27th July 2020
Former New Age teacher and top selling author Doreen Virtue's conversion to Christianity followed what she describes as "a vision of Jesus" on January 7th 2017 while she was attending an Episcopal Church. There are a number of troubling anomalies concerning Doreen's alleged vison. Unfortunately Doreen has recently removed all traces of the vision from her website and also from YouTube, leaving us with the difficulty of fact checking her recent statements. The only available source material I could find that has not been removed is a PDF of her book The Joy Of Jesus {1}
Former New Age teacher and top selling author Doreen Virtue's conversion to Christianity followed what she describes as "a vision of Jesus" on January 7th 2017 while she was attending an Episcopal Church. There are a number of troubling anomalies concerning Doreen's alleged vison. Unfortunately Doreen has recently removed all traces of the vision from her website and also from YouTube, leaving us with the difficulty of fact checking her recent statements. The only available source material I could find that has not been removed is a PDF of her book The Joy Of Jesus {1}
Below is an account of Doreen's vision from The Joy Of Jesus published in 2018:
"I had a life-changing vision of Jesus while at church on January 7, 2017. When I saw Jesus, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything written about him in the Bible was real and true. I also fell so deeply in love with Jesus, that I was willing to change my whole life to follow him." (p 9)
"And standing, or rather hovering, in front of me was Jesus himself. My eyes were open, and I was one-hundred percent sober. I’ve had spiritual visions throughout my life, but this was more real and all-encompassing. I wasn’t just seeing. I was in the experience. It’s difficult to put what happened into words, but I’ll try: His presence filled my entire eyesight. His arms were outstretched like he was inviting me to him as a “Welcome home” to a prodigal child. His facial features looked middle Eastern, with a brown tone, dark brown wavy shoulder-length hair, and brown eyes. And his heart! His heart was shining these rays of light in all directions, huge bright pulsating beams of light. I could ; 61 ; The Light That Saved Me feel the light beams affecting me, and at one point I felt pushed back in my chair. The light was both dazzling and dizzying. I felt so loved and happy, and yet a part of me was observing the experience and feeling confused. What did this mean? How could this be happening? Yet it was all so real! And Jesus was real! I’m sure my jaw was dropped because His presence completely floored me. I have no idea how long He was there.." The Joy Of Jesus p 60-61
Doreen has recently revised her conversion testimony and she now insists repeatedly that she was not converted until late 2017 after she had read the entire bible. However, this date does not withstand close scrutiny. In her book The Joy of Jesus she makes a number of statements that inextricably connect her conversion to the vision she received on the 7th of January:
Doreen's vision is described in chapter ten of The Joy Of Jesus. This chapter is entitled The Light That Saved Me. (p 59)
"In my experience, it became clear that Jesus is the Son of
God, part of the Holy Trinity. Remember that prior to this
experience, I revered Jesus as an 'ascended master.' Yet in
that moment of seeing him, I knew that Jesus is Lord." (p 61)
Doreen can't expect to brush her various public errors and contradictions under the carpet and escape the repercussions. Biblically, public errors should be addressed in the open since their harmful effects are likely to have negatively impacted vulnerable members of the Body of Christ. On the other hand, personal private sins against individuals should (initially) be tackled privately: If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.. (Matthew 18:15) It should be noted that Paul openly denounced certain false teachers by name. (1 Timothy 1:19-20; 2 Timothy 4:14; 3 John 1:9-10 etc.) Paul was no gossip, the gospel was at stake! Apparently Doreen expects the Christian community to make her an exception to the rule because she is "a baby Christian". (2 Corinthians 13:10).
In her own words Doreen says: "I am kind of a goofball anyway without a filter, so I have embarrassed myself more times than I can even count." The dictionary definition of goofball is a naïve or stupid person. (Matthew 15:18; Proverbs 4:5-6).
2. https://bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com/2020/07/chris-rosebrough-fighting-for-faith.html 3. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Joy-Jesus-Doreen-Virtue/dp/0692125965
4. https://doreenvirtue.com/2020/07/22/free-updated-chapter-9-of-deceived-no-more/
5. https://doreenvirtue.com/2020/06/01/why-did-doreen-remove-her-testimony/
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkD-_BVL-2M
"I was now one-hundred percent following Jesus.. I fell head-over-heels in love with Jesus that day (the day of her vision). I was willing to do whatever it took to be with him.. The experience was beyond real. It was Him .. The fruits of my experience showed me that I genuinely
saw a vision of Jesus of Nazareth. (p 62)
Doreen was baptized in the Episcopal Church on February 25th 2017 just over a month after her vision. Baptism is a puzzling step for a person who claims that she was not converted until much later that year. Doreen appears to be engaging in damage control by distancing herself from her vision and any connection it has to her conversion. (Proverbs 10:9).
Doreen claims to have had visions since she was a child, and in particular, she claims to have had visions of Jesus since she was a teenager. However, according to Doreen, this particular vision was different in that Jesus was "real". Although I am not a cessationist, I am extremely wary of anyone who claims to have seen a vision or had an encounter of this kind. (John 20:29; Acts 1:11). Biblically visions of God are extremely rare, being limited to certain OT prophets (Isaiah 6:1; Ezekiel 1:1; 2), possibly the Apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 12:2-3) and John the Revelator. (Revelation 1:12-16). We do not see people being converted by visions in the scriptures. The Great Commission is the instruction given by the resurrected Jesus to his disciples to spread the gospel to all the nations of the world. (Matthew 28:16-20). Jesus words to Thomas: “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29 cf. Romans 10:17).
During an interview with Justin Peters, Doreen seemed to agree with his rejection of her vision and accompanying epiphany as demonic. However, she has now decided that Lutheran Pastor Chris Rosebrough's explanation is the correct one.
On July 17th 2020 Chris Rosebrough (Fighting For The Faith) explained to Doreen what he deduced had happened regarding the vision. Rosebrough explanation is that Doreen had two separate simultaneous events i.e. the vision was from the devil or a demon appearing as Jesus, and the epiphany was from the Lord. I find this a rather doubtful explanation in that Doreen claims that the vision and the epiphany were integral simultaneous events. Rosebrough has produced Isaiah 55:10-11 as a proof text for his explanation.
The devil may indeed challenge or attempt to confuse some insight or revelation that we have received from the Lord after the event. However, it seems unlikely that Jesus would permit a revelation from Himself to be simultaneously laced with demonic activity. In the scriptures, genuine revelations and visions from the Lord are uncontaminated by the devil or demons. As others have observed, Doreen's vision of Jesus excluded the marks of the crucifixion and was suspiciously akin to Roman Catholic Sacred Heart/Divine Mercy idolatry as opposed to any biblical sightings of Him after the resurrection. Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe. (John 20:27).
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Doreen Virtue Canvas Print https://www.pinterest.com/pin/477240891755981773/ |
John's vision of Jesus on Patmos:
I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day.. Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head were white, like white wool, like snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined in a furnace, and his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. (Revelation 1:1,12-16 cf. Revelation 1:10 cf. Revelation 4:2;,17:3, 21:10).
Doreen's misplaced confidence in Chris Rosebrough and Justin Peters
Doreen says that some "solid teachers" came alongside her, and (amongst others) she names Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough. As nice as Justin Peters is, I consider him to be deceived by the perverted doctrines of Calvinism. I have previously outlined the considerable heresies held by Lutheran pastor Chris Rosebrough including ~ infant baptism, baptismal regeneration, consubstantiation, amillennialism, confession to a priest etc. {2} Rosebrough also subscribes to the false Calvinist doctrines of predestination and cessationism. The doctrine of cessationism (the denial of the gifts of the Holy Spirit) was formulated within Calvinism during the Reformation as a reaction against Roman Catholic miracles. With the exception of Calvinism, continuationism generally remained the default doctrine within Protestantism. (Proverbs 30:5-6). For Doreen to regard Chris Rosebrough and Justin Peters "solid teachers" is in itself an indication of her unstable spiritual condition.
Doreen has reversed her previous role as a prominent teacher of the New Age and has now become a prominent adversary of the New Age. However this self-appointed role within the Body of Christ is discharged minus her husband who is conspicuous by his absence. The New Testament model is for the husband and wife to serve the Lord together. (Genesis 2:18; Acts 18:26). Doreen assures us that she does not teach theology. However, having listened to her recent material and having read parts of her new book, this is not the case. Her role as a writer/broadcaster frequently bleeds into interpreting the scriptures, albeit that she is not teaching mixed congregations and does not have authority over men. (1 Timothy 2:12 cf. James 3:1). Not long after her conversion, Doreen assumed the role of an expert spiritual adviser, whereas in reality nothing was further from the truth:
The synopsis on the back cover of The Joy Of Jesus reads: "You’ll read about ways to combat spiritual warfare, how to discern whether spirits are from God or not, the scriptural teachings about angels, healing from guilt, and much more." {3}
After Doreen was challenged by a friend about the errors contained within The Joy of Jesus, it was withdrawn. In her own words: "I wrote this book called The Joy of Jesus.. I included things in there that I now know could cause some to stumble.. I took it down just because it wasn't right."
Should certain Christian "mentors" continue to indulge Doreen and cut her some slack because she is a relatively new believer? Doreen squeals that she is "a baby Christian" when her errors are found out. However after three years, this excuse begins to wear rather thin. (1 Corinthians 3:1-3). It is unscriptural for someone so immature in the faith and so deeply confused to be churning out "Christian" material which has to be either withdrawn or fundamentally altered at a later date. By default a confused "baby Christian" is disqualified from interpreting the scriptures and teaching, even in a limited capacity. (1 Timothy 3:6). In essence Doreen has adopted an antinomian New Age "do your own thing" attitude to her present situation rather than following the scriptures.
It is inconceivable for any true Christian to knowingly peddle faulty material that will be a stumbling block to the Body of Christ. However, that is precisely what Doreen has done. Doreen allowed her publication Deceived No More to proceed with the offending vision because its withdrawal would have caused problems with her publishers Thomas Nelson. And so the first edition of the book was published on the July 28th 2020 complete with Jesus vision. For such a book to be published after Doreen realized that her vision was highly suspect is appalling. Even though Deceived No More was at a late stage of publication, Doreen had a window of opportunity in which to withdraw the book. Almost immediately after the book was published, Doreen rapidly amended Chapter 9. {4} However, the original book remains in circulation. This book should have been withdrawn immediately the questionable nature of her vision was discovered no matter what the cost or inconvenience. Doreen's frequent apologies and prevarications on this subject cut no ice. {5}
To obey is better than sacrifice.. (1 Samuel 15:22 cf. Jeremiah 7:23; Acts 5:32).
Doreen seems to have an answer for everything: "I know all about the apostle Paul going away for three years, I know all about how he stayed away before teaching. I got it.. BUT I....." If Doreen is not prepared to submit to the scriptures, then she will have a very difficult time as a Christian and she risks a great deal! (1 Samuel 15:9; Revelation 3:19).
Doreen employs various illegitimate strategies and reverts to worldly tactics in an attempt to dissuade her detractors from exposing her errors. (Romans 8:5).
Such strategies include labelling her critics "gossips" "slanderers" and "haters". Doreen: "Its been a rough season with a lot of slander and accusations coming against me .. its been hurtful for me too and to hear people gossiping behind my back.. its been a lot of hate." On a video with Engage Truth she says: "Don't gossip about me, don't slander me, come tell me that I'm not supposed to do this or that." {6} This would be to shut the stable door after the horse has bolted! It is well known that I am no supporter of either Jacob Prasch or Joshua Chavez. However, having listened carefully to Chavez's video Apostasy Report - Doreen Virtue Is Still Deceived, I cannot find anything to disagree with, although I cannot judge his motives. {7}
Doreen can't expect to brush her various public errors and contradictions under the carpet and escape the repercussions. Biblically, public errors should be addressed in the open since their harmful effects are likely to have negatively impacted vulnerable members of the Body of Christ. On the other hand, personal private sins against individuals should (initially) be tackled privately: If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.. (Matthew 18:15) It should be noted that Paul openly denounced certain false teachers by name. (1 Timothy 1:19-20; 2 Timothy 4:14; 3 John 1:9-10 etc.) Paul was no gossip, the gospel was at stake! Apparently Doreen expects the Christian community to make her an exception to the rule because she is "a baby Christian". (2 Corinthians 13:10).
Another strategy Doreen employs to silence her detractors is to threaten them with lawsuits. "God told me that I am finally going to start initiating lawsuits.. and to defamation and libel and slander, and I am going to win. Everyone who has got these videos about me and blogs about me that they are making money off, my lawyers are going to go after them and it is just righteous anger.." {7} This is utter nonsense. (1 Corinthians 6:7; Matthew 5:39).
I also hope that Doreen now understands the principle of Fair Use now that it has been fully explained to her. "Fair use is a doctrine in the law of the United States that permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to first acquire permission from the copyright holder." {8}
The blunders that Doreen continues to make whilst at the same time claiming that she is "no longer deceived" are potentially lethal to the body of Christ. Not only that, these blunders leave both her and her mentors open to public ridicule as we have recently witnessed. Doreen seems to be repenting every five minutes for avoidable errors that would not have occurred if she had followed the scriptural pattern for new believers. Yes ~ there is forgiveness for our sins, and yes ~ we all make mistakes. However, there is also a place for godly rebuke. (Titus 1:9). The proper course of action for a godly mentor would be to counsel Doreen to stand down from the public domain until such time as she becomes mature in the faith. Instead however, various pastors and teachers are only too happy to promote Doreen by appearing on her videos. These teachers are culpable for the mess that has arisen from Doreen's vision and other issues.
In conclusion, several things about Doreen's conversion testimony and her subsequent actions are unscriptural. If Doreen is a genuine Christian, then I believe that the Lord will put severe obstacles in her way if she persists in churning out false material. (Hebrews 12:6). Any reputation that Doreen may have gained amongst the true Body of Christ will be in tatters, if it is not already.
Ironically, the most staggering thing Doreen says at the end of this video is that she has turned off the comments on her YouTube page because peoples responses could cause a stumbling block that might lead to some false teachings!! 😮
And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. (Ephesians 4:11-14).
Doreen Virtue's Jesus Lights Healing Meditation
4. https://doreenvirtue.com/2020/07/22/free-updated-chapter-9-of-deceived-no-more/
5. https://doreenvirtue.com/2020/06/01/why-did-doreen-remove-her-testimony/
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkD-_BVL-2M
Excellent and Biblical rundown of this controversial woman and her errors. Meaning well and stating certain correct things does not excuse the grievous errors and mysticism that have been a part of this (self-admitted) baby Christian's ministry from the start. My speculation is that this ill-advised ministry is - like the New Age ministry which preceded it-too lucrative to shut down until genuine maturity takes place.
ReplyDeleteI could not bear to sit through Virtue and Rosebrough "unpacking" (ie. excusing and justifying) her obviously Catholic-flavoured vision. Thanks for the brief rundown. What hope does she have looking to people who happily destroy their own (limited) credibility by continuing to defend and promote her, rather than admit their mistake in hypocritically endorsing someone who is still entangled in the mysticism they regularly expose in others.
The last time I heard Ms. Virtue she was heavily promoting reformed churches, which I view as a dangerous thing to do as they lead people to a "different gospel". I am sure that if she was not a public endorser of Calvinism, Peters and Rosebrough would never have become involved with her. Rosebrough's summation of her vision as a union of the demonic and the divine is both ridiculous and blasphemous. My advice to Ms. Virtue is to objectively look at the life and doctrines of Calvin and ask God to show her any errors she may be being blinded by. Getting some new mentors who can humbly admit their mistakes would also be a step in the right direction. I have issues with Chavez,but not regarding this topic, although I felt his diatribe against Peters was too full of unchecked anger and thus worked against his cause. People who specialise in exposing the errors and folly of others should be better able to take it (a) when they make public mistakes themselves; and (b) when they are unfairly persecuted for speaking the truth.
Again, a fair and mature summation of this regrettable situation. My best to you, Mike
Thank you Mike.
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about Ian McCormack's experience (the Box Jellyfish Man). When I first heard Ian's testimony years ago I was very moved. He was saying very similar things to Doreen about Jesus being God's Son etc. There is even a very similar picture of "Jesus" on his website. https://www.aglimpseofeternity.org/ians-testimony/
For those who cannot square Doreen's vision with her "epiphany" this might be a useful comparison. Ian has been involved with Bethel Church Redding and the NAR.. there is something very wrong, and yet he too would claim to have had an "epiphany" complete with scriptural truths.
God bless.
Yes, I have heard McCormack's testimony. It fooled me too in my "anything goes" charismatic days. As did the 23 MINUTES IN HELL fable in which-as always- words were put in the mouth of Christ which he never spoke. The victim of that delusion has NAR connections too (Mike Bickle, IHOP).
ReplyDeleteIt is noteworthy that both Peters and Rosebrough, both of whom are (rightly) critical of those who claim personal, direct, extra-Biblical revelation, gave no correction or rebuke to Ms. Virtue when she stated that "God" told her to start initiating lawsuits. A telling indicator of how blinded and hypocritical they are. Their focus has been defending themselves and their "brand", not protecting the body of Christ from error. My best to you, Mike
P. S. Have you heard of the Bethel-led SATURATE 2020 and the Calvary Chapel minister who is endorsing it?
Doreen showed her true colours when she issued her lawsuit threat Mike. She was not the butter wouldn't melt "baby Christian" then!
ReplyDeleteI will look into SATURATE 2020.
God bless.
Just the fact that it’s Bethel tells you all you need to know! The speakers are the usual suspects - Johnson, Vallotton, Silk, etc. Book your tickets now, folks!
DeleteExactly John..
DeleteIan McCormack: "We are saved through repenting of our sins { Acts 3 : 19 } And the blood of Jesus is the only thing that will wash away our sins { 1 John 1 : 7 }." https://www.aglimpseofeternity.org/ians-testimony/
Quoting the scriptures is not indicative that we have had a genuine experience. 2 Corinthians 11:14.
God bless.
Oh you are so right! A couple of days ago a friend asked me for my comment on something he’d found online. It started off by quoting ‘You shall know the truth’, etc. It then went on for ages with a pile of nonsense about coronavirus, concluding there was no such thing! I wrote back to him saying what you said - just because someone quotes scripture doesn’t mean to say that what follows is right. Bethel again... (Kris Vallotton has won my personal prize for Worst And Stupidest Misunderstanding Of A Verse In The History Of Mankind).
DeleteI’ve just found an article about it at Deception In The Church. As well as our favourite heretics it’s also got Heidi “Thousands we’re healed but I can’t prove it” Baker and Shawn “I looked it up on Google” Bolz. What’s not to like!
ReplyDeleteSandy Simpson is very sound John. It is such a shame that he seems blind to the errors of Jacob Prasch. Do you have the link please?
DeleteHi Treena, I believe this is the link you are wanting :
My best, Mike
Thanks Mike.
DeleteJames 3 Beware of the tongue it is a deadly fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. Be kind and considerate to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another and build one another up ... Phillipians
ReplyDeleteI pray for Doreen. And I ask that she will be built up in Christ.