yet another cult. My best to you, Mike
    P. S. Sad to hear Mike Winger state those at Bethel, Redding are his brothers and sisters in Christ. The few who are saved and deceived, yes, but that would not be the majority nor the leadership imo.

  4. I also used to support Joyce Mike. I used to listen to her every morning!
    I watched Justin Peters' response to Brian (Faith on Fire) last night and he made some valid points. Brian seems to have ruined his own credibility. His over-hasty reaction regarding Susan Heck has been counter-productive to put it mildly.
    I am certainly not an apologist for Justin Peters but we do need to expose GENUINE error rather than taking senseless potshots at him and other Calvinists.
    I think Mike Winger tries to be a bit too gracious to others at times. On that occasion he was unwise and I hope he will correct his error.
    God bless

  5. Thank you so much for the information that you share! May God bless you always in Christ Jesus 🙂
