Sunday 15 September 2024


John Haller - Big Moves in Globalist Takeover! (

On the above link, Tony K on A Minute to Midnite (New Zealand) is joined by John Haller (Fellowship Bible Chapel Sunbury OH) who is well known for his lengthy "prophecy updates" and insights into current events. 

My views on various "prophecy experts" are not positive due to their misapplication of the scriptures and speculations. Haller often partners with false pre-trib rapture teachers, although he is not a pre-trib teacher himself. This post concerns Haller's evaluation of the global power structure based on recent current events. 

Haller: "Things have changed in the UK the power structure has changed dramatically. I think they had elections in Australia." Actually, Australia's last election was in 2022. "There's talk they may be going to elections in Canada". Haller's speculation is based on a survey conducted by Nanos Research. The 45th Canadian federal election will take place on or before October 20, 2025.

CTV News: "Nearly one in two Canadians would prefer the next federal election take place before 2025, according to a recent survey conducted by Nanos Research.
When it comes to their preference for the timing of the next national vote, 46 percent of survey respondents indicated they either wanted the next election to happen as soon as possible, or in 2024.
Canadians aren't scheduled to go back to the polls until October 2025, and the Liberals and NDP continue to maintain a supply-and-confidence agreement that is poised to keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in power amid the minority Parliament, until June 2025."2 

Haller: "..elections in Germany France and so the world is in a good bit of turmoil right now over these elections. There seems to be a template that some of the elites have put in place to cause this election chaos.."  Federal Elections were held in Germany on 26 September 2021. Wikipedia: "The next election must take place on a Sunday between 31 August 2025 and 26 October 2025, with 28 September being scheduled.."3 Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in France on 11 April 2027. 

These are the normal cycle of elections held in various countries every four years (five years in France). There is no global upheaval causing elections to be held out of sync. Changes inevitably occur in a democracy, and we should carefully evaluate whether these changes are definitive signs of the impending 70th week of Daniel. 

Haller: " probably are aware of the protest against Islamic immigrants in the UK. The government there (it's a leftwing government) has decided that it's racist to protest against immigrants.. In the UK, understand that these people are going to prison in a matter of days maybe a week or two from when the alleged offense occurred. Criminal trials never proceed that quickly unless there's a very huge agenda and it appears that this is part of a very huge censorship agenda yeah it's creating enough pressure in the UK that prisons are now overcrowded it so now what they're doing is they're putting in (prison) people who are protesting by posting on social media, not attacking anyone and they're letting loose hardened criminals doing crime who've been charged with crimes of assault battery and rape and even then the prisons are still too crowded so now the UK is entering into agreements one is particularly Estonia which has I guess open in its prison that they will take the prisoners from the UK so somebody posts on social media they're arrested press pressured into uh pleading guilty or they're tried and found guilty they're sentenced to years in prison now they're going to be serving time for a British crime in a prison in Estonia in the Baltic states and and and I guess the question is Tony is what
does that do to their family structure what does that do to their finances and the answer is it will destroy their family it will destroy their finances their life is effectively over as a functioning member of civil society the thing that's so troubling.."

Haller is right, people in the UK have been arrested for posting on social media during the riots this summer, but he has misrepresented the malevolent content of the posts. The offending posts were not simply protests against immigration, they incited acts of lawlessness. Examples include derogatory memes about migrants, stirring up racial hatred, and encouraging violent disorder. The BBC has published a list of those arrested and the prison terms they were given. It is certainly not the case that these offenders will be shipped off to Estonia for years and forgotten about, or that their lives as functioning members of civil society will be over as Haller suggests. The average prison sentence length was two years for the two hundred people charged to date.1 

BBC: "More than a dozen people were jailed on Friday for their part in the unrest sparked by the killing of three children in Southport last month. Among them were Tyler Kay, 26, and Jordan Parlour, 28, who were sentenced to 38 months and 20 months in prison respectively for stirring up racial hatred on social media.. In all, 118 people have now been jailed for their involvement in some of the worst unrest the UK has seen in over a decade.. (Tyler) Kay was convicted after he used social media to call for hotels housing asylum seekers to be set alight." 

LBC: Jordan Parlour, 28, of Seacroft, plead guilty to publishing written material 'intended to stir racial hatred' when he urged rioters to target the Britannia Hotel - a location used to house asylum seekers.. Appearing at Leeds Crown Court on Friday, the judge handed down a sentence of 20 months in prison for the social media comments."4  

BBC: "Suspended Labour councilor Ricky Jones has appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court charged with encouraging violent disorder after comments he made at a counter protest in London.
Videos appeared online which seem to show Jones, 57, telling a crowd in Walthamstow that far-right demonstrators should have their throats cut.
Deputy Senior District Judge Tan Ikram said: 'It is alleged that using a microphone you addressed a crowd at an anti-fascist protest and, talking about others you described as 'disgusting Nazi fascists', you said 'we need to cut their throats and get rid of them'.'
No indication of plea was given. Jones was remanded in custody until a pre-trial preparation hearing on 6 September.

I am no fan of Keir Starmer, but really, what are the government expected to do in this situation? Perhaps Haller has a better suggestion?   

Haller: " they're going to be serving time for a British crime in a prison in Estonia in the Baltic states"  The transfer of British prisoners to a prison in Estonia is not a definite plan.. It is an idea! 

Sky News: "The Ministry of Justice says it is 'considering all viable options' to increase capacity on the prison estate, as the latest statistics show there are only about 1,000 places available.. Having offenders serve out their sentence in the Baltic state is one of many options on the table to address overcrowding on the prison estate - with the latest government figures showing there are only 1,098 free spaces in prisons across England and Wales.6 

There is criticism in the UK about hardened criminals being released, but as far as I can tell, that is the only correct thing Haller said during the entire program. This piece of fiction makes me wonder how much of Haller's Israel rhetoric is true?

We know biblically that things will get worse and worse and will culminate with the arrival of the Antichrist. While there are concerning events happening globally, those interested in bible prophecy should be careful not to engage in newspaper exegesis. Those who claim to be "prophecy experts" touting their distorted opinions online are not doing anyone any favours by fearmongering. The Bible distinctly says that Israel is God's timepiece. Discerning believers will be in no doubt when we have entered the 70th week! The "prophecy experts" would do better to read their bibles. 

Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.
When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.
When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a black horse! And its rider had a pair of scales in his hand. And I heard what seemed to be a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine!”
When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth. (Revelation 6:1-8).

1. Who are the rioters and what jail sentences have they received? - BBC News
2. More Canadians want next federal election in 2024 than 2025: Nanos | CTV News
3. 2025 German federal election - Wikipedia
4. First armchair rioter jailed for 20 months over online posts 'inciting racial hatred' - LBC
5. Riots and disorder in the UK: First jail terms handed down for social media posts during unrest - BBC News
6. Prison population hits record high - as Estonia offers to take convicts | Politics News | Sky News

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