Saturday 24 September 2022


Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the LORD. (Proverbs 20:10).

The discussion continues regarding Mike Winger's defense against accusations about his teaching from Doctrinal Watchdog and Tim Hurd (BTWN) regarding Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton (Bethel Church Redding) and his comments about John MacArthur.    

Mike Winger has made some excellent videos refuting Calvinism and I do appreciate his efforts to seek to portray others in a positive light. However, for the sake of the gospel, false teachers should not be tolerated or endorsed on any level, even though they may teach some truth. (2 Corinthians 11:20).

Mike Winger: "I do disagree with him (John MacArthur) on first Corinthians and speaking in tongues and several other things, but that doesn't mean I'm trashing him. That's obnoxious and I don't think John MacArthur would think that... I greatly love and respect John MacArthur and I love the ministry he's done, and he's been a stalwart champion for the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I think he's a good teacher, a great teacher. I love John MacArthur, 'but he's Calvinist Mike', I know, but I still love him and I love a lot of Calvinist teachers and that's my opinion of them.."

I agree with Faith on Fire (below) that there are inconsistencies in Mike Winger's teaching that he needs to address. Mike Winger seems to have some kind of double standard; on one hand, he teaches against Calvinism, and on the other hand, he strongly endorses John MacArthur. (Psalm 119:113). John MacArthur is a false teacher on many levels and he teaches a false gospel. (2 Corinthians 11:4). Apart from the humongous error of Calvinism, MacArthur denies the blood of Jesus Christ and he says that it will be safe to take the mark of the beast. (Revelation 14:11). Such a wolf cannot be a "good/great teacher" and "a stalwart champion for the gospel of Jesus Christ". Any well-meaning endorsement of false teachers carries with it the unacceptable risk of causing believers to stumble by throwing them to ferocious wolves in sheep's clothing. (Matthew 7:15). This is acutely demonstrated by the experience of Alana L on the link below. 

Mike Winger Defends John MacArthur: Beware of Calvinism, Joel Osteen and Unwise Endorsements

Faith on Fire: "Mike Winger defended himself against accusations from BTWN Guy and Doctrinal Watchdog (Active) channels and clarifies his view of John MacArthur and Calvinism. This video is a warning to pastors and Christian influencers on social media to be careful who you endorse. Also, see what amazing lengths Mike Winger goes to in order to avoid the dubious discernment channels from taking Joel Osteen quotes and attributing them to Mike Winger's beliefs. We also see a clip from Leighton Flowers Soteriology 101 interview with Alana L on being saved out of Calvinism after 15 years of being a 5 point Calvinist and the role John MacArthur played in her early indoctrination." 

Further Links

Mike Winger Videos: 
Soteriology 101 Alana L interview: 


  1. Good points made, Treena.
    I have not heard Mike Winger much but he seems personable, articulate and well-intentioned. I believe he is a conservative continuationist, so I part company with him there. For me, the evidence is clear that the genuine gifts cessed in the first century with-I think-the death of St John if not earlier. I believe my tongues were false when in charismania, even though on rare noccasions they were foreign languages.
    However, I share your frustration that many who expose the errors of Calvinism will usually NOT go so far as to label it a false gospel and will speak well of its adherents and teachers. They tend to view it as simply a viewpoint they differ with. I am sure there are saved people entangled in it, just as there are saved people trapped in Pentecostalism and other cultic misrepresentations of the gospel. Nevertheless, that doesn't make a gospel which denies essential teachings of scripture such as Christ dying for ALL men and the need for faith and repentance BEFORE regeneration somehow ok. Nor does the fact that John MacArthur teaches some Biblical doctrines/passages well nullify his egregious heresies and his hypocrisy in condemning other ministers who live ostentatiously while he himself lives financially far beyond most others. I don't think scripture justifies exorbitant compensation for gospel labourers, even those giving out sound doctrine. Not while there is extreme poverty which can be alleviated.
    Anyway, I digress. Thanks for putting me on to Faith on Fire
    His condemnatory approach to the cult of Calvin is commendable and from his videos , I have learned that MacArthur is now promoting a new Bible translation by underlings from his seminary!
    I can only imagine the slant it will contain. The day I buy a copy of that will be the day I purchase the Passion translation and the New World translation ( ie never!)
    My best to you, Mike

  2. As you say, Mike Winger is personable, articulate and I believe well-intended. He is a conservative continuationalist, but he is not part of the charismania brigade. I must say that he goes very deeply into the scriptures and is well worth watching, but he is inclined to approve of false teachers in my opinion.I have always been a continuationalist, but much of what is out there is blatantly false. I was badly burned by a very serious false personal prophecy in my very early days as a Christian. Joe Schimmel's recent "insights" do not agree with the scriptures (see my last post on Schimmel). Christians can be well-meaning, but if we dare to prophesy, we need to be absolutely sure we are giving the Lord's Word and not our own word. I note your comments about MacArthur's false doctrines and hypocrisy.. and his new bible version. He is raking it in I think. Faith on Fire is a good channel - he makes a lot of sense without waffling. God bless.

  3. I take it back about Faith on Fire. I liked his stance against Calvinism, but having seen more of his videos, there are all kinds of problems with his teaching. I have recently written a post about his "faith alone" doctrine which I think is the most serious of his errors. God bless.
