Sunday 27 November 2022


(16) One Church Together LIVESTREAM - VISION SUNDAY | 13th November 2022, 11.30am - YouTube

The leadership of One Church Leicester (formerly Trinity Life Church) spent over two hours relentlessly touting for money during their recent Vision Sunday eventNew Apostolic Reformation false prophet Simon Braker was in attendance declaring "a new mantle" upon One Church, namely "the mantle of generosity". The prosperity gospel was not far behind. Braker: ".. in the spiritual atmosphere I keep seeing this word written over everyone 'generosity, generosity, generosity', and there is a new mantle coming on this church today.. and the Lord says to you, don't expect delay in heaven's response, because as soon as you act, heaven acts straight away, so expect the immediate and the suddenlies in your finances, in your family, in your prayers, everything you are believing for."  (37:20 mark) This is spiritual manipulation on steroids! Disturbingly David Hind was rocking to and fro during Braker's alleged word from the Lord. I really do feel sorry for those who have been taken in by these so-called "apostles and prophets". Those people who endured over two solid hours of intense pressure on the 13th of November almost certainly felt compelled to give. (2 Corinthians 9:7). I believe that berating people for over two hours with false promises of recompense "from heaven" probably falls within the guidelines of "misleading or excessive requests for donations". {1} 

Brian Niblock, the previous pastor of Trinity Life Church, did exactly the same thing when I attended some years ago. It was suggested by Niblock that we even donate our jewellery in order to contribute to the expansion of the modest church building in Highfields. I was a newish Christian at that time and I did put jewellery into the offering. This is something I now deeply regret, not just because I lost my jewellery, but because such a suggestion should never have been made to impressionable believers. The improvements and expansions became more and more ambitious, eventually resulting in a white elephant; a state-of-the-art building that is no longer required in an area of chronic poverty. All the sacrifices made by believers went into the TLC money pit and the incessant appeals for money became increasingly wearisome. The crunch came for me when David Hind became the pastor of TLC. At that time the Lord made it very clear to me that TLC was no biblical church.

I regard the building at Frog Island as a very dark place spiritually. It was previously All Nations Church Leicester (ANCL). This "church" was responsible for heavily promoting the so-called "Toronto blessing" and Todd Bentley's Lakeland deception in Leicester. ANCL's failure and subsequent merger with TLC is the catastrophic result.

What is evidenced within the Pentecostal/Charismatic NAR movent is their very low view of the scriptures. They insert their own interpretations rather than relying on sound principles of biblical exegesis to guide them. This results in many false doctrines and practices such as the false prosperity gospel, Word-Faith theology, over-emphasis on money and buildings, distorted authority models, the ordination of women pastors and many other things. We see all this being manifested at One Church at such a time as this when globalism is ramping up and perilous times are almost upon us.

In my last post about One Church in May 2022, I noted various prophecies read aloud by Hind concerning the false hope of imminent revival. Six months later these so-called prophecies have not been fulfilled. 

Hind: "He has an amazing plan for One Church. We believe we are about to grow, plant out, see hundreds of people finding Jesus, being baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. We are expectant of a move of God and a fresh demonstration of His healing power."  {1} 

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men. (2 Timothy 3:1-8).

1. Make a complaint | Fundraising Regulator


  1. Good, insightful article Treena.
    Sorry to hear about your jewellery. I sacrificed inheritance money which would have purchased me a home in order to "obey God" and study under Hagin in Tulsa. I was sincere , but sincerely misled.
    Great to be out of charismania. So many blinded by it, hearing the same garbage we once fell for. My best to you, Mike

  2. Like you Mike I am glad to be out of charismania. Important lessons have been learned and I thank God that my eyes have been opened. I have recovered from many of the issues I struggled with prior to leaving charismania! I really do pity those who have come under the false authority of false NAR "apostles and prophets". I hope and pray that the Fundraising Regulator will act against these deceivers. They are a dangerous cult. God bless.
