Monday 24 June 2019


Marco Quintana of Devore Truth takes a faulty shot at defining Adoptionism.

Marco Quintana: "Some people try to say again, the Sonship, Adoptionism - that Jesus just became the Son at his birth, or Jesus became the Son at the incarnation, or Jesus became the Son at baptismal. Baptismal Sonship Incarnational Sonship, same error. Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He has always been with the Father, He has revealed to us the Father.. Jesus is not the Son of God only at the incarnation .. Jesus is the eternal Son of God.." (from 23:00)

We cannot reasonably slap the label "adoptionist" onto those who believe in the eternal pre-existence of Jesus Christ as the Word before the incarnation. (John 1:1,14). The Temporal Sonship/Incarnational Sonship view is based on the premise that the Eternal Word became the Son of God at His birth.

Marco Quintana has ventured into something of a grey area that has been debated by Christians since the early church. Adoptionism is the heretical doctrine that before his "adoption" Jesus was a mere man. The adoptionist heresy was re-hatched by Elipandus, Archbishop of Toledo, in Spain late in the eighth century and Felix, bishop of Urgel (Seo de Urgel). They asserted that at the time of his birth Jesus was purely human and only became the divine Son of God by adoption when he was baptized. Spanish advocates predicated the term adoptivus of Christ only in respect to his humanity; once the divine Son "emptied himself" of divinity and "took the form of a servant" (Philippians 2:7), Christ's human nature was "adopted" as divine. Problematically, Elipando's assertion appears to suggest that Christ's human nature existed separately from His divine personhood. In the twelfth century, Peter Abelard, in France, taught another variation of the heresy ~ Neo-adoptionism. {1}

The case against eternal Sonship by Walter Martin:

(a) “The doctrine of ‘eternal generation’ or the eternal Sonship of Christ which springs from the Roman Catholic doctrine first conceived by Origen in A.D. 230, is a theory which opened the door theologically to the Arian and Sabellian heresies which today still plague the Christian Church in the realms of Christology.

(b) The Scripture nowhere calls Jesus Christ the eternal Son of God, and He is never called Son at all prior to the incarnation, except in prophetic passages in the Old Testament.

(c) The term ‘Son’ itself is a functional term, as is the term ‘Father’ and has no meaning apart from time. The term ‘Father’ incidentally never carries the descriptive adjective ‘eternal’ in Scripture; as a matter of fact, only the Spirit is called eternal (‘the eternal Spirit’—Hebrews 9:14), emphasizing the fact that the words Father and Son are purely functional as previously stated.

(d) Many heresies have seized upon the confusion created by the illogical ‘eternal Sonship’ or ‘eternal generation’ theory of Roman Catholic theology, unfortunately carried over to some aspects of Protestant theology.

(e) Finally, there cannot be any such thing as eternal Sonship, for there is a logical contradiction of terminology due to the fact that the word ‘Son’ predicates time and the involvement of creativity. Christ, the Scripture tells us as the Logos, is timeless, ‘. . . the Word was in the beginning’ not the Son!” (p. 103 My page reference is to the fifteenth printing, January 1974 edition. The same material can be found in the current edition (October 2003) on page 139.)

The case for eternal Sonship by D.A. Carson:

“It is not that this eternal Word became the Son by means of the incarnation, so that it is appropriate to speak of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit only after the incarnation, whereas before the incarnation it would be more appropriate to speak of the Father, the Word, and the Sprit. No, for as we have seen in Hebrews, the Son is the one by whom God made the universe. In John 3:17, we are told, ‘God did not send his Son into the word to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.’ It is fanciful to suppose this means that God sent into the world someone who became the Son after he arrived. ‘The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. . . . He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. . . . For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him’; indeed, ‘all things have been created through him and for him’ (Col. 1:15-19), making him not only God’s agent in creation but creation’s master and goal. In these and numerous other passages (e.g., Matt. 11:27; Luke 10:22; John 14:9; 17:1-8; 1 John 5:20), Jesus is not the Son of God by virtue of being the ultimate Israel, nor is he the Son of God by virtue of being the Messiah, the ultimate Davidic king, nor is he the Son of God by virtue of being a perfect human being. Rather, he is the Son of God from eternity, simultaneously distinguishable from his heavenly Father yet one with him, the perfect Revealer of the living God.” {2} 

Augustine of Hippo vigorously advocated the theory of Eternal Sonship. Augustine's view gradually met universal acceptance in the West and the doctrine was subsequently incorporated into the Nicene Creed in 325 AD. 

Eternal existence as against eternal generation does have some scriptures in its favour.

The angel Gabriel said of Mary's miraculously conceived ch
ild: He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David.. (Luke 1:32, 35).

For to which of the angels did God ever say, “You are my Son, today I have begotten you”? Or again, “I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son”? (Hebrews 1:5). Begotten is suggestive of a beginning. Clearly Jesus Christ has no beginning and is not a created being like the angels.

I do not label anyone a heretic who questions the doctrine of eternal generation in favour of eternal existence. The scriptures are not conclusive either way and it would be a mistake to rely on the arguments of dubious individuals like Origen and Augustine. (1 Thessalonians 5:21).

Anton Bosch was targeted by Jacob Prasch for this alleged error.

Anton Bosch's Statement of Faith below does not deny the eternal pre-existence of Jesus Christ:

We Believe:
• That there is but one God, a personal conscious Being, Creator of all things seen and unseen, eternal (without beginning or end) as three distinct Persons: the Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost.
• That the Word became flesh, and was born of the virgin Mary, He is the only begotten Son of God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Who lived a sinless life, was crucified, died, and rose again. We hold that Jesus will return soon to establish His kingdom.

Anton Bosch: "I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is eternal (co-eternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit). He is without beginning and end. 'Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.' (John 8:58) I reject the idea that Jesus was 'begotten', was 'generated' or 'came forth' in eternity past since it diminishes the fact of his eternality and therefore His deity and is born out of Arianism." {4}

Anton Bosch: "Just to be clear, the majority today seem to prefer the eternal sonship view (that Jesus always was the Son and the Father always was the Father). I hold to "Incarnational Sonship" (He only became the Son at Bethlehem). Neither view denies His deity nor His eternal co-existence with the Father and Spirit and is not even remotely a basis for division. (video 10/20/18 afternoon)" {5}

Marco Quintana's video is, in my view, a veiled attack on Prasch's previous victims, Amir Tsarfati being the latest - for an error that he corrected two years ago. {6} I do not endorse the ministry of Amir Tsarfati, mainly due to his pre-tribulation rapture position and his questionable associations. However, I do believe he has been targeted unfairly on this occasion.

There are those who would cause unnecessary divisions within the Body of Christ, albeit under the pretext of upholding "truth". Prasch and his little band of accusers are very quick to label anyone "heretic" on a mere whim, with the covert intention of slandering them. (2 Timothy 3:3; Jude 1:19; Revelation 12:10). Marco Quintana's argument might have been delivered by Prasch himself, it has his fingerprints all over it.


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  1. JP is tediously and sinfully consistent in targeting people for what appears to me to be purely for the sake of flexing his "discernment muscles" to draw attention to himself and bully others. I saw the videos about Amir. Surely it is clutching at straws to send out an alarmist video over a mistake made two years ago which was rectified swiftly at the time.
    There obviously needs to be a new term created for Discernment Ministry Cyber Bullying, or will DMCB-syndrome do? The issue of eternal sonship vs incarnational sonship is not, as you say Treena, cause for correction and division. I have shifted in my personal viewpoint in recent years, but it was hardly a doctrinal crisis in my walk with Christ. It took time for the twelve to grasp His deity and the plurality in the godhead due to their Jewish understandings of God and who the Messiah would be. The writings of John as the church era advanced reflect a growth in the understanding of many doctrines only hinted at earlier.
    JP just needs to stop ranting and railing over non-issues and go away. This indicates that his valid exposing of false teachers was more about self-promotion and egomania than compassion for the deceived in the body of Christ. Joshua Chavez appears to be a willing partner in crime and has now lost any credibility he once had in my eyes. Vultures of a feather flock together.... Good article.

  2. DMCB-syndrome fits Prasch very well Mike.. and yes Chavez also has a bad case of it!
    Someone recently said to me: "I finally realised that Prasch isn't just somebody who lost his way, but is a real servant of the enemy in the way he has brought division and tried to destroy legitimate ministries such as the prayer base of an entire nation (Dave Borlase the IFB) and the likes."
    God bless.

  3. I am not sure what video Mike is referring to, but I did read an article on Prasch's site regarding Tsarfati and his 'heresy', well, he is in good company-Dr John Gill believed the very same! As for myself, I don't believe Michael is Christ, for I don't think he would have said "the Lord rebuke thee", though this of itself is not conclusive.

    To explain the glorious doctrine of the Trinity would be like trying to explain HOW God in Christ, through His Holy Spirit created the heavens and the earth!!! It is an article of faith, the believer can see the Trinity in Scripture; though the word isn't in the Bible, the doctrine is.

    Prasch moves like a wily serpent-he names you as "Trinna Gisborne", I wonder why? perhaps, because anyone searching for that name won't find your site?
    God bless.

  4. I do not believe that Michael is Christ either Colin. Apparently Amir Tsarfati did refer to some commentaries prior to making the remark. However, he quickly corrected the error two years ago. His explanation can be found on: from about 25:00 minutes. I will add the link to the end of the post.

    I agree - Prasch's deliberate mistake of "Trinna Gisborne" is a pathetic attempt at obstruction. 2 Timothy 3:8-9).

    God bless.

  5. Marco is a paid employee of Moriel.
    He quit his factory job to go full time with Moriel.
    So he is going to do Jacob and David Listers bidding.
    I have watched some of Marco's preaching and I think he is very weak so nothing surprises me.

  6. PS Jacob is dyslexic so his spelling is really bad and he has to have all his post ran by someone with knowledge of grammar and spelling.

  7. Prasch demands absolute submission from his shills Anonymous.. anything less than 100% compliance and they quickly become his enemy.

    God bless.

  8. Well, the sycophantic slave labouerers did not seemingly correct JP's spelling of your name. I agree it was intentional.
    Colin, I saw Prasch's "hatchet job" video on Amir, then Amir's response video and then the critique by tbckawaii which Treena briefly posted, though I found it before it was put on this site. My best, Mike

  9. Treena,
    I don't know whether Prasch is dyslexic or no, but this is absolutely NO excuse for his manifold errors, as he has LONG been surrounded by his Moriel ministry team, writing books, articles, sermons, etc. His spelling is very good when it suits him!

    Clearly the man is deficient in many areas, and the spelling 'mistake' of your name is, well, "beyond the pale"! Christians, especially those in ministry should "walk honestly" Romans 13:13, 1 Thessalonians 4:12. To serve God acceptably, a disciple must be of "honest report." Acts 6:3. "A bishop then must be blameless...of good behaviour." 1 Timothy 3:2, a great many more similar Scriptures on this theme could be adduced.

    Prasch/Moriel has set himself up as a teacher of God's Word, and such an one should ALWAYS operate in the light not in darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:5). To misspell your name is an atrocious act (we know the reasons for it). Some weeks back on your blog, I misspelled a certain Mr Pearce's name as "Pierce", this was an honest mistake, to which I duly apologized to him when he picked me up on it. What makes matters worse is that (if my memory serves me correctly) Moriel even posted an article written by yourself a few short years back! (your name spelled correctly-I remember!).

    It is good that peoples eyes and ears are being opened up to this deceiver-as Nik999 is so doing.

    God bless.

  10. BTW Prasch didn't just spell my name wrong. He also referred to "John Rogers".
    He means either Mike Rogers or Frank Rogers.

    Is Jack Daniels responsible for Prasch's "apparent" dyslexia?

    Listen to him slurring through the subject of Noahide Law and dismissing it as "just a fad"!! I have been studying Noahide Law for a number of months now and I am very concerned. I am in the process of writing a post about it. Noahide Law has been gaining momentum since 1991 and has had the support of every US President since then. Noahide Law also has the support of the UN and the RC Church. To dismiss Noahide as a "fad" is irresponsible in the extreme.

    God bless

  11. I noted "John Rogers" AS WELL!

    So, we are to believe all that this so-called 'scholar' teaches when he can't bring himself to be factual about real people's names? The same applied to Samuel P. Tregelles, in Shadows of the Beast, Prasch spelled his name as "Tregellas" (p.19) and incorrectly described him as a "Dispensationalist"-when he most certainly was NOT! Tregelles wrote AGAINST Dispensationalism! This is the truth. I suppose Prasch's get-out would be "I wasn't writing about the eminent 19th century theologian, but some little known Christian teacher with a similar name"! Names ARE important. We can see why Prasch doesn't use source footnotes!

    This was just one of the many errors in that book, and you can see why I lost credibility in him as a teacher back seven or so years ago, what else is he muddying the waters about that I haven't detected? Better off dropping him altogether-what a conman; "Deceiving the hearts of the simple." Romans 16:18! (read the context).

    God bless.

  12. Yes, and when you have an attorney like John Haller in your back pocket who can make veiled threats against people who oppose Moriel (like Jan Markel-who I do not agree with but should not be threatened by a big bully).
    This will all come to fruition soon.
    David Lister getting pay from his regular salary, bookkeeping a housing allowance and all travel expenses and food.
    Can't wait to see 2018 990.
    You already exposed that Jacob is not a jew
    From Moriels website "Jacob’s family is a combination of Roman Catholic and Jewish. (In his youth he was forced to attend a Catholic school, but also attended the Jewish Community Center.) "
    Yes, Jacobs dad did send him to a Jewish Community Center but that doesn't make Jacob a jew since his dad was Roman Catholic.
    The sad thing about all you are exposing here is that Moriel followers have already drunk of the cool aid aka know as delusion. They choose to believe a lie.' Very sad
    On your observation that Jacob likes Jack Daniels (which he does)
    He should not be drining any alcohol considering all the meds he is on.


  13. Prasch: Lynching Bill Randles:

    tbckawaii: "On 29th June 2019, cult leader Jacob Prasch released an attack video titled 'The Kiss of Judas' in which he points the finger at Bill Randles as being a Judas who gave Prasch the "Judas kiss". Prasch foams at the mouth explaining that Bill Randles WILL hang himself.
    Then Bill Randles responds by saying when he heard Prasch's video he had visions of Leonardo Da Vinci's 'The Last Supper' with Prasch in the place of Christ, and Randles himself being in the place of Judas.(!!!!)
    These people are all chuffing insane! In season one episode 1 I had carefully gone through Scripture and the historicity of a document to refute Prasch, and now, 8 months later, it's more like critiquing lunatics running around an asylum."

  14. How very bizarre!
    Where will it all end?
