Monday 24 June 2019


An unidentified 17-year old Scottish student was thrown out of a social education lesson by his teacher recently for voicing his opinion that there are only two genders. The student has now been suspended from his secondary school in Aberdeenshire for three weeks. The teenager claims that he spoke out in protest at the "dangerous" views being forced onto pupils.

The young man was ordered to leave his classroom after arguing that only two genders exist – male and female – a position that his teacher claimed was "against policy" and "not inclusive". A secretly filmed video clip of him being reprimanded by his teacher has gone viral on YouTube.

The definition of an "inclusive school" apparently means that only one opinion is “acceptable in the school”.

"British Christians who believe in (and dare to articulate) the natural order of ‘male and female’ are going to have a tough time over the coming years. Oppression may begin with a student being excluded from class; it will soon progress to an official state orthodoxy and mandatory compliance on pain of dismissal from one’s job, or summary arrest and trial for transgressing the laws of ‘hate’. Who would have thought that the matter of male and female, the nature of marriage, and the truth about the human person would become the foundation of Christian persecution?

Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man when they were created. (Genesis 5:2 cf. Matthew 19:4). 


  1. Welcome to the stark, cold harsh reality of the new-age; the new non-binary age! Free speech? Mark my words-all your social media-led by FB will cull anything 'untoward', and you may get a knock on the door by HM Police-for they have NOTHING better to do with their time. "Policy", remember?

    We now live in a 'progressive' new age where the masses are conditioned to believe that the old truth of "He which made them at the beginning made them male and female." (Matt.19:4) no longer applies.
    The LGBT Juggernaut takes NO prisoners-greatly blessed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II; for she gave the "Royal Assent" to all this wickedness by giving her royal seal of approval to same-sex marriage back in 2014 when the floodgates of hell really started to swell!

    How bad things must have been in "the days of Noah."? We haven't seen the worst yet!

    I take absolutely no delight in this wickedness, I really CAN assure you, but it DOES confirm the veracity of my Bible-Antichrist must come first, then he will be destroyed by the brightness of Christ's Coming; 2 Thess. 2:8.

    God bless.

  2. The comments on this YouTube video speak volumes Colin.
    God bless.

  3. God created man and woman ... nothing in between.
