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Sunday 10 June 2018


Leighton Flowers refers in the link above to the allegations of sexism against Dr Paige Patterson, former President of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS). It is true that we should not entertain an accusation against an elder except on the testimony of two or three witnesses. The scriptural procedure for establishing the truth of a matter is clear. (1 Timothy 5:19). In this particular instance, the board of SWBTS were presented with irrefutable conclusive evidence, and as such they were justified in acting decisively and immediately terminating Dr Patterson's employment.{1} Flowers insists that we do not know all the facts, but in my view, if the matter were left to him then precisely nothing would be done! Flowers goes round in endless circles justifying apostates and "clarifying" matters which are already patently clear to the rest of us mere mortals. I adhere to the principle: "Think the best of someone until you know the worst", but when we do know the worst, then we should not equivocate!

Outgoing SBC President Steve Gaines has publicly condemned Patterson's behaviour in an official statement: "I disagree with the counsel he gave to a woman who was married to an abusive husband. I personally believe that if a husband abuses his wife physically, the wife should immediately: 1) notify the police and follow their instructions, 2) remove herself and her children physically from the abusive husband under the protection of police for her safety, and 3) notify the family's pastor so the church can engage in church discipline toward the abuser. The church should also seek to come alongside the woman and help her in any way possible to ensure her protection and care.. Regarding Dr. Patterson's more recent remarks about a teenage girl, I believe they were improper." {2} 

Contrary to Flowers often repeated out of context opinion that we should not judge, Christians ARE called to judge matters within the church. However, we are not to judge outsiders, that is God's business. (1 Corinthians 5:12). God hates hypocritical judgement i.e. when we condemn someone and are doing the same things. If this is the case then we can expect God's judgement to fall upon ourselves. (Romans 2:3).

We all stumble in many ways. (James 3:2; 1 John 1:18). Nevertheless, if we are truly Christian and have made bad decisions, then we should repent and put things right quickly so that restoration can take place. To the shame of the SWBTS and Patterson, this matter has been reported publicly in the Washington Post! It is astonishing that Patterson has an attorney and that this dispute cannot be settled quietly between believers. (1 Corinthians 6:5-6). Patterson has actively discouraged female abuse victims from going to the law, and yet he is quite prepared to avail himself of legal redress in this situation rather than simply "forgive". There is a word for that somewhere! Why not rather be wronged (if indeed he has been wronged)? (1 Corinthians 6:7). Perhaps Patterson should take his own advice and pray! {3} We should of course expect nothing remotely Christian from a big game hunter who kills animals for pleasure! Apparently they don't matter either! (Proverbs 12:10). Patterson will no doubt have time to reflect on these things as he enjoys his grotesque taxidermy collection. {4} What a sad reflection on the state of Christianity in these last days that many church leaders despise the vulnerable and seem incapable of repenting. We should ALL humble ourselves, otherwise God will do the job for us! (Matthew 23:12).

Flowers states that he wants to avoid the drama. Oh dear, I fear he is in the wrong profession then. These remarks from Flowers are typical of his insipid rhetoric and his constant excuses for his "friends". He is such a nice guy and wants good relationships with all and sundry, including those who teach doctrines of demons. (1 Timothy 4:1). Drama followed Jesus Christ and His apostles wherever they went! We are actually promised trouble if we are true followers of Jesus Christ. (John 16:33). Why would Jesus' followers experience trouble if they do nothing and offend no one as Flowers is at such pains to do? The very cross of Christ IS an offense! (Galatians 5:11).

Putting the Patterson issue aside, Flowers reveals in his statement that he holds an utterly flawed understanding of Christianity. That old humbug: "You do not understand", is a phrase used repeatedly by Flowers in various contexts. This is an insidious device to suppress freedom of expression! Flowers spends an inordinate amount of time accusing others of a lack of understanding. This makes me very suspicious of his real agenda. Who is Flowers to say that believers "do not understand", and that they do not have the right to speak out about critical issues affecting the church? (Ephesians 5:11). Concerning Calvinism, actually the issues are very simple: Calvinism depreciates the very nature of God Himself and severely impedes the Gospel - the Good News, the very message of salvation to everyone, all, whosoever, the whole world.. (2 Peter 3:9; 1 Timothy 2:4; 1 John 2:2). It doesn't get much more blasphemous than this, and yet incredibly, Flowers does not refer to Calvinism as heresy! In refusing to condemn Calvinism outright, he actually gives it a perverse kind of acknowledgement. (2 John 1:11-12; Ephesians 5:7). Flowers actually defines a heretic as someone intent on dividing the church, and he applies the term to anyone who exposes false teachers. Biblically heresy refers to those practicing and teaching things contrary to sound doctrine. (Acts 5:17, 24:5, 14; Galatians 5:20; 1 Timothy 1:10). Jesus' letter to the church at Pergamum warns against tolerating those teaching false doctrines.(Revelation 2:14-16 cf. 2 Corinthians 11:4). The Apostle Paul states that divisions are a sine qua non:

..for there MUST be factions among you in order that those who are genuine among you may be recognized. (1 Corinthians 11:19).

Heresy (N) from a Greek word signifying (1) a choice, (2) the opinion chosen, and (3) the sect holding the opinion. In the Acts of the Apostles ( 5:17 ; 15:5 ; Isaiah 24:5 Isaiah 24:14 ; 26:5 ) it denotes a sect, without reference to its character. Elsewhere, however, in the New Testament it has a different meaning attached to it. Paul ranks "heresies" with crimes and seditions ( Galatians 5:20 ). This word also denotes divisions or schisms in the church ( 1 Corinthians 11:19 ). In Titus 3:10 a "heretical person" is one who follows his own self-willed "questions," and who is to be avoided. Heresies thus came to signify self-chosen doctrines not emanating from God ( 2 Peter 2:1 ). {5} 

Flowers: "What concerns me most about the recent developments in the SBC over the last few weeks and months is not so much the uncovering of mistakes made by the leadership; after all, that really is not that uncommon throughout church history. If you do not believe me just read back through the history of Catholic and Protestant leadership, or even more evident is the history of Israel’s leaders. People are sinners and they will fail. That’s nothing new."

Above we have Flowers acknowledgement of Roman Catholicism, which in reality was never true Christianity!!! The apostate ecumenical Protestant Church is despoiled and cannot seriously be categorised as biblical Christianity! (2 Timothy 3:5). Israel became apostate to the point that they rejected and killed the prophets and rejected and betrayed their own Messiah! (Matthew 23:31; Luke 20:14). Flowers nonsense gives credence to that which is evil! (Isaiah 5:20). The failure of so many denominations is prophesied in the scriptures and is due to the infiltration of deceivers, not "mistakes". (2 Peter 2:1-3; 1 Timothy 4:1-3). Frankly we should expect all kinds of shenanigans amongst false teachers! (Matthew 7:20). However, we should expect faithful leaders to act with integrity and to be examples to the flock! (1 Peter 5:3).

I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; (Acts 20:29).

Flowers: "People are sinners and they will fail." !!! I have some news for Dr Flowers: THE TRUE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST WILL NOT FAIL. ..I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18).