Monday 24 August 2020


This is the second part of Reformed Christian Alex Zenk's interview with Doreen Virtue. Zenk raised the subject of Doreen's controversial vision of "Jesus" in chapter 9 of her book Deceived No More. He asked Doreen specifically whether she was concerned about editing chapter 9 on her website following the book's publication and leaving the original version in circulation in the public domain. 

DOREEN'S RESPONSE: "Yes of course, but I just trust God's timing. I am Reformed so I really believe God is sovereign over everything, and so He chose for whatever reason to have this situation revealed to me after the book was at the printer."

In other words, Doreen absolves herself from all responsibility by hiding behind fatalistic Reformed theology. This is all very convenient, but it is unscriptural.

Leighton Flowers (Soteriology 101) exposes the insane contradiction that fatalism poses for Calvinists in his video Do Calvinists affirm Fatalism? {1}

Flowers: "Calvinists do not affirm that you should be fatalistic in the way that you act. However, at the same time they affirm true the tenets which underlie fatalism i.e. the idea of fatalism, that all things are set, they are fixed in such a way that we as human beings cannot affect the future, or we cannot change those things that have been eternally decreed..  they are set in stone.. Because they are set in stone however, we shouldn't behave or act as if that is true. So you should act and behave as if you are affecting the future while believing that you don't.. In other words.. you have to behave like tomorrow depends on you, while believing and holding to a theistic deterministic world view that all things are fated by a divine being i.e. God through a sovereign decree." Flowers correctly identifies theistic determinism as "bad philosophy".

Calvinist John Piper Speaks About Fatalism    

Piper: "The way I stay out of fatalism is by being more biblical than Reformed. That is I don't draw inferences from theological logical suppositions or assumptions.  I go to my bible and I look for verses and sentences and paragraphs that tell me the implications of God's sovereignty.. You can be that logical if you want.. I'm being biblical.." {2} 

Piper's various contradictions and false teachings are too numerous to mention in this post.

If Doreen thinks that allowing her book Deceived No More to be published complete with demonic apparition is not a serious issue, then she needs to think again. To knowingly publish a book that is defiled by a demonic apparition is a very weighty matter. Furthermore, to commission and to promote an image that depicts Jesus in the form of Roman Catholic Divine Mercy/Sacred Heart idolatry falls into the same category as a vile image and a detestable abomination. (Ezekiel 7:20 cf. Deuteronomy 27:15). 

I have recently viewed Doreen's depiction of her vision in her video Jesus Lights Healing Meditation. {3} The video is overtly occult with the focus being primarily on "lights", and not upon the Jesus Christ of the Bible. (2 Corinthians 11:4). It progresses from various idolatrous images of "Jesus" to "healing light rays" and makes no mention of the Bible whatsoever.

Jesus Lights Healing Meditation

Doreen: "It was Jesus with moving rays of light shining from his sacred heart..
... the lights were bright, comforting and healing.."
Doreen describes the image of "Jesus" as being similar to "Divine Mercy" images.
Doreen: "The rays of light from Jesus's heart were multi-directional and silver-gold in colour..
I prayed to understand their deeper meaning and guidance." 
Various idolatrous images of "Jesus" appear throughout the video. At about the half way point, these images give way to mesmerizing lights emanating from a central point of light. Doreen's instruction: "As you watch these healing light rays talk with Jesus about your cares and concerns.."

Doreen had a THREE YEAR time frame in which to work out that there was something drastically wrong with her vision. During this time she steadfastly promoted it as an authentic vision of Jesus ~ there was not a glimmer of hesitation until Joshua Chavez's exposé dated the 5th of May 2020. {4} Following Chavez's exposé, Doreen hastily removed all traces of the vision from her YouTube channel and website on the 9th of May. 

Doreen has now chosen to believe Chris Rosebrough's problematic interpretation of her vision that she had two separate but simultaneous experiences i.e. the vision was from the devil or a demon appearing as Jesus, and the epiphany was from the Lord. In my last post I pointed out that it is extremely unlikely that Jesus would permit a revelation from Himself to be simultaneously laced with demonic activity. In the scriptures, genuine revelations and visions from the Lord are uncontaminated by the devil or demons. As others have observed, Doreen's vision of Jesus excluded the marks of the crucifixion and was suspiciously akin to Roman Catholic Sacred Heart/Divine Mercy idolatry as opposed to any biblical sightings of Him after the resurrection. Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe. (John 20:27). {5}

John's vision of Jesus on Patmos:

I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day.. Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. (Revelation 1:1,12-16 cf. Revelation 1:10  cf. Revelation 4:2;,17:3, 21:10).

It is extraordinary that so many top level Calvinists who claim to be "biblical" do not question Chris Rosebrough's heretical beliefs and practices, including infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, consubstantiation, amillennialism, confession to a priest etc.

What kind of Christian witness does Doreen present to her former New Age followers?

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep. (2 Peter 2:1-3).



  1. Good article Treena. I had no idea there was a New Age video by
    Doreen based on this vision. The fatalism of Calvinism comes in handy to excuse many sins. I recently heard a YouTube teacher ascribe his sin of adultery - which ended his marriage- to the decree of God. It was the last straw for me re fellowshipping in a Presbyterian church when I heard the minister state that "God is responsible for all sin, though not in the way some people think". Well, not in ANY way is what I think. I have seen online Calvinists defend infant baptism (eg. Paul Flynn) and also baptismal regeneration. The reformers wanted a "better version" of Catholicism and sadly that's what Protestantism looks to be to me. Anglican doctrine states that new birth occurs at (usually infant) baptism. It is so cited at their funerals.
    You may have seen this exposè of Joshua Chavez by J D Hall of Pulpit and Pen. It is certainly one side of a sorry story which may well be true. Interestingly, Doreen is mentioned in a positive light and Chavez'comments on her as 'libellous' and "wolfish", which to me appears dishonest. The facts are pretty plain. However,I don't see Hall as reliable re discernment. He is a devoted Calvinist who on one occasion stated that all who reject 'limited atonement' are "apostatea". Due to his Calvinist mentor/pastor, he has generally unreservedly defended the conversion of Kanye West.
    I don't hold out much hope for the deliverance of Ms. Virtue from her heretical views and mentors.
    My best, Mike

  2. I have a feeling that Doreen's New Age video will soon be taken down Mike.. All the others have disappeared from her YouTube channel and her website. I think this was an oversight. I have read the Pulpit and Pen article you mention. I agree that Hall is not reliable.. I see this as an "own goal" rather than a reliable expose' of Chavez.
    God bless.

  3. One more thought.
    Wouldn't the evidence above refute the notion that this vision, albeit now regarded as false, came with a genuine revelation of Christ and the gospel? "Healing rays" are not Biblical and that appears to be the focus of this decidedly occult-themed video. Was the more gospel-friendly "impartation" thought up later? As Alice would say, curiouser and curiouser...Mike

  4. The same thought occurred to me Mike.

  5. Slightly off the subject, but how can Calvinism and Armenianism be Biblical when they are both man-made systems. It’s really sad that RT Kendall says he’s a Calvinist, and the late David Pawson said he was Arminian. None of us, I imagine, would claim to have all God’s truth (though Jesus said the Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth), but as 1 Cor 3:4 says, if we say we are of Calvin or Arminius, we are following men.

  6. You are right John.. both positions go to extremes and therefore only succeed in distorting the scriptures.
    God bless.

  7. God, of course, knew this would happen, so he put a verse in His Word which contains both predestination and free will. It’s Joel 2:32 - And it will come about that whoever calls on the Name of The Lord will be delivered [free will]; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, as The Lord has said, even among the survivors whom The Lord calls [predestination].
    God always confounds those who are wise in their own eyes!
    Many blessings.

  8. We really do need wisdom John. I am not sure whether Doreen Virtue is a Christian, but if she is, jumping into Calvinism was definitely the wrong thing to do.
    God bless.
