Sunday 18 September 2022


(8) “Long and Kozar Talking about their New YouTube Channel: The Wartburg Castle - YouTube

In this video Daniel Long and Steve Kozar explain why they have created their new YouTube channel The Wartburg Castle. Long and Kozar are "Confessional Lutherans" or "Conservative Lutherans"  which they differentiate from liberal Lutheranism as practiced by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).    

I would describe Long and Kozar's agenda of discouraging criticism against Lutherism as Machiavellian. (Genesis 3:1). Kozar's dominant personality comes to the fore throughout this video and he frequently interrupts Long. He explains that they don't want to get into super detailed issues about doctrine or church history and the differences between denominations, but that they are setting doctrinal issues aside. Kozar and Long apparently want to "discuss Lutheranism" without discussing Lutheranism! Kozar suggests that those of us who differ should "respectfully disagree", and he asserts from the outset that severe censure against Lutheranism on their platform is unwanted and unacceptable. In effect their aim is to do what many false teachers do, they introduce heresy through the back door without clarifying their core doctrines. In order to "respectfully disagree", I would have to imply that there are only minor differences of opinion between bible believing Christians and Lutherans. In fact, Lutheranism undermines the very doctrine of salvation itself. (2 Corinthians 11:4). It is not possible to "respectfully disagree" when the bible gives such stark warnings against false teachers. (2 Corinthians 6:14). 

Long and Kozar follow the bad example of their mentor Chris Rosebrough. Kozar: "Everything we do has got a huge stamp of Chris Rosebrough's ideas on it". According to Kozar, Rosebrough's initial idea was to critique false NAR teachers without revealing his Lutheran beliefs because he knew it would be controversial. It doesn't seem to have occurred to either Long or Kozar that Rosebrough's tactic of obscuring his Lutheran beliefs is deceptive. Why would anyone with sound theology want to obscure their beliefs?  Rosebough has labelled false teacher Michael Brown "the apostle of obfuscation", but this label might just as easily be applied to himself. Rosebrough's deception was painfully encountered by Laura (End Time Apostasy) in 2017. Laura had listened to Rosebrough's teaching for nine years without realizing that he was a Lutheran! Her appeal to Rosebrough and his wife was subsequently ignored. Laura makes some very good points in the following video and is obviously very upset. *Proviso: I am not in agreement with Laura's view of OSAS (once saved always saved). 


Adiaphora are matters not regarded as essential to faith, but nevertheless as permissible for Christians or allowed in the church. Kozar demonstrates his skewed mindset: "Don't park your car in the parking lot of the church because it doesn't say in the bible to have a parking lot at your church". Firstly, parking lots have nothing to do with the church service, and secondly, without an opportunity to park their cars, many people would not go to church. According to Kozar, vestments fall into the category of adiaphora because the bible doesn't say what a pastor should wear. In that case, any of us could turn up to church in vestments, but I don't think that would be seen as acceptable! Although Kozar claims that vestments are worn by the pastor in humility as a servant, the distinct impression given is that they elevate the pastor above the congregation. This impression is further compounded by the pastor speaking in the first person of God when he gives absolution. In fact, a biblical case can be made against vestments. Christians are instructed not to make distinctions amongst themselves or to make a show of outer appearance or adornment. (Matthew 23:5,8; 1 Peter 3:3-4; James 2:2). According to Protestant Reformer John Hooper, these requirements were vestiges of Judaism and Roman Catholicism, which had no biblical warrant for authentic Christians since they were not used in the early Christian church. {1}

Baptismal Regeneration?

Long's advice not to read our presuppositions into the text and to let the text speak for itself is sound advice, but sadly he does not apply it to himself. The scriptures confirm believers' baptism. A definite order of events is involved concerning salvation i.e. faith invariably precedes baptism.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (Matthew 28:19).

And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” (Acts 16:31). 

..because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved . 
For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. (Romans 10:9-10).

Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning with this Scripture he told him the good news about Jesus. And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. (Acts 8:35-38).

And we indeed justly, for we are receiving the due reward of our deeds; but this man has done nothing wrong.” And he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” And he said to him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:41-42).

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. (Hebrews 11:6).

The defects of Conservative Lutheranism

Absolution from a confessor as if from God himself; infant baptism; baptismal regeneration; the doctrine of the Real Presence in the Eucharist aka the sacramental union or consubstantiation (i.e. the Body and Blood of Christ are "truly and substantially present in, with and under the forms" of consecrated bread and wine (the elements); vestments; over-emphasized liturgy. statues, amillennial eschatology. {2} The very foundation of the Christian faith is misrepresented by Conservative Lutheranism. The fundamental principle of justification by faith alone is violated by baptismal regeneration and infant baptism. Lutheranism is a different gospel. (2 Corinthians 11:4).  Furthermore, vestments and granting absolution in the first person is unbiblical and puts a false distinction between the pastor and his congregation. I have heard the Lutheran spin on all these questions, but no matter how much they equivocate, it is impossible to justify these practices. For anyone to grant absolution in the first person is blasphemy. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, (1 Timothy 2:5). 

Rosebrough defends the indefensible and condones idolatrous statues of Christ on the altar as "liturgical art".

The early church

When the church began in the first century Jesus' disciples met very simply in homes. And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. (Acts 2:42,46;16:40). 

When he realized this, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose other name was Mark, where many were gathered together and were praying. (Acts 12:12).
So they went out of the prison and visited Lydia. And when they had seen the brothers, they encouraged them and departed. (Acts 16:40).
To Philemon our beloved fellow worker and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house: (Philemon 1:1-2)
Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus, who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but all the churches of the Gentiles give thanks as well. Greet also the church in their house. (Romans 16:3-5).

Church buildings began to spring up in the middle of the third century during the reign of Constantine after Christianity was legalized. Prior to this time, the emphasis was never on buildings, the ecclesia were the people of God and believers met wherever they could. (Matthew 18:20). Roman Catholicism introduced adornments and embellishments.

Kozar: "If you’re burdened by not being a “good enough” Christian, even after many years of trying, Lutheranism might be the relief you’ve been looking for!"  {3} 

Kozar focuses on how charismatic teachers like Todd White put believers on a guilt trip and make them feel that they are "not good enough". As a former charismatic I agree with this assessment. My own experience in charismania was extremely debilitating. However, I cannot agree with Kozar that Lutheranism "might" bring relief. Lutherans and Calvinists have become quite good at mopping up Christians who have become disillusioned with charismania. However, neither of these options represents the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Christ is the answer! (John 8:31-36).

I watch Long's YouTube channel Long for Truth videos regularly. His videos are well presented and are a useful resource insofar as they expose the false teaching and the dubious history of the Word-Faith/Pentecostal/NAR movement. Kozar's channel The Messed Up Church follows a similar agenda but his videos are chaotic and difficult to follow. As with Rosebrough, it is indefensible that both Long and Kozar obscure their core heretical Lutheran beliefs. As Laura points out, these men are heretics exposing other heretics. 

1. Vestments controversy - Wikipedia
2. Eucharist in Lutheranism - Wikipedia
3. Lutheran Stuff — The Messed Up Church

Further Links

The Small Catechism ·
(12) #340 Chris Rosebrough's Defence of Idolatrous Statues of Christ | MEGIDDO RADIO - YouTube
Lutheran Heresies! - What's wrong with the Lutheran religion? (


  1. Excellent article Treena.
    As a survivor of the calamity that is Pentecostalism, I appreciate the information which the Longs and Kozars present and find them pleasant as people. I don't mind the more chatty, informal presentation by the Kozars in the Hit the Bar videos and have left positive feedback at times.
    That said, I attended two Presbyterian churches for over two years as a refugee from charismania, thinking I could fellowship with Reformed believers despite my knowledge of the doctrinal flaws of Calvin, Luther and others. However after a series of Bible studies on the Reformation and Calvinistic soteriology, I was convicted of being yoked with presenters of "another gospel /Christ/Spirit" which retains serious Roman Catholic errors with other extensions of Augustinian heresies (eg predestination) which have their origin in the Gnostic Manichean cult. I agree with the 5 solas but they were definitely NOT fully adhered to by the reformers.
    I did not know until recently of the practice of "absolution in the first person" by Lutheran priests to their congregations , but it is a shocking blasphemy with obvious roots in the confessional of Catholic priests. 1 John 1,2 makes it clear that we can go directly to God when we sin and receive forgiveness with no need for a human intermediary to confirm it or act as God in His stead.
    Anyone who baptises infants-who are unable to believe in the work of Christ - is displaying that they have no clear understanding of the
    true, scriptural criteria for salvation. The error of baptismal regeneration began well before Constantine and the pre-eminence of the Roman "Church" and in fact caused some to postpone baptism until they were near death, as many also believed post-baptismal sins couldn't be forgiven (!) The household of Cornelius were regenerated and filled with the Spirit BEFORE water baptism took place and Peter himself calls it a "figure" or "picture" of the salvation which has already taken place through FAITH ALONE. I heard one Presbyterian minister state that the infant he was baptising would need to make his own decision for Christ when older and able to, but if so, why go through a pointless procedure which sends the wrong message to people and is even making a mockery of genuine, post-salvation baptism by immersion ?
    Every false movement in Christendom follows a MAN and is usually named after him. As a WOF charismatic I was following men like Parham and Seymour and, in particular, Kenneth Hagin. It was THEIR Christ and gospel which I was mainly promoting, even though I had been truly born again at the outset, albeit with my "Anglican" conception of Christ (which was insufficient yet less Gnostic than the one I fell for in charismania). Yet we are told not to claim special allegiance to ANY gospel minister, which was the error the Corinthians had fallen prey to with admittedly the BEST of ministers. Even Paul said "Follow me as I follow Christ", implying that those who knew him in person would, at times, see flaws in his life which they should NOT imitate. To be truly of Christ, we are to follow the full counsel of scripture and test all things by it, as the Bereans did and NOT elevate any man's interpretation of them to the degree that we make that person our shepherd who can do no wrong doctrinally. (See Part 2)

  2. (Conclusion)
    My prayer for the Kozars is that they would stand back from Lutheranism and objectively test its doctrines by the scriptures as they must have once done re Pentecostalism, seeking God for the truth. If we think we cannot be deceived we are already deceived and asking the Lord to alert us to error and deception should be a top priority in our prayers. I do not know if the Longs have a background in similar doctrinal errors, but either way, my advice to them would be the same.
    Also Chris Rosebrough, who in his sermon promoting statues in church- referred positively to the ALTERED version of the 10 Commandments espoused by Catholics! Whatever happened to "context, context, context!" and adherence to the Hebrew scriptures, faithfully translated?
    This is as cultic and deceitful as the Calvinists, who take it upon themselves to decide when "all" in scripture refers to "all men" or "all of the elect", twisting the plain meaning of words to accommodate their doctrines.
    It is sad that so many vulnerable, confused and distressed refugees from charismania are, as you say, "mopped up" by well-intentioned but doctrinally aberrant Lutherans and Reformed folk who have not freed themselves from the traditions of men.
    My best to you, Mike

  3. P. S. You might want to correct your sentence above to
    "However, I cannot agree with Kozar that Lutheranism
    "might" bring relief." Cheers, Mike

  4. You have made some excellent points Mike. I find Kozar's style very distracting and it is not for me. I have noticed others say the same thing, but if some like it then fine. There is a certain arrogance in that both these men think they can point everyone to the truth, when in fact they are in very serious deception themselves. They point to certain truths of course, but their core beliefs are heretical which is very sad. I have corrected the sentence. Thank you. God bless.
