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Showing posts with label Revelation TV. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Revelation TV. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 February 2025


It has recently come to my attention that Revelation TV no longer uses its Spanish-based studio for its RMornings programme. The new daily format of RMornings is now broadcast from Revelation TV's London studio. Howard and Leslie Conder recently announced that Nikki Mills and Yemi Balogun turned down an opportunity to move back to the London studio, and due to Spanish law, they had to be made redundant. So far, viewer concerns and queries about the purpose-built office studio complex in Southern Spain funded by the donations of its viewers have been met with a wall of silence.

It became apparent last February on The Late Show that RTV's Spanish operation was running into difficulties and was not all they hoped it would be. During this programme, it emerged that the main RTV office had relocated to the UK due to staffing problems, issues with Brexit, COVID-19, and technical problems. Gordon Pettie: "We're struggling a little bit.. We've got this fantastic building that the Lord has given us. We acknowledge quite clearly that it was God directed to do that, but now we're saying, 'What really is the purpose of that building?'.. we are beginning to see an increase of programmes in the UK and we have got a dilemma.." (28:00 mark) Pettie made these remarks with a straight face, apparently unwilling to consider the possibility that the Lord had not spoken to Conder about starting Revelation TV.  Even in the face of abject failure, their delusion continues without a thought for those who gave sacrificially to enable the purchase of the Spanish white elephant on the strength of Conder's alleged "vision". Various suggestions were made by viewers, including selling the building in Spain and fundraising for a new London studio! It now appears that the ambitious Spanish project relentlessly touted by RTV presenters was a complete waste of everyone's time, money, and effort. Essentially RTV is back to square one and needs to finance a new London studio! 

Conder: "The prophecies that I got in the beginning.. were so encouraging that gave me a reason for actually going ahead with starting a Christian channel here in the UK.."  

The alleged prophecies that Conder received during the 1990s were from false NAR "Apostles" and "Prophets".

In 1994 Conder received a "prophecy" from proven false NAR "Apostle" Jonathan David at an ecumenical meeting!

NAR "Prophet" Sharon Stone prophesied over Conder in 1999. This is where Conder got the ridiculous idea that he was going to be a modern-day “Elijah”. Ironically, Elijah came against the prophets of Baal, he was not partners with them! (Ephesians 5:7).

NAR "Apostle" Noel Woodroffe's prophecy in 1994 mentions Howard Conder re: God starting Christian TV in the UK.

No doubt the above "prophecies" played into Conder's narcissism during the 1990s and beyond. However, many believers are now becoming more aware that the New Apostolic Reformation is a fake movement consisting of false "Apostles" and "Prophets"

Pettie: "When we wrote the book 'Broadcasting Christ' we said in it 'Howard, you have had more prophecies that its right, back in 2009/10, to go to Spain and to start the work in Spain.' And it's trying to balance that up with what we can see with our eyes about the situation with Brexit and all the things that are happening at this moment of time.."  
Some Background

In 2008 RTV moved its head office to Spain. In 2012 RTV had a permanent television studio base in Spain, but these facilities were deemed unfit for purpose. In 2014 Conder had the "vision" for the Spanish building project. From around early 2015, fundraising commenced for the purchase of land and the building of a new purpose-built television studio complex for the channel in Spain. Following an intense and prolonged period of fundraising, the new Revelation TV studio's "Grand Opening" took place from Friday 21st to Monday 24th of April 2023.1 The new studio 'The Revelation International Centre' was hailed as "A future for the next generation".2 

Howard Conder has repeatedly attacked his detractors for their "false accusations", yet there have been many genuine concerns that RTV has refused to acknowledge. RTV's early compromise with Roman Catholicism and Word-Faith prosperity teachers such as Benny Hinn, Jesse Duplantis, John Hagee, Joyce Meyer, hyper-grace teacher Joseph Prince, ecumenist Hugh Osgood, the 700 Club, and Seventh Day Adventists etc. was not compatible with a man allegedly called by God. Many discerning Christians therefore rejected Conder's claims on the basis that RTV was no better than apostate channels such as Daystar, God TV, and TBN. 
Rob Thomas 'Watchman4Wales' May 2015: "It has long been noted that Revelation TV is a very heavily compromised channel, having no qualms about broadcasting the programmes of some of the most grievous wolves in sheep's clothing on the face of the planet. I wrote myself to Revelation TV some while ago concerning their broadcasting of false teachers, an example at that time being their airing of the notorious charlatan Benny Hinn's 'This Is Your Day.' (I had no response whatsoever). Their current schedule includes the likes of Jesse Duplantis and Joyce Meyer, who similarly present "another Jesus... another spirit... another gospel." (2 Corinthians 11:4). It is quite obvious that the channel has learned nothing about unacceptable compromise since Jacob Prasch's departure back in 2011, and the Justin Peters incident the previous year when a live interview with him was taken off air when he dared to "name and shame." They have continued relentlessly along their spiritually reckless way, with wilful disregard as to how their collusion with deadly deceivers brings not only disgrace to the Body of Christ but completely undermines the preaching of the True Gospel, exposing millions of viewers to spiritual mauling and mutilation by hungry wolves who feed off the flock!"3

These days, RTV focuses mainly on political issues, inane chat shows, and regular Bible studies with ecumenist Tim Vince, Anglican John Campbell, and egalitarian Derek Walker (Oxford Bible Church). 

Realistically Conder cannot keep up the delusion that God called him to start Revelation TV. The "God spoke to me" card is wearing very thin with many believers these days!

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1).

Monday, 2 November 2020


The Charity Commission has now published its report of the statutory inquiry into the Revelation Foundation. The report may be viewed online at:


The article below from wiredgov is a reasonable summary of the situation:

Regulator finds mismanagement at Revelation Foundation

In a report published recently (09 October 2020), the Charity Commission was highly critical of the charity Revelation Foundation, after uncovering flaws in its structure and serious governance failings that amount to mismanagement by its trustees.

Revelation Foundation is involved in creating and broadcasting Christian content programmes for television.

The Commission opened an inquiry into the charity in 2014 following concerns raised by the public that the charity was being used for private advantage. The charity had recently moved most of its operations to Spain, and in doing so, had developed an overly complex operating structure.

The Commission found no evidence to support the allegation of private advantage, but its investigation instead exposed a series of governance failings on the part of the charity.

These failings included decision-making processes that were inadequate such as not obtaining professional advice before key decisions, badly managed conflicts of interest and poor financial oversight.

The regulator also found the charity’s founder Howard Conder, who had links to companies involved in the delivery of the charity’s activities and was a significant donor, held a disproportionate influence over the trustees.

As a consequence of the governance failures, the charity developed an unwieldy structure which placed a significant proportion of the charity’s assets beyond its direct control and therefore at risk.

Amy Spiller, Head of Investigations at the Charity Commission, recently said:

The public expects each charity to show that they are doing their bit to uphold public trust in charity more generally. This starts with trustees being able to clearly show how they are acting in their charity’s best interests and for its beneficiaries.

Our inquiry found the trustees of Revelation Foundation could not show why decisions were taken or how they had acted in their charity’s best interests and that of its beneficiaries. Instead they demonstrated weak governance and oversight and ultimately left themselves open to allegations they were making decisions in their own interests. Whilst our inquiry didn’t find evidence of this, our work does demonstrate the importance of good governance and transparency to prevent a charity being exposed to undue risk. We hope other charities will look to this as an example of why effective governance is so important.

The Commission appointed an interim manager to the charity in June 2015. The report acknowledges there was a significant delay during which the inquiry sought updates from the interim manager and the trustees’ concern that he had been in very limited contact with them. The interim manager was discharged in September 2018 on conclusion of his work.

The charity has, as a result of this inquiry, made many significant improvements to its governance arrangements, which includes Howard Condor stepping back from the charity and the trustees gaining a clearer understanding of their role and responsibilities.

The Commission will continue to monitor the charity.

Notes to Editors:
When the charity moved to Spain many Christian broadcasters were operating from the country at the time and so this was not an unusual decision.
The Charity Commission is the independent, non-ministerial government department that registers and regulates charities in England and Wales. Its purpose is to ensure charity can thrive and inspire trust so that people can improve lives and strengthen society.

Press office

Email pressenquiries@charitycommission.gov.uk

Press enquiries – office hours 0300 065 2123

Press enquiries – out of hours 07785 748787


Saturday, 15 April 2017



I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:6-9).

Whilst on one level it may seem a good thing that the Words of Jesus are being displayed on London buses, on another level we should have some serious concerns about the false gospel being peddled by Revelation TV.

The general public seeing these biblical quotations on London buses should be informed that a number of genuine Christians have deserted Revelation TV for multiple reasons!

By their own admission Revelation TV have aired "iffy" ministries for financial gain:

Conder: What I initially wanted to do was to give RevTV to the Revelation Foundation charity thinking this was the right and fair thing to do as the viewers are now supporting the channel to such a greater level than ever so we could take off the air many of the paid ministries which we would rather not have had on our channel but for financial reasons we had little other choice at the time.

Conder: "We are not in this for the money believe it or not, we are in this to declare the Word of God and that is without compromise.... " !!!!! {1}

How ironic that on the very same program, RTV aired plagiarist and adulterer John Hagee of blood moon fiasco fame.

Revelation TV airs false Word of Faith (WOF) teachers such as Jesse Duplantis and Joyce Meyer.

WOF is nothing less than witchcraft... It is based on speaking out the thing you want God to do, and then expect it to happen by "faith". In other words, God is obligated to obey the words and wishes of believers. This is a complete distortion of the true gospel of Jesus Christ. As someone once pointed out, it is the theology of morons. WOF is variously known as "the prosperity gospel", "the health and wealth gospel" and "name it and claim it". These WOF teachers are always pleading for money.. they are driven by financial gain. The funny thing is that no one seems to get rich apart from themselves. (1 Timothy 6:10).

Charity investigation opened into Revelation Foundation:

"The inquiry was opened on 8 September 2014.
The charity has objects to advance Christianity in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, and its activities include making and broadcasting Christian television programmes from Spain.
In March 2014 complaints were received from members of the public alleging the charity was being used for private advantage. A subsequent scrutiny of the charity’s accounts by the commission identified regulatory concerns which include potential significant loss of charitable funds, trustee benefits, conflicts of interest and connected party transactions. These concerns are primarily in relation to the production and broadcasting of television programmes from Spain as well as the trustees’ decisions to transfer significant charitable assets and funds from the UK to Spain." {2}

Oddly, there has never been an outcome from this investigation. Nevertheless the reasons for the complaints against the Revelation Foundation stand as a testimony to the dubious ethics of Conder and his associates.

The Conders and the Petties claimed several years ago that they do not receive a salary from Revelation TV.. this is not correct! Howard and Lesley Conder own a private TV company called 21st Century Television Ltd which sells Revelation TV’s airtime. The monies that 21st Century TV receive from the false teachers that Revelation TV airs does NOT appear on the INCOME/EXPENDITURE pie charts presented by Gordon Pettie on their money raising programmes. This is very misleading to viewers who are under the impression that Revelation TV are desperately in need of donations. In 2015, I made a conservative estimate on the assumption that outside ministries purchase air time at the lowest rate (£250 for 28mins = £500 per hour) 60 x £500 = £30,000 per week = £1,560,000 per year.  This money is deceptively hidden from viewers during RTV's money raising appeals!!! Whether this practice is legal or not is not quite the point, it is certainly not open or ethical.

Conder: "The Lord spoke to me very clearly about starting to put the words of Jesus on the buses in London." {3} Conder often gets direct words from God, but problematically, he does seem to be delusional and compares himself with the biblical prophet Elijah. {4} Conder got the ridiculous idea that he was going to be a modern day “Elijah” from a dubious prophecy in 1994 from proven false prophet Jonathan David at an ecumenical meeting!

THE TRUE GOSPEL MESSAGE is repentance for the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ:

“Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. (Luke 24:46-47).

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1).

God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ: https://bewareofthewolves.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/gods-plan-of-salvation-through-jesus.html

1 http://www.revelationtv.com/programmes/episode/the-late-show377635 
2 https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-charity-investigation-revelation-foundation
3 http://www.revelationtv.com/rnews/entry/howard-conders-bus-campaign-is-giving-political-correctness-in-the-uk-a-run
4 https://bewareofthewolves.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/revelation-tv-howard-conders-delusional.html

Friday, 23 December 2016


For the upright will inhabit the land, and those with integrity will remain in it,
but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the treacherous will be rooted out of it.
(Proverbs 2:21-22)

Sarah Acott's experience with Howard Conder is indeed a very sad one, though it is not untypical of those who have challenged Revelation TV and their unorthodox fund raising tactics. Sarah wrote a report to the Trustees of the Revelation Foundation in 2012 that challenged the Conders claim that they received no financial benefit from Revelation TV. Below is an excerpt from that report:

"The issue I wish to raise is that donors to the channel are being mislead in the way that funds are raised and presented on the Building the Foundation programme. The programme leads the viewer to believe that the finances reported on the pie charts are a representation of the entire channels financial operation. This is not true and could be accused of being fraudulent. I am only bringing this to you because I believe that this is something that you as the legal overseers should be aware of.
It became obvious to me when I watched one of the first Building the Foundation programmes years ago. The income stated leaves out one of the largest income streams into the channel – airtime and advertising sales. Having worked in the office during the set up of the channel I know about the 21st Century television account and believe that the money from this huge source of income is going straight into this account. From what I can gather from the charities commission website 21stCentury Television makes donations to the Revelation Foundation....." {1}

Sarah went public three years later, and in May 2015 she began her blog GodvsChristianity which is an exposé of RTV.{1} As a whistle blower Sarah has been derided and persecuted for publicly revealing the misleading fund raising tactics of RTV, and both she and her family have been dragged through the mud. When she decided to go public, myself, Rob Thomas and Nev Stephens fully supported her. Nev's U-turn was inexplicable, but myself and Rob have continued to condemn RTV's unethical practices and false teaching.{2} I believe that Sarah has genuinely attempted to make amends with Howard Conder et al, but so far there has been no resolution. I personally was rather sceptical about the meetings she arranged with various Trustees from the Revelation Foundation. Nevertheless, it was Sarah's decision to have these talks, and I whilst disagreed and felt that the meetings were not scriptural, I respected her decision.

Howard Conder has stated publicly and repeatedly that he will not forgive his detractors. (Matthew 6:14-15). In addition, there is absolutely no sign of the false teachers being removed from RTV's programming, in fact just the reverse is the case. In my view, Conder's behaviour indicates that he is, in all probability, a reprobate, in which case meetings and attempted reconciliation are a pointless exercise. The Trustees have been challenged many times, and still RTV continue to air false teachers, rip off their viewers and abuse their detractors. The scriptural procedure for a fellow Christian who has sinned against us personally is very clear. Firstly we are to approach the person privately. If that fails, then we should take two or three others along, and if that also fails, then finally we should tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. In other words, an unrepentant Christian should be should be treated as a social pariah! (Matthew 18:15-17 cf. 2 Thessalonians 3:6, 14). Sarah has gone through all of the above stages with no result, and in my view she is being played by the Trustees.

Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit. (Matthew 15:14).  

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. (Ephesians 5:11).

Sarah believed that she had a friend and ally in Yemi Balogun. In fact, Balogun was not only a personal friend of Sarah's, he was also a trusted family friend. Balogun privately agreed with Sarah's concerns and made a number of assertions that he would publicly expose Howard Conder/RTV. I wondered why he wanted to delay, and once again I was sceptical. Nevertheless I decided to wait and see what he would do. I was not at all surprised when he failed to come forward and nothing happened. It appears now that he was playing both sides all along! Although Sarah and others have been hurt by Balogun's deception and slander, it is Balogun himself who should be concerned. How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace? (Hebrews 10:26-30).

A Little About Yemi Bolugun:

RTV Presenter Yemi Balogun aka Omoyemi Hakeem Balogun.
Yemi Balogun left Revelation TV in June 2011 to set up his own TV station. He became a Director of The Kingdom TV which was dissolved in 2014.

The Kingdom TV Ltd 19 Netley Drive, Walton-On-Thames, Surrey, United Kingdom, KT12 3QX  previously  REVELATION TV (AFRICA) LIMITED Dissolved 13th May 2014. {3}
Director: Omoyemi Hakeem Balogun appointed 13 January 2011.
Director:  Sylvia Sophia BANNERMAN-BALOGUN appointed 28 February 2011.
Secretary: Ian Gordon Pettie appointed 13th January 2011 - resigned 28th February 2011. In fact Pettie resigned the same day that Sylvia BANNERMAN-BALOGUN was appointed as Director and Secretary. {4}

I am not aware what exactly happened with Balogun's TV venture, other than that it was dissolved in 2014. During the time Balogun was absent from RTV, he communicated several things to Sarah Acott and others about the mis-deeds of RTV and the Conders. Much to our surprise, Balogun returned to RTV this year and is now denying that he ever condemned the Conders. In fact his denials are rather too loud! Having once escaped the worldly defilements of RTV, he has become entangled once again and allied himself with these apostates. (2 Peter 2:20).  Balogun's realliance with RTV and his forceful, but false denouncements and denials, are not only a betrayal of those who believed in his integrity, they are a betrayal of Christ Himself! (Matthew 26:69-75) He has failed a critical test! (2 Corinthians 13:5). The apostle Paul was willing to work with his own hands in order to support himself. It is shameful that many so called "pastors" are not willing to do the same. (Acts 18:3; 1 Corinthians 4:12; 1 Timothy 6:10). The "hireling" mentality is prevalent amongst those who make a show of godliness as a way to become wealthy, those who in reality care nothing for the sheep. (1 Timothy 6:5; John 10:13). My advice to Yemi Balogun: If you have not been successful in your so called "ministry", then earn your living honestly and do not seek your living from those who fleece the sheep for dishonest gain by the promotion of false teaching. The price will be ultimately very high for false teachers: For them the gloom of utter darkness (blackest hell) has been reserved. (2 Peter 2:17-18).

Two or Three Witnesses

The principle of two or three witnesses is extremely important if we are making accusations against a fellow Christian. The principle is repeated so many times in both the Old and New Testaments that I think we must take it seriously. (Matthew 18:16; cf. Numbers 35:30; Deuteronomy 17:6; 19:15; 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19). I do believe Sarah's word alone is a truthful narrative of Balogun's betrayal, but in addition, there are further witnesses. This is in fact a double betrayal for Sarah, since it adds further pain to the original betrayal she suffered at the hands of RTV. 

Balogun gained the confidence of Sheila, Sarah and Chris. That is three witnesses who communicated with him directly about the conduct of Howard and Leslie Conder. (2 Corinthians 13:1). Sheila left a comment publicly on Sarah Acott's blog in 2015:

18th June 2015
Sheila: “Yemi balogun who once worked at REV TV is a witness to one lot of abuse/ridicule from Leslie which she said in his presence.I had finished with them totally. Never even thought of putting them on TV ever. “ {5}

Both Sarah Acott and Chris have given me permission to publish the emails I have received from them concerning Balogun. Below are some of the communications I have received from them both:

11th June 2015:
Sarah:"Yemi is popping down to the diner tomorrow afternoon. When I spoke to him before he said that he has been waiting for the right time to expose Howard, if now isn't it, I honestly don't know when would be.
Please pray that it will be a good meeting and that he will join us in this. He's a good man and a family friend. He's also very proud of what we have achieved, so it will be good to talk to him even if he only gives advice."

12th June 2015:
Sarah: "I'm meeting with Yemi later on today, so will give you all an update as soon as I can....."

13th June 2015:
Sarah:  "Not so great news re Yemi... he didn't make it! Unfortunately, he got held up, but will hopefully reschedule soon. He's still really positive on what we are doing so hopefully will see him next week."

15th December 2015
Sarah: "Yemi came to my diner last week. He’s one of the good ones. Just sad that Howard saw him as 'competition'”. {6}
Anonymous: "Now there is a very humble Man , Nice he came to see you. Yemi, he told me about Howards refusing to share a studio with him as it would be competition to him, I was astounded as I thought all Christian TV had the common goal of saving souls , I was not aware that competition came into it at all."
My reason for contacting Yemi was that on air Leslie was he usual condescending self towards me, insulting me and being sarcastic, calling me Mrs xxxxx, Yemi and Sylvia had no idea of the history of her and Howards abusve ways towards me and they joined in and laughed, when I enlightened him as to the whole story and of the disgusting things I had learned about the Conder children via their various social media sights , he apologised profoundly on behalf of himself and Sylvia, he also confided in me that he was about to leave and told me al about how howard had upset many people including himself and Sylvia and was always too proud to aplogise. I imagine you had some interesting conversation with him at your diner Sarah."
Sarah: Yes Yemi is a good and humble man. He will hopefully pop down to the diner and see Chris over the next few weeks too."  {6}

14th October 2016: 
Sarah: "Off the record... 
Yes... it's complicated and I'm confused about the situation to be honest. He's a family friend and it's not what I expected from him.
I texted Yemi about it and apparently they contacted him. He prayed about it and felt to go back. That decision is between him and God, but what concerns me is that he is endorsing the channel. He's by no means ignorant so his position is odd.
He might pop down to the diner over the next few weeks. I'm trying to be positive as the timing is interesting as my meeting with the two Alans were productive and this could be the start of a change from within. 
If I do get to see Yemi I do intend to be straight with him that I don't object to his return necessarily, but I do object to him endorsing them."
Chris: "Yes, I saw him appear on Time for Revelation last Wednesday (Oct 5th) and I was livid. Yemi is supposed to be coming to England for a few weeks. Sarah and I are going to try to get him over to her diner so that we can catch up!"
Chris: "Yes, he is being two-faced at the moment but Sarah and I will try to fix him :-)
He's just made a huge error of judgement."

14th December 2016:
Sarah: "Chris told Howard about Yemi giving him the information regarding 21st Century TV Ltd. Yemi has denounced our evidence as “gossip” and “innuendo”. He lied about various things and even named my father who has actively distanced himself from the situation.
I’m really saddened. As you know, I considered Yemi a friend and he knows that my mum has recently had a heart attack and yet told outright lies including that I have tried to blackmail him. I asked him to meet and explain himself to Chris, but he’s ignored me.
Yemi made it look like he has not given any information of significance to Chris or others, but I know he even told you some very serious things before he left RTV." 

22nd December 2016:
Chris: "Hi Treena,
There have been so many members of staff and volunteers who knew what was going on. They just left quietly. It strikes me that none of them have any Christian-integrity or even normal professional-integrity.
I'm not sure what to say about Yemi... On that programme, 10 days ago, he was grossly understating his involvement in the situation. He knows exactly what the evidence is and that it is not just "gossip and innuendo."
I think that he is having some-kind of mid-life crisis and feels desperately sorry that his own attempt at a Christian TV station failed. But, returning to Revelation TV has seriously compromised his integrity and he knows it.
Is Yemi just a weak man who cannot carry through his convictions ??  He obviously does know that things are not right with RTV and yet he has crawled back."

As I urged you when I was going to Macedonia, remain at Ephesus so that you may charge certain persons not to teach any different doctrine, nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith. The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions.
Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully, understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted. (1 Timothy 1:3-11)

The Charity Commission's statutory inquiry into the Revelation Foundation:

"In March 2014 complaints were received from members of the public alleging the charity was being used for private advantage. A subsequent scrutiny of the charity’s accounts by the commission identified regulatory concerns which include potential significant loss of charitable funds, trustee benefits, conflicts of interest and connected party transactions. These concerns are primarily in relation to the production and broadcasting of television programmes from Spain as well as the trustees’ decisions to transfer significant charitable assets and funds from the UK to Spain." {7}


Thursday, 8 September 2016

howard conder's illegal threats against his accusers! Revelation TV

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive opinions. They will even deny the Master who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Even so, many will follow their licentious ways, and because of these teachers the way of truth will be maligned. And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Their condemnation, pronounced against them long ago, has not been idle, and their destruction is not asleep. (2 Peter 2:1-3)

The unchristian behaviour of Howard Condor continues to astound everyone, both his friends and his detractors! One really does wonder if there is anyone foolish enough left to continue to support RTV.

On The Late Show on the 5th of September, Conder continued to breathe out threats against those he thinks have reported the Revelation Foundation to the Charity Commission. Conder continues to menace his complainants, despite having received a warning to desist at the beginning of the CC investigation. Conder has once again threatened to "deal with them" (his complainants) after the investigation is closed!{1} Conder has NO legal right to take action against the ten people who reported him to the CC! He also stated that it is too expensive to sue his critics. As such, I think we must take Conder's language as a direct threat of harm outside the law, towards those who quite rightly condemn the ungodly antics of RTV! Conder's repeated open threats are a form of harassment which is calculated to cause alarm and distress. We have already witnessed this in one person who has found Conder's threats "deeply troubling" in the past.{2}

Though I am not one of the original complainants, I am one of RTV's fiercest critics. I have therefore personally reported him to the CC today and have asked for their guidance on this matter. I refuse to be threatened by such a person who, in my view, is a liability to the promotion of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the growth of the church (2 Timothy 3:13). His abusive behaviour towards others and his confession of faith are an oxymoron! This man is unfit to hold a position of influence over a "Christian" charity or to call himself a "pastor".

It is an offence to use threatening, insulting or abusive language if it provokes violence or causes fear of violence (section 4 Public Order Act 1986). It is also an offence to use abusive or insulting words or behaviour within the sight or hearing of someone likely to be harassed, alarmed or distressed (section 5 of the same act).{3}

Even his own viewers sought to correct Conder on the 6th of September when he continued his belligerence and refused to forgive others a number of times.{4} It seems to me that the boot is very much on the other foot, and that Conder should seek forgiveness from those he has hurt and lied about, rather than refusing to forgive them for reporting him and his associates to the CC.

Those individuals who reported their concerns to the CC did so anonymously, and they have a perfect right to remain anonymous. Conder has previously spoken very menacingly about a "paper trail"  and an "email trail" in order to wreak his vengeance on "payback day":

Conder: "There is a day, there is payback day. When all this is over, we will be putting things back out there. We have got the proof, got the names, there are people that have been talking about us...... xxxxx xxxxx blog..... by the way xxxx I have got your email, I can see exactly what you are up to and the things you have said about us are untrue and we will be dealing with you, trust me....... There are lots of people who have said they are not involved, you are all involved and I know who you are and this is the thing with trolls, they think they can hide behind and do this."  {2} I have blanked this persons name out because I notice they have now deleted all their previous posts about Revelation TV on their blog. I wonder if this is due to Conder's threats and fear of reprisals?

Conder and Pettie are also accusing the CC on air of acting dishonestly about the "real reason" for the investigation. The smoke screen they are using is a very cheap attempt to defend themselves. They claim that the investigation is illicit and has been brought about because RTV are not politically correct on issues like homosexuality and marriage etc. This seems like another red herring in order to produce sympathy and support from their supporters. The CC have made the reason for their investigation perfectly clear:

"In March 2014 complaints were received from members of the public alleging the charity was being used for private advantage. A subsequent scrutiny of the charity’s accounts by the commission identified regulatory concerns which include potential significant loss of charitable funds, trustee benefits, conflicts of interest and connected party transactions. These concerns are primarily in relation to the production and broadcasting of television programmes from Spain as well as the trustees’ decisions to transfer significant charitable assets and funds from the UK to Spain." {5}

After two years, many people are still awaiting the outcome of the Charity Commission investigation into the Revelation Foundation. In their favour, the CC do appear to have been very thorough and have carried out a VAT inspection and have also instigated HMRC investigation for 2013. Conder and Pettie are still professing their innocence however, though methinks that they protest too much! Whatever the outcome of the CC investigation, no one can really doubt the dishonesty of these two charlatans in taking money from several known false ministries for filthy lucre, particularly when they have previously assured their viewers on many occasions that they do not take one penny from the charity! (1 Timothy 3:1-7)

"..... when asked where the Conders get their money from, they would always say they don’t take money from Revelation, they have “other means”. This was not true as the Conders were getting paid by the back door through 21st Century TV Ltd (a private limited company) the whole time." {6}

Just glancing at the current apostates being aired on RTV, I see that we have hyper-grace teacher, Joseph Prince; false prophet and teacher, Jesse Duplantis; Word Faith Teacher, Joyce Myer; ecumenist, Hugh Osgood; the 700 Club and Seventh Day Adventists to name but a few!  The contradiction in terms of claiming to be a Christian channel and yet at the same time giving a platform to known false teachers really is unconscionable!

{1} http://www.revelationtv.com/programmes/episode/the-late-show14838  
{2} http://bewareofthewolves.blogspot.co.uk/2015/03/revelation-tv-howard-conder-breathes.html#comments
{3} http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/p_to_r/public_order_offences/
{4} http://www.revelationtv.com/programmes/episode/the-late-show862605  
{5} https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-charity-investigation-revelation-foundation
{6} https://godvschristianity.wordpress.com/ 

Thursday, 1 September 2016

revelation tv: tim vince and his ecumenical compromise

Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognise them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:13-15)  

Tim Vince has recently rejoined Revelation TV after what was believed to be some kind of disagreement with volatile RTV founder, Howard Conder three years ago. Vince became part of RTV's leadership team in August 2013, but shortly afterwards he suddenly left without any announcement or explanation. Prior to 2013, Vince was involved with RTV for many years as a presenter and a regular host/contributor in the weekly Bible Study slot. Vince is described as a Management Consultant and is the Director of six organisations: Christian Education Europe Ltd, Harvest Vision Ltd, High End New Media Ltd, Land & Life Ltd, St David's College Trust and United Christian Alliance for Israel Ltd.{1} He is also CEO at Centre for Contemporary Ministry which has strong links with Issachar Ministries and C & M Ministries Trust (Clifford and Monica Hill).{2} 

As reported previously, Revelation TV airs many false teachers and demonstrates a deviant understanding of the scriptures in many areas, particularly concerning money (Matthew 6:24). Tim Vince has a pleasant personality and ready wit, but beware, there is a sting in his ecumenical tail! We should not be surprised that Vince has chosen to identify with RTV and the false teachers they air rather than with the true people of God (Hebrews 11: 24-26). Quite apart from putting his stamp of approval on RTV's apostasy, Vince himself is also tainted by ecumenism due to his close association with Issachar Ministries and Clifford Hill. We would do well to take heed of UK Apologetics Library who question the ministry of Clifford Hill and David Noakes, and not accept CCM, ISSACHAR Ministries, Moggerhanger House, etc. at face value.{3} 

The particular nest of vipers connected with Issachar Ministries seems to have come about through the purchase Moggerhanger Park in Bedford. Clifford Hill and Tim Vince have had a long and close association through Issachar Ministries. From 2010 to 2013 Vince was Chief Executive Officer at Moggerhanger Park. Moggerhanger House and Park are owned by Harvest Vision, a charity which was set up by a group of Christian Ministries in the early 1990s to find and manage a centre from which their ministries could operate. The house, plus 15 acres of parkland, were offered to Harvest Vision for the nominal sum of £1.00 to house the ministries, conditional upon essential repairs being carried out on the Grade II listed building, estimated to be £350k.{4} The Reverend Doctor Clifford Hill and his wife Monica of Issachar Ministries were the driving force behind, and part of, the group of ministries who purchased Moggerhanger Park in 1994.{5}  

There are plenty of ecumenical rabbit holes to go down with Issachar Ministries. Hill himself has appeared on RTV on a number of occasions and has many dubious links. Among many other questionable associations, Hill's "friend" is former Archbishop and Druid, Rowan Williams. Hill also has connections with Churches Together. {6} Issachar Ministries is in partnership with HopeTogether which is interfaith/ecumenical. Hope 08 was termed as an "ecumenical initiative" by Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. {7} Hill is the founding editor of the Christian magazine Prophecy Today. One particular article posted in May this year entitled "Can These Bones Live" sang the praises of Winchester Cathedral which is Church of England and ecumenical.{8} Hill also has close associations and involvement with the Evangelical Alliance who are openly ecumenical these days.{9}

Clifford Hill and his wife with former Archbishop and Druid Rowan Williams
The Double Standards Of Clifford Hill

On the one hand Hill warns about the state of the nation etc.  and on the other holds hands with apostates!  He seems to be quite adept at vacillating between two opinions and giving "yes and no" responses (James 1:8 cf. 1 Corinthians 14:8). He was originally wary of the so called "Toronto Blessing", but for some inexplicable reason he attended the "Waves of the Spirit" conference held in the UK, 1996, and enthused over John Arnott (Toronto Airport Church). Of course, in doing so he put his seal of approval on the "Toronto Blessing" itself.  

Clifford Hill: "Bob Jones claims to have special powers of 'divination' which operate through his fingers and other senses...another occult experience.  He told Hill to stand and to raise both hands. Remarkably, Hill did as he was told! Jones then put his fingers against Hill's fingers, and told him that he would feel a 'transmission of energy'. Hill was then to tell Jones which finger was shaking.  Hill said 'I, meanwhile, was praying for the whole armour of God to protect me.'" {10} 

Excerpts from Breaking The Mould by Clifford Hill: Prophecy Today Nov/Dec 1997 can be found on the link below.{11}

Issachar Comments Papers of April 2013 illustrates that Clifford Hill and Issachar Ministries are either very naive and have no discernment whatsoever, or that they are actually part of the spiritual deception currently being disseminated by the spirit of Antichrist. To voice "great expectations" and hope in the leadership of a Jesuit Roman Catholic Pope and an Anglican Archbishop who came out of Holy Trinity Brompton is rather bizarre to put it mildly: 

"Issachar Comments Papers
Expounding biblical concepts on the world scene today
Francis and Justin
Great expectations surround the appointment of new leaders to the two largest Christian churches. A new Pope to lead the worldwide Roman Catholic Church and a new Archbishop of Canterbury to lead the worldwide Anglican Communion is giving hope to millions of Christians that this may be a turning point in history. For half a century the churches have been in decline throughout the Western nations, battling against the onslaught of secularism from outside and the growth of corrupting forces from inside."

A further connection with Moggerhanger is Vice Principal Robert Hunt of All Nations Christian College, who is on the staff of the British Church Growth Association/BCGA at Moggerhanger Park. {13} All Nations Christian College is promoted by Churches Together and provides theological training on an ecumenical basis.{14}

David Noakes is a director of Harvest Vision and is well known in certain circles for his "Thus saith the Lord" prophecies, is another person who is very much involved with Moggerhanger. Clifford Hill thoroughly endorses Noakes - they have been close friends and colleagues for more than 30 years. Noakes is an adviser for Issachar Ministries and is also in partnership with interfaith/ecumenical HopeTogether. Like Hill, Noakes' prophecies in the first person of the Lord are plausible enough for him to pass them off as genuine. However, with such connections we should seriously question their authenticity. Noakes' prophecy of November 2015 and Hill's endorsement can be read on the link below.{15} It is worth noting that Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries also endorses Noakes and gives him a platform.{16}  

Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? (Luke 6:46)

Do not let my heart incline to any evil, to busy myself with wicked deeds in company with men who work iniquity, and let me not eat of their delicacies! (Psalm 141:4)

{1} https://www.companiesintheuk.co.uk/director/17839270/timothy-vince
{2} http://issacharministries.co.uk/C&M%20About%20Us%20-1.html
{3} http://ukapologeticslibrary.net/ecumenists-clifford-hill-david-noakes-moggerhanger-park/
{4}  http://www.moggerhangerpark.com/pg/the-story 
{5}  http://issacharministries.co.uk/C&M%20About%20Us%20-1.html 
{6} http://www.cte.org.uk/Groups/261700/Home/Resources/Pentecostal_and_Multicultural/Papers/Papers.aspx 
{7}  http://www.hopetogether.org.uk/Groups/208744/Denominations.aspx 
{8} http://www.prophecytoday.uk/comment/editorial/item/400-can-these-bones-live.html 
{9} http://www.issacharministries.co.uk/images/pdf/Comments_Papers__A_New_Day_Dawns_01.0915.pdf
{10} http://www.christiandoctrine.net/doctrine/articles/article_00093_the_kansas_city_prophets_web.htm 
{11} http://bibleman.fr.yuku.com/topic/112/Clifford-Hill-Update-Vinyard-issues#.V8Qfrq1y7IU  
{12} http://www.issacharministries.co.uk/images/april2013.pdf
{13} https://watch.pair.com/toc-oxford.html 
{14} http://www.cte.org.uk/Groups/234775/Home/Contacts/Theological_Training/Theological_Training.aspx
{15} http://prophecytoday.uk/study/prophetic-insights/item/380-a-prophecy-given-by-david-noakes,-november-2015.html 
{16} http://www.banner.org.uk/news/old%20dox/noakes.html   

Monday, 23 May 2016

revelation tv - dr richard kent: how to get out of debt the "christian" way! not!!!

How Dr Richard Kent got "provision from the Lord" the "Christian" way by setting up a charity.
About 22:30 minutes in.

How very sad that the apostate church has come to this (Philippians 3:19). To his shame, Dr Richard Kent has repeated his "testimony" about how he found himself in debt to the tune of £260,000 after his illness at 50 years old in 1997. He claims that in today's money this sum is about £50M which is roughly correct using a historical inflation calculator. He was forced to retire as a GP due to ill heath and was facing the repossession of his house because his small pension had reduced his income by 80%. "The Lord" told Kent to set up a charity and to travel all over the world and voilĂ  -- nine months later the debt was completely cleared and the Kents' income started going up again due to some large cheques: "All because we set up a charity and started putting God first. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness."

One might reasonably ask Dr Kent how he managed to get himself into so much debt in the first place! It appears that his home had been in his family for two generations, so one would have thought it would be mortgage free. It seems he was quite well enough to travel the world, but he tells RTV viewers that he was not well enough to continue working! I understand that an NHS pension would be very good for a GP retiring at fifty years old due to ill health. As usual the RTV "stories" simply do not add up!  I wonder if the contributors to Kent's charity would have given if they had realised that it was actually set up to get him out of debt! The scandal of charity CEO's greed is well reported, but apparently the questionable ethics of the world are easily transferable to the apostate church who twist the scriptures to suit their own agendas!

The fallacy that material wealth equals the blessing of God is widespread amongst the apostates who should perhaps read about the self delusion of Laodicea. The words wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked come to mind (Revelation 3:17-18)! What a shame that the persecuted church across the world does not receive such "provision" from the Lord!!!

Three times I was beaten with rods. Once I was stoned. Three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I was adrift at sea; on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; in toil and hardship, through many a sleepless night, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure on me of my anxiety for all the churches. Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to fall, and I am not indignant? (2 Corinthians 11:25-29)

Better is a little with righteousness than great revenues with injustice (without right).
(Proverbs 16:8)

The name of the Kents' charity is The Final Frontier Charitable Trust, UK Charity No 1106663.{1}

 {1} http://www.freechristianteaching.tv/about-dr-richard-kent-co-author-of-this-book

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

revelation tv: the ecumenical spirit of antichrist

Consider the people of Israel: are not those who eat the sacrifices participants in the altar? What do I imply then? That food offered to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? No, I imply that what pagans sacrifice they offer to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be participants with demons. You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons. Shall we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than he? (1 Corinthians 10:18-22 cf. Deuteronomy 32:16-17)

Revelation TV (RTV) continues to draw controversy due to the compromised position of Howard Conder and his associates who peddle many false Word Faith money teachers for filthy lucre (1 Timothy 3:8). The apostasy of RTV goes much deeper than the Word Faith teachers however. The above passage makes it clear that idolatry is connected with the demonic and that heathen gods are in fact demons. The ecumenical movement was always the thin end of the wedge. These days the ecumenical movement goes beyond uniting Christians throughout the world; it actively seeks to connect Protestants, Roman Catholics and non-Christian faiths through "interfaith dialogue" or "interreligious dialogue". Involvement in ecumenism necessitates a denial of the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. Those involved in ecumenism must ignore the scriptural commands to maintain the purity of the gospel (Galatians 1:6-9; 2 Peter 2:1; Jude 1:3-4). RTV's ecumenical connections both abroad and within the UK make a complete sham of their profession of faith in the one true God of the Bible. RTV state on their website that there is only one God, the living and true God and that the Word of God, as revealed by the scriptures of the Holy Bible is infallible. {1} In light of RTV's clear defection from the Word of God, what do their hypocritical statements about the exclusivity of Jesus Christ really amount to?

Revelation TV publicly endorses Premier Christian Radio's shocking list of the 60 most influential so called Christians on their website. Below are just a few of the names included on the list. {2}

Mother Teresa: “We never try to convert those who receive [aid from Missionaries of Charity] to Christianity but in our work we bear witness to the love of God’s presence and if Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, or agnostics become for this better men — simply better — we will be satisfied."
Dr. Rowan Williams: Former Archbishop of Canterbury, Druid and paganist (Gorsedd of Bards). 
Archbishop Desmond Tutu: "I would not worship a God who is homophobic."  
“When we speak even of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is not the revivication of a corpse.”
Desmond Tutu started the Interfaith petition Faiths for Earth Campaign in 2015.
Bono: Irish singer, musician, and humanitarian best known for being the main vocalist of the Dublin-based rock band U2 who made COEXIST popular on their Vertigo Tour. The “C” in “coexist” was the Islamic crescent moon, the “X” was the Star of David, and the “T” was the cross of Christ. Bono's global religion mantra:  "Jesus, Jew, Mohammed—all true. Jesus, Jew, Mohammed—all true.Bono Supports homosexuality and abortion.
J K Rowling: British novelist, best known as the author of the Harry Potter occult series.
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill: Member of the Albion Lodge of the Anciente Order of Druids of Oxford.
Tony Blair: Founder of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation which is an interfaith charitable foundation. Tony Blair is a Roman Catholic convert, an interfaith leader and Bilderberg participant who admitted making political decisions based on new age readings of a hidden force called "The Light" (Lucifer?). 
Nicky Gumbel: Pioneer of the Alpha Course and Vicar of the infamous Anglican Holy Trinity Brompton Church. Gumbel opened the Leadership Conference with a speech titled: “A Vision for a United Church.”
"Alpha Course’s Nicky Gumbel’s Leadership Conference Brings in Interfaith Leader Tony Blair." {3} "The same Spirit lives in the Catholics, and the Orthodox, and the Pentecostals and the Protestants, even the Anglicans have the same Holy Spirit living within them. That’s what makes us one!” {4}
Full notes on Gumble's thirty two minute opening address can be found on the following link: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/alpha-2015-gumbel.pdf 

Insight and 20/20 Vision with Hugh Osgood 

I now turn my attention to Hugh Osgood, who has strong links with Howard Conder and a twice weekly slot on RTV.

Hugh Osgood holds a number of national and international positions within the ecumenical movement, many of which are interconnected. He is the Free Churches Moderator and a President of Churches Together in England, as well as being the Co-Chair of the UK Charismatic and Pentecostal Leaders’ Conference and serving as the founding President of Churches in Communities International. Hugh Osgood helped launch UK Christian TV Ministry (with God TV and Revelation TV). He is also the founder and senior minister of Cornerstone Christian Centre {5} The Cornerstone Christian Centre is where the so called “Elijah prophecy" was given to Howard Conder from Malaysian cult leader and proven false prophet Jonathan David in 1994. This false prophecy has given rise to Conder's delusional but persistent portrayal of himself as "a modern day Elijah" who will bring a confrontation of TRUTH of all things! {6} Conder may very well find himself on the reverse side of his so called "Elijah prophecy" since he clearly has more affinity with the prophets of Baal!

It is troubling to note that Hugh Osgood appears to be at the very epicentre of the web of activity being orchestrated by the spirit of antichrist aka the ecumenical movement:

Churches Together in England (CTE) is the successor body to the British Council of Churches. It is known as the formal "ecumenical instrument" for the agenda that the churches in England have committed themselves to in order to achieve false unity between apostate churches based on Jesus' prayer for unity (John 17:20-23) CTE member churches includes the world's largest pseudo Christian cult, Roman Catholicism. It is critical to note that Jesus' prayer for unity was conditional upon truth (John 17:17-19). Unity in the faith is impossible without being sanctified by the truth of God's Word! (Ephesians 4:14-16; 2 Timothy 1:13-14)

Free Churches Group (FCG) is an ecumenical association of Free Church denominations and Church groups who are engaged in public ministry. {7}  Many FCG churches are also CTE members. {8}

The UK Charismatic and Pentecostal Leaders’ Conference is part of Churches Together. {9}  

Churches in Communities International, (CiC International) is affiliated to Churches Together {10}

Hugh Osgood's ministry is facilitated by Charis Communications where he holds the position of Executive Chair. {11} Charis Communications have worked with the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, Churches Together, Revelation TV, Assemblies of God UK, Billy Graham Mission, the Evangelical Alliance and many others. {12}

Hugh Osgood is also Patron of Inform (Information Network on Religious Movements) which is involved with the Church of England, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Free Churches Group etc. {13} 

"Hugh's responsibilities now extend across London, the UK and, through the work of Charis Communications and Churches in Communities he provides oversight for churches and charities in Africa, Asia, America and the UK. He is an Apostolic Teacher of the Word and we are grateful to have regular access to his wisdom and insight." {14}

False prophets and false teachers are synonymous terms in the scriptures..
BLACKEST DARKNESS is reserved for false prophets/teachers (2 Peter 2:17)

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.....  These people are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them. (2 Peter 2:1-22) 

Just a reminder..

The Charity Commission's statutory inquiry into Revelation Foundation was opened on the 8th of September 2014 and is yet to release its findings.

"In March 2014 complaints were received from members of the public alleging the charity was being used for private advantage. A subsequent scrutiny of the charity’s accounts by the commission identified regulatory concerns which include potential significant loss of charitable funds, trustee benefits, conflicts of interest and connected party transactions. These concerns are primarily in relation to the production and broadcasting of television programmes from Spain as well as the trustees’ decisions to transfer significant charitable assets and funds from the UK to Spain." {15} 

Howard and Lesley Conder own a private TV company called 21st Century Television Ltd which sells Revelation TV’s airtime. Revelation TV's Programme-Guide from their website displays many non-Revelation TV programmes they air.  In January 2015, a conservative guesstimate on the assumption that everyone purchasing air time paid the lowest rate (£250 for 28mins = £500 per hour) 60 x £500 = £30,000 per week =
£1,560,000 per year......... 

These monies do NOT appear on the INCOME/EXPENDITURE pie charts presented by Gordon Pettie. This is very misleading to viewers who are under the impression that Revelation TV are desperately in need of donations.