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Sunday, 16 February 2025


It has recently come to my attention that Revelation TV no longer uses its Spanish-based studio for its RMornings programme. The new daily format of RMornings is now broadcast from Revelation TV's London studio. Howard and Leslie Conder recently announced that Nikki Mills and Yemi Balogun turned down an opportunity to move back to the London studio, and due to Spanish law, they had to be made redundant. So far, viewer concerns and queries about the purpose-built office studio complex in Southern Spain funded by the donations of its viewers have been met with a wall of silence.

It became apparent last February on The Late Show that RTV's Spanish operation was running into difficulties and was not all they hoped it would be. During this programme, it emerged that the main RTV office had relocated to the UK due to staffing problems, issues with Brexit, COVID-19, and technical problems. Gordon Pettie: "We're struggling a little bit.. We've got this fantastic building that the Lord has given us. We acknowledge quite clearly that it was God directed to do that, but now we're saying, 'What really is the purpose of that building?'.. we are beginning to see an increase of programmes in the UK and we have got a dilemma.." (28:00 mark) Pettie made these remarks with a straight face, apparently unwilling to consider the possibility that the Lord had not spoken to Conder about starting Revelation TV.  Even in the face of abject failure, their delusion continues without a thought for those who gave sacrificially to enable the purchase of the Spanish white elephant on the strength of Conder's alleged "vision". Various suggestions were made by viewers, including selling the building in Spain and fundraising for a new London studio! It now appears that the ambitious Spanish project relentlessly touted by RTV presenters was a complete waste of everyone's time, money, and effort. Essentially RTV is back to square one and needs to finance a new London studio! 

Conder: "The prophecies that I got in the beginning.. were so encouraging that gave me a reason for actually going ahead with starting a Christian channel here in the UK.."  

The alleged prophecies that Conder received during the 1990s were from false NAR "Apostles" and "Prophets".

In 1994 Conder received a "prophecy" from proven false NAR "Apostle" Jonathan David at an ecumenical meeting!

NAR "Prophet" Sharon Stone prophesied over Conder in 1999. This is where Conder got the ridiculous idea that he was going to be a modern-day “Elijah”. Ironically, Elijah came against the prophets of Baal, he was not partners with them! (Ephesians 5:7).

NAR "Apostle" Noel Woodroffe's prophecy in 1994 mentions Howard Conder re: God starting Christian TV in the UK.

No doubt the above "prophecies" played into Conder's narcissism during the 1990s and beyond. However, many believers are now becoming more aware that the New Apostolic Reformation is a fake movement consisting of false "Apostles" and "Prophets"

Pettie: "When we wrote the book 'Broadcasting Christ' we said in it 'Howard, you have had more prophecies that its right, back in 2009/10, to go to Spain and to start the work in Spain.' And it's trying to balance that up with what we can see with our eyes about the situation with Brexit and all the things that are happening at this moment of time.."  
Some Background

In 2008 RTV moved its head office to Spain. In 2012 RTV had a permanent television studio base in Spain, but these facilities were deemed unfit for purpose. In 2014 Conder had the "vision" for the Spanish building project. From around early 2015, fundraising commenced for the purchase of land and the building of a new purpose-built television studio complex for the channel in Spain. Following an intense and prolonged period of fundraising, the new Revelation TV studio's "Grand Opening" took place from Friday 21st to Monday 24th of April 2023.1 The new studio 'The Revelation International Centre' was hailed as "A future for the next generation".2 

Howard Conder has repeatedly attacked his detractors for their "false accusations", yet there have been many genuine concerns that RTV has refused to acknowledge. RTV's early compromise with Roman Catholicism and Word-Faith prosperity teachers such as Benny Hinn, Jesse Duplantis, John Hagee, Joyce Meyer, hyper-grace teacher Joseph Prince, ecumenist Hugh Osgood, the 700 Club, and Seventh Day Adventists etc. was not compatible with a man allegedly called by God. Many discerning Christians therefore rejected Conder's claims on the basis that RTV was no better than apostate channels such as Daystar, God TV, and TBN. 
Rob Thomas 'Watchman4Wales' May 2015: "It has long been noted that Revelation TV is a very heavily compromised channel, having no qualms about broadcasting the programmes of some of the most grievous wolves in sheep's clothing on the face of the planet. I wrote myself to Revelation TV some while ago concerning their broadcasting of false teachers, an example at that time being their airing of the notorious charlatan Benny Hinn's 'This Is Your Day.' (I had no response whatsoever). Their current schedule includes the likes of Jesse Duplantis and Joyce Meyer, who similarly present "another Jesus... another spirit... another gospel." (2 Corinthians 11:4). It is quite obvious that the channel has learned nothing about unacceptable compromise since Jacob Prasch's departure back in 2011, and the Justin Peters incident the previous year when a live interview with him was taken off air when he dared to "name and shame." They have continued relentlessly along their spiritually reckless way, with wilful disregard as to how their collusion with deadly deceivers brings not only disgrace to the Body of Christ but completely undermines the preaching of the True Gospel, exposing millions of viewers to spiritual mauling and mutilation by hungry wolves who feed off the flock!"3

These days, RTV focuses mainly on political issues, inane chat shows, and regular Bible studies with ecumenist Tim Vince, Anglican John Campbell, and egalitarian Derek Walker (Oxford Bible Church). 

Realistically Conder cannot keep up the delusion that God called him to start Revelation TV. The "God spoke to me" card is wearing very thin with many believers these days!

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1).

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