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Wednesday 3 January 2024


(177) Scofield's Hyper-Zionists: The Useful Idiots of Talmudic Judaism - YouTube

For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside.. (1 Corinthians 5:12-13).

They say that in war, truth is the first casualty. In other words, facts are often distorted or suppressed during a conflict. It is virtually impossible to understand exactly what is happening between Israel and her enemies, and how much the deep state is involved. We are largely at the mercy of the media and self-appointed "experts" engaging in newspaper eisegesis. The scriptures are the only reliable source for Christians to somehow make sense of world events. 

Tragically, many dispensational pre-trib believers have been taken in by leaders promoting the false teaching of cult leader John Nelson Darby and the corrupt Scofield Reference Bible which was widely circulated during the 20th century. It is a tragedy that many have been deceived by these charlatans, and the fallout from their deception continues to damage the body of Christ. Pre-trib dispensational teachers are the worst culprits who constantly speculate about the timing of the rapture and the "tribulation" which they wrongly define as a seven-year period.Those "prophecy experts" who incessantly churn out end-time speculations about an imminent rapture should know better. The false hope of a pre-trib rapture is a critical issue that has divided the body of Christ. I fear this dangerous nonsense will end badly for many unless there is urgent repentance. (Proverbs 13:12; Matthew 24:10).   

There are some critical points in Sam Adams' deranged "sermon" regarding Jewish Israelis and the land of Israel that are important to reject. 

Adams' reaction to what he describes as the "hyper-Zionist manifesto" is an opinion that is difficult to corroborate! He describes the Jews as highly aggressive warmongers..

Adams: "As a result of their rightful claim to the land, Israel has a right, just as they did in the days of Joshua, to wage wars of aggression to drive out the Canaanites, now known as the 'Palestinians' to occupy and take over their land and their homes. That is basically what these people believe. No one I know will actually come out and say this is their position, but the fact is, this is their position.." Adam's views are based on pure speculation since no such thing has been stated. (1 John 4:1). (54:00 mark)

Adams further speculates: "Point 5 of the hyper-Zionist manifesto: 'Those who claim to be Palestinians should move to Jordan or to some other location, and if they refuse to move then they must actually surrender their civil liberties or convert to Judaism.' Again, most hyper-Zionists will not say this is their position.."  (56:00 mark)

Adams: "..today Israeli Jews have not even come near to the place where they will receive the Lord Jesus as their Messiah and until they come to that place which I do not believe will happen until the end of the tribulation when Christ returns in power and Glory. Until that time we can presume that their house is left unto them desolate and they have no claim to all that land. That's right and all we can also presume that Jerusalem will be trod to the Gentiles until that wonderful day comes when Jesus does return in power and glory.. (52:00 mark) And yet the Jews are beloved!  As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. (Romans 11:28).

In a previous video, Adams claims: "The Jews have no claim to that land..  not one verse in the bible that shows that the Jews will be restored to all the land before the end of the tribulation.." 2 Adams' narrative is very dangerous! No one that I am aware of is arguing that the Jews have a right to all the land of "Palestine" at the present time. As such this is a moot point. The land allocated to Israel in 1948 doubled after the six-day war in 1967. Whether the land taken during the six-day war was warranted is highly debatable - there are strong opinions on both sides. This is a very complex situation that is not helped by speculative inflammatory judgements. (2 Corinthians 13:1). Why does Adams bring this up if not to fuel Antisemitism? Are Christians to make judgments about those outside the church? (1 Corinthians 5:12-13; Luke 12:2).

The other side of the argument is that Israel's very survival depends upon her ability to defend herself against her enemies. It seems certain that Israel would be obliterated if they did not defend themselves! The slogan "Free Palestine from the river to the sea"  implicitly advocates the dismantling of Israel, and is a call for the removal or extermination of the Jewish population of the region.3

Israel's existence was determined by the United Nations following the horrors of the Holocaust. The Jews did not make an arbitrary decision to occupy the land as their "right". As many have pointed out, the land of Israel is a tiny speck compared with the vast lands of the surrounding Muslim nations in the Middle East. Before Israel’s Declaration of Independence on the 14th of May 1948, the land of Israel was sparsely populated and no one was interested in it. (Deuteronomy 28:63). This is borne out by many sources, including Mark Twain's travel book The Innocents Abroad following his trip to Israel in 1867. Twain described "a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population". 

Twain: “..A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”4 

It is clearly God's will for the Jews to return to their ancestral land at this time. God's unconditional promises to the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are irrevocable. I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you. (Genesis 15:18,26:3-4; Exodus 6:8 etc.). The presumption in the New Testament is that the Jews will occupy the land of Israel before Jesus' return. Ezekiel 37 describes the Jews returning to the land in an unregenerate state. Christians cannot possibly object to the Jewish occupation of the land, but inevitably their presence is objectionable to the enemies of Jesus Christ, as well as a significant number of professing Christians. 

Is Adams' hostile rhetoric about the Jews helpful to anyone at this critical time, or has he gone beyond his remit?

Adams ignorance of the scriptures

Another assumption by Adams is that Charles Spurgeon was "post-trib". I am not sure why Adams should seek confirmation from the writings of Calvinist Charles Spurgeon whose eschatology was unclear.

The Master's Seminary Journal: "Lewis A. Drummond states, "Spurgeon confessed to be a pre-millennialist."1 Peter Masters, current 1 Lewis A. Drummond, Spurgeon: Prince of Preachers (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1993) 650. 184 pastor of Spurgeon's church, The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, stated, "Spurgeon . . . would have stood much closer to amillennialism than to either of the other scenarios recognized today"2 Erroll Hulse firmly declared Spurgeon to be postmillennial.3 2Peter Masters, 'Spurgeon's Eschatology,' The Sword and Trowel (December 1989):39. 3Erroll Hulse, The Restoration of Israel (London: Henry E. Walter Ltd., 1968) 154. Some in the 'Theonomist' movement (which holds postmillennialism as a cornerstone of its system) in their writings have implied that Spurgeon was postmillennial. See Gary DeMar and Peter Leithart, The Reduction of Christianity (Tyler, Texas: Dominion, 1988) 41. Spurgeon could not have held all these positions. However, in which, if any, did he fit? The issue is an important one, as Spurgeon continues to be one of the most popular Christian authors in print, even a century after his death. Men of different positions seek to marshal support for their prophetic interpretations by appealing to Spurgeon." 

Spurgeon appeared to believe that believers would go through the tribulation. However, we cannot assume that he was post-trib as he might just as easily have been prewrath. 

Adams seems ignorant of the fact that the tribulation ends with the cosmic disturbances before the wrath of God is poured out on the ungodly (the Day of the Lord). The rapture of the church becomes imminent after the cosmic disturbances and occurs before the seventh seal is opened as the scriptures indicate.  

Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Mathew 24:29-31).

When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slaved and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Revelation 6:12-17).

Wednesday 27 December 2023


Apostle Kathryn Krick 6 demon exorcism on 2 girls $$$ 4 deliverance (youtube.com)

The claims of modern "Apostle" Kathryn Krick and other deliverance teachers are in large part the fruit of Derek Prince's false ministry. Prince is arguably the most significant teacher in the last 50 years to promote the controversial view that Christians can be "demonized". Prince skewed the definition of "demonized" and promoted various unreliable ideas associated with demonization, deliverance, ancestral spirits, the alleged demonic implications of self-curses, generational curses and "soulish prayers".

In the New Testament, the Greek verb daimonizomai (demonized) describes a person who is indwelt or possessed by a demon. 

Strongs: daimonizomai: to be possessed by a demon
Original Word: δαιμονίζομαι
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: daimonizomai
Phonetic Spelling: (dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee)
Definition: to be possessed by a demon
Usage: I am possessed, am under the power of an evil-spirit or demon.
Greek daimonizomai (demonized); elsewhere rendered oppressed by demons

Thayer's Greek Lexicon STRONGS NT 1139: δαιμονίζομαι

δαιμονίζομαι; 1 aorist passive participle δαιμονισθείς; (δαίμων); to be under the power of a demon: ἄλλος κατ' ἄλλην δαιμονίζεται τυχην, Philemon 1 in Stobaeus, ecl. phys. 1, p. 196; of the insane, Plutarch, symp. 7, 5, 4, and in other later authors. In the N. T. δαιμονιζόμενοι are persons afflicted with especially severe diseases, either bodily or mental (such as paralysis, blindness, deafness, loss of speech, epilepsy, melancholy, insanity, etc.), whose bodies in the opinion of the Jews demons (see δαιμόνιον) had entered, and so held possession of them as not only to afflict them with ills, but also to dethrone the reason and take its place themselves; accordingly, the possessed were accustomed to express the mind and consciousness of the demons dwelling in them; and their cure was thought to require the expulsion of the demon — (but on this subject see B. D. American edition under the word Demoniacs and references there; Weiss, Leben Jesu, book iii., chapter 6): Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:16, 28, 33; Matthew 9:32; Matthew 12:22; Matthew 15:22; Mark 1:32; Mark 5:15; John 10:21; δαιμονισθείς, that had been possessed by a demon (demons), Mark 5:18; Luke 8:36. They are said also to be ὀχλούμενοι ὑπό or ἀπό πνευμάτων ἀκαθάρτων, Luke 6:18 (T Tr WH ἐνοχλούμενοι); Acts 5:16; καταδυναστευόμενοι ὑπό τοῦ διαβόλου, i. e. by his ministers, the demons, Acts 10:38. 1

Reasons why believers cannot be demon-possessed 

The deliverance racket is lethal to the body of Christ for many reasons.

There is no explicit text in the New Testament demonstrating that believers can be possessed or indwelt by demons. Those who promote deliverance argue that there is nothing in the scriptures that precludes believers from being demonized. However, teachings based on silence are unreliable and cannot be tested. (1 John 4:1). Deliverance teachers are forced to abandon hermeneutics and enter the realm of speculation and eisegesis. The result is that many believers are left with an open question rather than assurance and clarity, and many are left in doubt and confusion. This teaching undermines numerous assertions found in the epistles regarding the freedom believers have in Jesus Christ. Deliverance is linked to the retrograde doctrines taught by false apostles who seek to make disciples after themselves (2 Corinthians 11:13; Acts 20:30), and who seek to put believers under the curse of the law. (Galatians 3:10-13; Deuteronomy 5:9,28:16; Exodus 34:7).

* There is no instance of a believer being indwelt by demons and delivered in the New Testament.
* The epistles give no instructions regarding delivering believers from demons. 
* Deliverance is never referred to as an integral part of any Christian meeting in the New Testament. 
* When believers assemble together, all things should be done in an orderly manner. (1 Corinthians 14:26-33). The purpose of the Christian assembly is to glorify Jesus Christ and to encourage one another in the faith. (Hebrews 10:24). These disruptive pantomimes detract from true worship and do not glorify God.
* People who were possessed by demons in the New Testament were known to be possessed due to their extreme involuntary behaviour affecting not only themselves but their families and the wider community. (Luke 8:27; Mark 9:18). The New Testament gives no indication of involuntary demonic behaviour amongst believers after their conversion.
* We see the same people (actors) being repeatedly "delivered" by Krick. Those repeatedly "exorcised"  by Krick and other deliverance "ministers" simulate demonic possession. 2 
* Krick states that people need to sow (money) for deliverance. (14:46 mark). She promotes the wicked lie that money spent on psychics needs to be surpassed by the person allegedly "possessed" due to some alleged "spiritual law - to unlock the keys of deliverance". 
* Believers are delivered from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. (Acts 26:18).
* The instructions given to believers regarding external spiritual attacks:
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7).
* The deliverance racket is a distraction from Paul's exhortation to direct our thoughts towards pure and praiseworthy things. (Philippians 4:8).
* Believers are temples of the living God. (2 Corinthians 6:16; John 14:23).
* Believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:30).
* Paul exhorts believers not to grieve the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:1,30).
* Deliverance detracts attention away from Jesus Christ onto the alleged demons.
* Deliverance compromises the scriptures and puts believers into bondage. 
* The deliverance racket denies the blood of Jesus. (John 8:36).   
* People often come back for deliverance repeatedly - this demonstrates that it is not successful. When Jesus expelled demons it resulted in complete deliverance. (Mark 5:15; Mark 16:9).  
* Deliverance involves mind control and subjective experience.
* Jesus' exorcisms were not long drawn-out affairs ~ they were brief and decisive. (Matthew 8:16, 32,17:18).  
Jesus did not initiate dialogue with demons or ask them to identify themselves. Jesus knew exactly what they were e.g. the case of the "deaf and mute spirit". (Mark 9:25).
* Deliverance adds to the word of God. (Proverbs 30:6). 
*Those who practice deliverance inevitably promote other false teachings that are harmful to the body of Christ. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17).
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36).
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 1:3).

If a true Christian is in the throes of a severe spiritual attack, it is sheer folly to put oneself at the mercy of false deliverance teachers. In my view, this kind of "ministry" is very dangerous due to the suspect character and the sheer fakery practiced by those involved in it. Ironically those who dabble in spiritual things without God's authority are likely to attract demons. (Acts 19:13-16). Deliverance "ministers" encourage believers to abdicate personal responsibility and reduce personal problems and sin to the level of demonic possession and/or curses; they fail to appreciate more complex issues such as personal responsibility, self-control and endurance. (1 Peter 1:6; Ephesians 4:25-32,6:13). Sometimes people can be sick for unknown reasons. (John 9:2-3). Sometimes, sin (i.e. bad lifestyle choices) is responsible for sickness. (John 5:5,14). Furthermore, we should not think it is unusual to face trials and difficulties of various kinds. (James 1:2; 1 Peter 1:6-7,4:12). The answer to a spiritual attack is to throw oneself onto God Himself and seek Him for the solution rather than rely on the blasphemous profanities of false teachers and their cheap dramas.

Kathryn Krick's recent "Prophetic Warning for the Body of Christ" is an unsanctioned attempt to foist the NAR and its false "Apostles" and "Prophets" onto the church. Faithful Christians should reject this "warning" and anything else that comes out of the NAR. 

And you, son of man, be not afraid of them, nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions. Be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, for they are a rebellious house. And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house. (Ezekiel 2:6-7).

..and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. (Acts 20:30).

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:13).

And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. (Matthew 24:4-5).

I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. (Revelation 2:2).

Monday 11 December 2023


ONE CHURCH VISION SUNDAY 12 NOVEMBER 2023 "We build through our encounter of faith".... (143) One Church Together - VISION SUNDAY | 12th November 2023, 11.15am - YouTube

The visiting speaker at the above meeting was "Reverend" Dominic Yeo from Singapore. Yeo was introduced by David Hind as The General Superintendent of The Assemblies of God of Singapore, and the Secretary of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. Yeo is also the Chairman of the Asia Pacific Assemblies of God Fellowship and an Executive Committee Member of the Pentecostal World Fellowship. 1  These titles and positions sound very impressive, but they are irrelevant to God. (Luke 14:11; 2 Corinthians 10:17; Acts 10:34).

The alleged "vision" of ONE Church for 2023/4 is "strengthening", although it appears to me that it majors on even more requirements to give money from their already berated congregation. 2  In typical NAR style, Yeo announced a "watershed moment - a moment that will literally change your life.."  Yeo's unbalanced message was experience-based and anti-biblical. Yeo: "The only way to build is through a divine encounter with Him.. Bible study does not increase our knowledge, it increases only an academic knowledge but not an existential knowledge, do you understand? It's not an experience, but in the experience of God you know something more about God.."  (1:21 mark) This wicked teaching is in direct contradiction to the scriptures. (1 John 4:1; Hebrews 4:12; Psalm 119:15-16, 47-48,105; Proverbs 3:1-2; Romans 15:4; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; Matthew 22:29 etc.) The antidote to false doctrine is the scriptures! Many NAR leaders actively discourage their followers from studying the scriptures because it suits their purposes to keep their followers biblically ignorant so that they do not have the know-how or discernment to test the spirits. False prophecy is a particular feature of the end times, and unless we test the spirits as the scriptures command, we will be deceived. The scriptures emphasize the primary responsibility of pastors/elders to protect their congregation from false teaching and other harmful influences. Those leaders who fail in this respect and propagate false doctrines will reap destruction! (2 Peter 2:1-3; Jude 1:3-16).

Keep watch over yourselves and the entire flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which He purchased with His own blood. I know that after my departure, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number, men will rise up and distort the truth to draw away disciples after them. Therefore be alert and remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears. (Acts 20:28-31).

Yeo: "Pastor David is one of the most infectious people I've known in my life he's extremely excited and he's jumping all the time yeah.." (1:11:50 mark)

I have previously commented that David Hind's bizarre behaviour borders on the manic. Someone who jumps around all the time in an agitated manner and uses exaggerated hand movements should generate questions about their stability. (1 Timothy 3:1-3; 2 Timothy 1:7; Galatians 5:22-23).

David Hind false prophet!

About eighteen months ago Hind employed the infamous NAR mantra "imminent revival". Needless to say this "prophecy" was not fulfilled. (Jeremiah 5:13). Susan Hind also claims to be "prophetic", and ONE Church has resident NAR "prophet" Simon Braker within their ranks. This makes ONE Church a lethal place to attend! 

David Hind (1st May 2022): "This is a fulfillment season, an outbreak season."  Over a year later, according to David Hind, we are still on the cusp of revival. This is the typical mantra of false prophets who constantly repeat that we are on the cusp of something enormous, but that "something" never happens - NAR buzzwords: revival, breakthrough, outbreak, awakening etc.

* End-time revival or apostasy? The revival mantra of the false prophets has no biblical foundation whatsoever. No prophecy of an end-time revival exists in the New Testament. The New Testament prophesies rampant spiritual deception, apostasy, false prophets, lying signs and wonders, birth pains.. and ultimately worldwide spiritual deception under the Antichrist. (Revelation 13:14). We should be very wary of those who consistently prophesy "revival" or "awakening". False prophets tickle itching ears and tell us what we want to hear, not what we need to hear. (2 Timothy 4:3). 3

Yeo's typical NAR narrative complete with buzzwords

"..it is very important as your church is at a threshold, and I sense this. I'm going to say this prophetically. You and Leicester church is standing on a threshold, and depending on how this scale of eternity flip, you either step into your destiny, or you fall off your destiny, and that is going to be through an encounter with Christ that will enlarge, that will deepen your faith in Him.. that will build through revelation.. out of conviction comes manifestation.." (1:22 mark) 

Do we need a divine encounter?

Yeo: "..the only way to build together is number one you must build through the encounter of faith you can only build the king you see the kingdom of God cannot be built by our hands but it must be built through the encounter of faith and that's why Jesus turns to the disciples and ask them this question - 'Who do people 1say that I am?'  You see because when he started off 'Who do people say I am', and they gave all the different answers, and then he turns around and say 'Who do you', see it's always a place of encounter. God does not want you to know him in your past and not to know him in the present. A lot of people will tell you 'I'm a Christian' and then when you dig more about their relationship with Jesus you find that they have none at all. They had a one-time experience and then for the rest of their life they never had a daily Encounter With Jesus.." (1:17 mark). Yeo's command of the English language is terrible. His listeners have the double challenge of incoherent theology delivered in very poor English. 

Seeking a dramatic life-changing "encounter" with God on a daily basis will end in disappointment. Christians are not promised daily earth-shattering "encounters". True Christians can be assured of God's presence as we put our trust in Him, as we pray, as we study His word and as we walk in obedience. There may be times when we are more conscious of His presence than others, but we rely on truth not on experience! God has told us through His Word: I will always be with us to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:20; Matthew 18:20). Yeo is actually suggesting that those who hear this message should put their faith in this particular "vision" contrived by Hind and the leaders of ONE Church. Our faith is not in a contrived "vision", our faith is in Jesus Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:7).  There is much more I could say about Yeo's "sermon", but hopefully I have made my point. 

Open Hands

ONE Church's biblical illiteracy is graphically demonstrated on their Open Hands website. They quote Matthew 25:35-36 out of context in an attempt to justify the existence of Open Hands at the expense of the gospel. 4

The above verses apply to needy believers, not to unbelievers. If they had bothered to read beyond verse 36 to verse 40 the context is obvious:

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me. 4  Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ (Matthew 25:35-40).

Bengel's Gnomen: "Matthew 25:35. Ἐδώκατέ, κ.τ.λ., ye have given, etc.[1100]) Of all good and bad actions, those will be especially mentioned which have been performed to the saints, which presuppose faith and love towards Jesus Christ and His brethren, and involve confession of His name, which are most frequent, and remarkable, and conspicuous; and then, from the manifest glory of the Lord, the dignity of His brethren, and the character of good and evil actions towards them, will be manifest; cf. ch. Matthew 10:40-41."

Gill: "..for this was done by them, not as the effect of mere humanity to the poor in general, but as an instance of affection to Christ's poor; and was done for his sake, and because they belonged to him, were preachers of his Gospel, and professors of his name; and therefore was considered as if done to himself personally:" 5

Open Hands has shifted from lottery funding to government grants

The scandal of TLC's leadership (now ONE Church Leicester) and their godless application for lottery funding in 2013 has been documented by me in previous posts. TLC had no qualms about throwing Jesus Christ under the bus for filthy lucre! (1 Timothy 3:3). I have addressed the ethical implications of TLC's lottery funding in a previous post. 6   At that time, David Hind and his cohorts pursued their greedy agenda under the unholy influence of TLC's former Director and Trustee, Adam Simmonds, who was Northamptonshire PCC from 2012-2016. I have often wondered whether TLC's application for lottery funding would have been successful if Simmonds had not been Director of TLC at that time!

Big Lottery Fund: “Lottery distributors' rules make a distinction between religious activities and the community projects churches run. They say: "The project outcomes are key, rather than the non-project activities and ethos of the organization. Crucially, the activities undertaken with lottery money cannot promote religion or belief." 7

Open Hands received £34.50k income from government grants at the end of December 2022: "Income from government grants N/A £33.64k N/A N/A £34.50k" 

It appears that very similar, if not identical, constraints regarding the promotion of religious activities apply to faith-based bodies receiving government grants. Gov.uk: "There is no law against funding faith-based bodies, nor is there any Government policy discouraging this. Whilst it should be transparent that in most cases funds will not primarily be used to promote the specifically religious activities of the funded body, there is a difference between solely religious activity and wider faith based work for the common good. Often faith-based bodies are best placed to deliver services." 9 

The above stipulation should be enough to dissuade any bona fide church from applying for government grants. Entering into ungodly contracts with secular government departments and agreeing to their conditions is to yoke oneself to them. (2 Corinthians 6:14). By agreeing to abide by the stipulation not to promote specific religious activities runs counter to the scriptures which prioritize sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! (1 Corinthians 9:16). 

I do not have to be a prophet to say that there will be consequences for these actions.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20).

And Saul said to Samuel, “I have obeyed the voice of the LORD. I have gone on the mission on which the LORD sent me. (1 Samuel 15:20).

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21; cf. Ephesians 5:7).

Paul and his companions were ready to suffer hardship, poverty, and ill-treatment for the sake of the gospel. This is a very far cry from ONE Church's obsession with money and their false NAR gospel, the contrast is woefully obvious. 

And now, behold, I am going to Jerusalem, constrained by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies to me in every city that imprisonment and afflictions await me. But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. And now, behold, I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again. Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. (Acts 20:22-30).

And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. (Acts 4:29-31).

No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money. (Matthew 6:24).

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14).

Holly Pivec: "NAR teachings and practices have divided families, split churches, stunted the spiritual growth of believers, and left countless Christians disillusioned by promises of healing and miraculous power that haven’t panned out. They’ve also damaged the church’s witness to a watching world." 10 

1. Reverend Dominic Yeo – Assemblies of God Singapore (ag.org.sg)
2. Vision | One Church Leicester
3. WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: FALSE PROPHETS AND BIBLE TEACHERS IN THE LAST DAYS: One Church Leicester (bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com)
4. Church banner – Open Hands (openhandsleicester.org.uk)
5. Matthew 25:35 Commentaries: For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; (biblehub.com)
6. WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: FALSE PROPHETS AND BIBLE TEACHERS IN THE LAST DAYS: Trinity Life Church Leicester (bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com)
7. http://www.biglotteryfund.org.uk/
8. Charity overview, OPEN HANDS TRUST (LEICESTER) - 1121334, Register of Charities - The Charity Commission
9. 15073411.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)
10. About 1 — Holly Pivec

Thursday 30 November 2023


Keith Foskey is the "pastor" of Sovereign Grace Family Church in Jacksonville Florida, and is the host of Conversations with a Calvinist. I wonder how any serious bible believer can accept an obese "pastor" who glorifies himself as the "King of Amillennialists", wears a crown, turns our precious faith into a circus, and teaches faulty doctrines. (2 Peter 1:1). Foskey's lack of humility and trivialization of the scriptures is just as scandalous as any NAR false teacher. By biblical standards, Foskey does not meet the criteria of a true pastor. (Titus 1:7-16; James 5:5; Proverbs 23:2; Ezekiel 16:49).  

At a charity event for Set Free ministry in Jacksonville On November 4th, Foskey was introduced as "The Right Reverend and High Holiness". 1 Is it legitimate to reduce the ministry of those called to serve God as elders and pastors to irreverent babble and comedy?  (2 Timothy 2:16). We do not find the apostles joking about their calling in this way! Foskey justifies his ungodly behaviour by quoting Proverbs 15:13 ~ A merry (שָׂמֵחַ) heart maketh a cheerful countenance (KJV). The adjective שָׂמֵחַ (sameach) does not refer to cheap jokes, it indicates glad joyful merry.. 2 

John Gill: "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance,.... Or, a "joyful heart" (c); that is joyful in the God of its salvation; that rejoices in Christ Jesus; is filled with joy and peace through believing in him, in his person, blood, righteousness, and sacrifice; that has a comfortable view of his justification by his righteousness, of peace and pardon by his blood, of the atonement of his sins by his sacrifice; to whom he has said, "be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven thee", Matthew 9:2; who has peace in him, though tribulation in the world: as such a man's heart must be made glad, this will make his countenance cheerful, or cause him to lift up his head with joy; as it is in natural things, so it is in spiritual ones;"  

Those who go along with Foskey in this foolishness, including Spencer Smith, should repent and have nothing to do with his unseemly behaviour and false doctrines. 4 

Foskey delights in issuing "kingly" decrees:

"..pre-millennialists and dispensational pre-millennialists must choose a representative to joust on the bow of Ken Ham's Ark every seven years between now and the time that Jesus returns." 5 

Amillennialism is the incorrect view that the “thousand years” of Christ’s reign in Revelation 20:1-6 should be interpreted symbolically rather than as a literal period of one thousand years. Amillennialists allegorize and reinterpret the book of Revelation and various Old Testament passages that describe the millennium as a physical kingdom. The doctrine of premillennialism was the consensus of the majority of the early Church Fathers ~  although it is important to note that the early Fathers were not pretribulational. Amillennialism was originally introduced in the fourth century by Augustine of Hippo and Origen.

In Foskey's own words: "We do not believe that the millennium is a literal thousand-year period, but what that thousand years represents is the time between Christ's first coming and His second coming or his final coming, and we call that the inter-advent period the period between his two advents he came once and he will come again and the time between his first and second coming is known as the millennial age that's where we are.." 6 

Foskey: "How can we conclude that Satan is bound right now?"

..how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? (Matthew 12:29). Jesus' parabolic question is probably based on Isaiah 49:24-25. The scriptures indicate that at the beginning of the millennium, "the strong man" i.e. Satan, is bound for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:1-2). The amillennial view that Satan was bound at the cross is neither practical or realistic for a number of reasons outlined below. 

Various deficiencies in the Amillennial view 7 

Revelation 19 and 20 are sequential events stemming from the return of Christ in chapter 19. Amillennialists limit their eisegesis to an isolated view of Revelation 20. 
The reign of Christ with His saints is contingent upon a literal resurrection of the dead, not as amillennialists assert, from an unregenerate life of sin to the point of conversion or regeneration.  (Revelation 20:4-5).
In Revelation 20:3 Satan is bound in order to to prevent him from deceiving the nations. 
In Revelation 12:9 Satan is described as the deceiver of the whole world.
In Revelation 12:12-13 the dragon (Satan) is thrown down to the earth. 
In Revelation 20:1-2 Satan is banished from the earth and is thrown into the Abyss. This event coincides with the beginning of the future millennial reign of Christ. Satan cannot be confined to the earth and imprisoned in the Abyss simultaneously. 
Satan is active and powerful in the present evil age. (Galatians 1:4 1 John 5:19; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Peter 5:18 etc.) 
During the millennial age described in Revelation 20, there is a total cessation of Satan's activity until he is released from the Abyss after the thousand years are complete. (Revelation 20:7).
Following the thousand years, Satan is cast into the lake of fire following his final attempt to wage war on the saints. (Revelation 20:7-10). 
A period of one thousand years separates the fate of the beast and the false prophet and Satan who is thrown into the lake of fire a little over a thousand years later. 
To assert that the thousand years began at the crucifixion (or as some would argue on the conversion of individual believers) leaves us questioning the reason why the beast and the false prophet are thrown alive into the lake of fire prior to the thousand-year period. (Revelation 19:20). 
Amillennialists argue that the premillennial position regarding the present freedom of Satan contradicts the effects of the crucifixion. However, by their own warped reasoning, their admission that Satan must be released for a brief period of time at the end of the millennium also contradicts the effects of the crucifixion. (Revelation 20:3). 
Biblically, Satan has already been defeated. However, his sentence becomes effectual when his authority as the god of this age is terminated by his imprisonment in the Abyss, and then finally a thousand years or so later when he is thrown into the lake of fire. (2 Corinthians 4:4). 
We cannot possibly be living in the millennial period where Satan cannot deceive the nations any longer. (Revelation 20:3). Jesus Christ strikes the nations precisely because they have been deceived into attempting to wage war against Jesus Christ at Armageddon. (Revelation 19:19-20). 
The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended. (Revelation 20:5,12).  Amillennialists deny that the first resurrection is a literal resurrection.  

Revelation Commentary: "The premillennialists would argue that 'the rest of the dead' refers to unbelievers. The saints of the ages who died before the sixth seal are resurrected between seals six and seven and those beheaded after the Rapture are resurrected near/on the beginning of the 1000-year period. The general resurrection of the wicked occurs at the end of the 1000-year kingdom. The amillennialists must argue that 'the rest of the dead' refers to the wicked and perhaps some righteous. However, this causes a major problem. If 'come to life' is spiritual in Revelation 20:4, then it must be spiritual in Revelation 20:5. Problem: how do the wicked come to life in a spiritual sense? If 'come to life' is spiritual in Revelation 20:4, how can the same verb refer to physical life in Revelation 20:5 without any textual clues to help the reader understand this change? Such 'doings' are unnatural to the text!"

Henry Alford: "..I cannot consent to distort words from their plain sense and chronological place in the prophecy, on account of any considerations of difficulty, or any risk of abuses which the doctrine of the millennium may bring with it. Those who lived next to the Apostles, and the whole Church for 300 years, understood them in the plain literal sense: and it is a strange sight in these days to see expositors who are among the first in reverence of antiquity, complacently casting aside the most cogent instance of consensus which primitive antiquity presents. As regards the text itself, no legitimate treatment of it will extort what is known as the spiritual interpretation now in fashion. If, in a passage where two resurrections are mentioned, where certain ψυχαὶ ἔζησαν at the first, and the rest of the νεκροὶ ἔζησαν only at the end of a specified period after that first, if in such a passage the first resurrection may be understood to mean spiritual rising with Christ, while the second means literal rising from the grave; then there is an end of all significance in language, and Scripture is wiped out as a definite testimony to any thing. If the first resurrection is spiritual, then so is the second, which I suppose none will be hardy enough to maintain: but if the second is literal, then so is the first, which in common with the whole primitive Church and many of the best modern expositors, I do maintain, and receive as an article of faith and hope). Blessed (see ch. Revelation 14:13 , Rev 19:9 ) and holy is he that hath part in (ref., the expression is peculiar to St. John) the first resurrection: over such persons the second death (see reff.: and bear in mind what is said of our Lord Himself, Rom 6:9 ) hath not power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and they [ shall ] reign with Him (Christ) a (or, the ) thousand years." 9
George Eldon Ladd:  "The first anti-millenarians disparaged the natural interpretation of Revelation 20, not for exegetical reasons, because they thought the book did not teach a millennium, but because they did not like millennial doctrine." 10 

The souls of those who had been beheaded and came to life refers without doubt to their physical resurrection. (see below).

Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key to the Abyss, holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. And he threw him into the Abyss, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete. After that, he must be released for a brief period of time. Then I saw the thrones, and those seated on them had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image, and had not received its mark on their foreheads or hands. And they came to life (ἔζησαν) and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were complete. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with Him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:1-6).

Alan Kurschner has shared an excellent post on this subject on his website: Send This Article To Your Amillennial and Postmillennial Friends | ESCHATOS MINISTRIES (alankurschner.com)

I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.(Revelation 22:18-19 cf. Deuteronomy 4:2,12:32; Proverbs 30:6).

1. (121) Comedy is Therapy (Keith Foskey's Standup Routine) - YouTube
2. Strong's Hebrew: 8056. שָׂמֵ֫חַ (sameach) -- glad, joyful, merry (biblehub.com)
3. Proverbs 15:13 Commentaries: A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. (biblehub.com)
4. (121) Keith Got a Rapture Debate Challenge from Spencer Smith! - YouTube
5. (118) BREAKING! Doug Wilson challenged to a debate by Keith Foskey, King of the Amillennialists! - YouTube
6. (124) Optimistic Amillenialism - YouTube
7. (124) Ten reasons why Amillennialism is wrong! - YouTube
8. Revelation Commentary : Chapter Twenty
9. Revelation 20 - Alford's Greek Testament Critical Exegetical Commentary - Bible Commentaries - StudyLight.org
10. Ladd, Crucial Questions about the Kingdom of God, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1952, p149

Friday 24 November 2023


Spencer Smith seems oblivious to the seriousness of the rapture debate. Smith is in serious error regarding the alleged pre-trib rapture, and his challenge to false Calvinist amillenial teacher Keith Foskey is in the worst possible taste. God's word is not a joke nor something to make jokes about. Neither of these false teachers has bothered to study the scriptures in any depth to ascertain whether their eschatological beliefs are viable. (1 John 4:1). Those who change the scriptures are in rebellion to God! (Revelation 22:18-19; Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32; Proverbs 30:6). While these two bozos are playing at being tough guys the body of Christ is being led astray into catastrophic error!

Tuesday 21 November 2023


  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns

    Regarding IHOP-KC


    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and

    Gary Wallin.

    In an April 1st, 2014 meeting mediated by Midwest Ministers Fellowship between IHOP-KC Leadership (Mike Bickle, etc.) and Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin (henceforth we), we presented a collection of grievances and concerns focused on the spiritual culture and leadership practices of IHOP-KC. This presentation was divided into six distinct sections, each presented by a different individual. It must be stressed from the outset that these concerns are not over individual infractions or isolated incidents. Rather, any single event is only highlighted as means of illuminating the larger systemic issues within the leadership culture, structural dimensions, spiritual environment, and community of IHOP-KC that allow for, encourage, and justify these, and similar, infractions. These grievances are aimed at the systemic issues at work in perpetuating, by grave negligence or purposeful intent, these mistreatments. The Meta-Narrative The meta-narrative of IHOP-KC can be summarized as Pre-millennial Eschatology + Prophetic History = IHOP-KCs meta-narrative. These two elements function together powerfully to create the driving impetus behind all that happens at IHOP-KC. This narrative can best be captured in the predominate symbol within the IHOP-KC community: the word forerunner. The name forerunner is ubiquitous and is a shorthand way of telling the IHOP-KC meta-narrative each time it is said. It both encapsulates IHOP-KCs place on the timeline (shortly before Christs return) and role (carrying a special message the rest of the Church must hear in order to be prepared for that return). For a person in leadership or on staff at IHOP-KC to deny Christ is returning within this generation or shortly thereafter deconstructs and undermines the narrative substructure of the school and missions base (which is labeled Forerunner School of Ministry and Forerunner Christian Fellowship). IHOP-KC depends on the belief in the soon return of Christ to sustain its unique identity in the context of every other Bible school or seminary and every other Christian community.

  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns Regarding IHOP-KC 2

    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin.

    While every culture and community operates with some level of meta-narrative, our analysis reveals at least four troubling results of the unique dynamics caused by meta-narrative found at IHOP-KC. 1) Psychological and emotional trauma The meta-narrative on IHOP-KC encourages a narcissistic environment where individuals focus on the temporal short-term (next six months to a year) as being the most significant rather than long-term life planning. The atmosphere focuses on the importance of the state of his or her individual heart, fostering an unhealthy introspection. There is a soteriological significance to being a part of the community, which comes into focus when an individual is faced with the choice to separate himself or herself from it. Fear of falling away and deep shame accompany many who find their personal vocation or beliefs no longer in line with those of IHOP-KC. For many, leaving is a traumatic process that can take years to recover from. This difficulty in leaving is not because the leadership forbids him or her leaving, but because of the power of the stories and the worldview the leadership create. Leaders do not need to explicitly say, You cannot leave. They dont have to, because the meta-narrative does this for them. Many, who have given their late teens and twenties to IHOP-KC, find themselves in their mid-to-late twenties with no college education, no work skills, and a resume that only includes a controversial ministry or a degree from an unaccredited university. There is despair about not being able to go anywhere else or having to start over at 25 or 30 years old. Mike Bickle exasperates this traumatic experience when he makes statements such as those from IHOP-KCs August 2013 Staff Meeting:

    When God does this...When God gives signs in the heavens [1983 comet] to back up words that have to do with a global purpose and he invites you to it, you are now accountable for it and you will talk to him about it at the Judgment seat of Christ. Every one of you in this room, and every one that has been in this room over the 14 years, they will talk to the Lord about this purpose.

    Despite Mr. Bickles attempts to justify or qualify these statements, it is impossible to escape the psychologically powerful way in which statements such as this, which insist those who draw back fro IHOP-KCs purpose will have to answer for it at the Judgment seat, pressure individuals to remain a part of the movement and suppress their doubts and fears due to terror of finding themselves on the wrong side of Christs judgment.

  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns Regarding IHOP-KC 3

    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin.

    2) Creates a negative view of the rest of the church or sectarian elitism The mandate to Change the understanding and expression of Christianity in one generation is often heard in the context of IHOP-KC having the driving role in such a change. The symbolic word Forerunner points to this idea. Many in the global church are seen as out of step or irrelevant. The predominate idea (although not stated directly) is that all the existing structures will crumble during the coming crisis and Mr. Bickle and others will be the leaders of the true Christians after the falling away leading the 35 apostles in the Blue Ridge procession in a city of refuge. It is in the context of this larger narrative that all qualifiers about the rest of church being necessary and good are heard. When Allen Hood states at the May 2013 staff meeting that Mr. Bickles message about 10,000 John the Baptists, forerunners,

    changed his worldview and

    My life would look very different without this ministry, I would be a United Methodist pastor somewhere else you [IHOP-KC staff] just helped the rest of the world to not enter into Church as usual,

    there is an implicit, and at times explicit, degradation of traditional churches. Mr. Bickles statements from the May 2005 staff meeting that,

    Every assignment in Scripture is subordinate to the call to the solemn assembly. Wherever one has grace for this, then lay aside other assignments no matter how noble, for they are enriched, strengthened and multiplied by the solemn assembly

    or Corey Russell on IHOP-KC promo videos

    Shut it all down! in reference to traditional church expressions, all function together to promote an image that IHOP-KC holds an exalted role within the Church. The significance of these quotes is not the individual statements; it is the cumulative effect on young adults (and older adults) as they sit through meeting after meeting where these types of statements are made. 3) Creates an environment where the ministry is not questioned or, if questions are raised, are not heard There are ready-made categories for individuals who question IHOP-KCs direction, methods, or theology. The Prophetic History uses the image of rabid dogs to describe

  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns Regarding IHOP-KC 4

    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin.

    those whose criticisms would attempt to derail the movement and presents a picture of those who would try to steal the message from Mikes heart. Numerous times throughout the past 10 years, IHOP-KC has emphasized that great controversy is always right around the corner. These stories and prophecies provide ready-made interpretive categories by which to dismiss all controversy as unfounded and actually provide a sense of rejoicing when controversy comes because it validates the narrative IHOP-KC lives by. It is all too easy to place any dissenting voice into these categories of opposition and to fail to hear the genuine criticisms that those who have been a part of the community express. 4) Prophetic History determines doctrine A reoccurring question when doubts are raised concerning IHOP-KCs beliefs about eschatology is what about the prophetic history? This question has been repeatedly used to end conversations over Biblical disagreement and to pressure compliance from staff and students raising questions. While Mr. Bickle and other senior leaders claim IHOP-KC does not base its theology on the Prophetic History, we have a hard time believing that the Prophetic History does not influence IHOP-KCs main teachings, but they rather simply emerged from reading and studying Scripture. Every exegete, no matter their conclusions, has a lens that they look through, and no one is truly objective. While this is okay, responsible teaching insists these lenses be acknowledged publicly. If the Prophetic History has shaped Mr. Bickle or other teachers lens through which they read Scripture, it should be acknowledged. We would have serious reservations about engaging in a theological dialogue with IHOP-KC teachers and leaders because there is something standing behind their convictions that is not open to public debate and discussion the Prophetic History. More than just providing the overarching meta-narrative fueling IHOP-KC, the Prophetic History is the lens through which Scripture is read within IHOP-KC and is in the background of all theological discussions, arbitrating what questions or conclusions are off limits. Discipleship of Assimilation We see a central issue running through IHOP-KC: a program of assimilation. As individuals join IHOPU or IHOP-KC staff, they find themselves under tremendous pressure to conform to the culture of IHOP-KC. This pressure to say, act, and believe like those who are platformed causes increasingly problematic results as individuals attempt to express their own preferences, differing opinions and beliefs, and individual preferences. The Prophetic History (Forerunner message etc.) and narrow eschatology serves as the controlling meta-narrative of IHOP-KC. Like any other groups controlling narrative, the Prophetic History is not merely something to look at, but the lens through

  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns Regarding IHOP-KC 5

    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin.

    which members negotiate the past, the future, and the current world around them. This Prophetic History furnishes individuals at IHOP-KC with:

    A drama to be invested in

    Roles and identities to live out of

    Corresponding practices and activities. These pressures applied by IHOP-KCs meta-narrative creates a highly polarizing view of the world that demands absolute allegiance to a narrow eschatology, ecclesiology, and Christian vocation. Our fear is that because so much dignity, nurturing, and defense is reserved for the meta-narrative, it is at odds with the dignity, nurturing, and defense Christian ministers normally reserve for the people below them. More specifically, when forced to choose between the dignity of the Prophetic History and that of the individual, IHOP-KC and IHOPU have opted to create a safe place for their ministry agenda, rather than for individuals. We put forward the following question: Does IHOP-KC exist for people or do people exist to further IHOP-KCs agenda? The following three issues demonstrate in our assessment the latter answer to be the regrettable reality.

    1) When valid Christian vocations are chosen that differ from that which the meta-narrative demands;

    2) When different ecclesial voices or practices are listened to or

    undertaken; 3) And when questions that are perceived as damaging to the validity of the

    meta-narrative are asked (concerning theology, eschatology, or the Prophetic History),

    measures are taken to silence, correct, warn, or label. In our personal experiences and the experiences of others who have shared their stories, we have observed that when individuals within IHOP-KC consider vocations outside of IHOP-KC, consider Church expressions different that those practiced in the Prayer Room and Forerunner Christian Fellowship, or adopt theology, primarily related to eschatology, that differs from that taught by Mr. Bickle and other senior leaders, these individuals are counseled against these choices, warned of impending peril, and labeled a threat to IHOP-KC and those around them.

  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns Regarding IHOP-KC 6

    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin.

    These stories do not merely implicate individual leaders for isolated instances of inappropriate action, but are meant to show symptoms that point to the larger issue of how the meta-narrative functions within the community. We do not see these stories as scattered, isolated instances that need individual attention. In our mind, that would be treating the symptoms of a disease rather than the disease itself. Rather, we see in these stories, considered together, the systemic nature of these destructive beliefs. We are not suggesting IHOP-KC simply tweak the way they speak about differing vocations, churches, and doctrines. We find that the pressure placed upon IHOP-KC by the meta-narrative demands these drastic conclusions whether officially or unofficially. In most every sphere there seems to be an elitism that places IHOP-KC and its meta-narrative over and against what is happening in other spheres of the body of Christ vocationally, ecclesiologically, and theologically. Handling of Disagreement Repeatedly, the stories we have received from those who experienced mistreatment or hardship at IHOP-KC feature inappropriate behavior by leaders who have disagreements with members (staff, students, interns, etc.). This behavior is particularly evident in stories of private meetings with individuals found in disagreement with IHOP-KC. While we lack the space to tell all the details of these encounters, it will suffice here to summarize those behaviors that seem most problematic.

    1) Interpretation of Motives: Leadership of IHOP-KC is ungenerously skeptical of the intentions, motivations, and aims of those with whom they are in disagreement with. Negative motives are assigned without foreknowledge and upheld despite the individuals protests or attempts to explain.

    2) Listing Credentials: Leaders attempt to establish their position over the

    individual by categorizing the ways in which they are superior to them age, years in ministry, level of education, etc. in an attempt to silence questions.

    3) Conversation Domination: IHOP-KC leaders often fail to give individuals

    adequate time to explain their position or make a case for their behavior. Leaders take up much of the time talking, deciding the direction of the conversation, and fail to demonstrate interest in understanding the individuals position.

    4) Authoritarianism: Often, leaders focus on the need for individuals to submit to

    authority. Individuals were told you just need to submit, or a student is not above their teacher, or a student is not smart enough to know what is best for them. Leaders responded harshly when students questioned their methods of leadership or the means by which they attempted to lead.

  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns Regarding IHOP-KC 7

    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin.

    5) Context for Challenging: Repeatedly, individuals were told that the only context

    for disagreeing with a leaders teachings was in a private one-on-one meeting with the leader with whom they had a disagreement. Individuals were told they should have known that a classroom was not the context to express disagreement with the teacher or ask questions that might undermine what was being taught.

    6) Victim Blaming: A major red flag we identified was that of blaming the

    individual who raised a concern for the very problem they were attempting to address. Individuals went into conversations with IHOP-KC leaders to raise concerns and would, with varying degrees of force, be told the problem really was not the leader or something they had actually done wrong, but was rather the problem of the individual bringing the concern; the individual was not humble enough or had some other spiritual malady that impaired their judgment.

    7) Shouting and Shaming: Leaders often exhibited inappropriate behavior such as

    yelling at students and individualsin one instance yelling at a student don't you dare question how I train my soldierrevealing the type of militant authoritarianism present.

    8) Intimidation: In other instances, leaders towered over members who were

    physically smaller while pressuring them to engage in conversations and answer questions they did not wish to. When an individual cornered by a leader responded, Im feeling really uncomfortable right now, the leader replied, Frankly, that means nothing to me.

    While this is no way an exhaustive list, it gives a window into the types of authoritarianism and troubling behavior that has been exhibited by leadership at IHOP-KC. It is these dealings with individuals in private that is the most troubling. While the perception of leaders on the stage may be positive, these private dealings reveal the troubling reality about the way they treat individuals. While, due to privacy concerns, we cannot include many of the details from the stories we have received, we feel confident in saying that the behavior exhibited in the information shared in the April 1st meeting is shocking and exhibits behavior that is abusive and absolutely unacceptable for any leader. Accusation Without Investigation The issue of accusation without investigation has been significant in understanding various individuals negative experiences at IHOP-KC. Repeatedly, stories we have heard, including our own, involve leaders bringing disciplinary action against individuals on the basis of rumors, false accusations, and hearsay, without adequately

  • A Summary of A Collection Of Grievances And Concerns Regarding IHOP-KC 8

    Kendall Beachey, Tyler Dunstan, Nathan Otten, Richard Liantonio, and Gary Wallin.

    investigating and determining the facts involved. In some cases, this has involved disciplinary action such as censorship, probation periods, reeducation, forced sabbaticals, loss of employment or position, and private meetings with leaders to correct what was deemed as troubling behavior. Individuals have been accused of spreading lies, teaching false information, engaging in sexually promiscuous behavior, or being part of theological discussions deemed inappropriate by the leadership, all without adequate investigation and information about what took place or giving individuals an opportunity to give explanation to their behavior. When individuals have attempted to set the record straight or defend their behavior as appropriate, IHOP-KC leadership has often refused to listen to their explanations or consider their position. Leaders presumed to know things about individuals, sometimes claiming the information came by the Spirit of God, but were not allowed to challenge. Leaders were unwilling to enter into the type of extensive dialogue that would be required in order to further elucidate the situation. This reveals a deeply disturbing trend within the leadership of IHOP-KC and shows the extent to which leaders are not willing to deal honestly with individuals who seem to present challenges to the existing system or meta-narrative. Control in Domestic Spheres In an environment where a dramatic, all-embracing eschatological meta-narrative supplies the foundational source of an all-consuming spiritual culture marked by intensity, pressure, and urgency, a context is fostered where boundary lines become less clear and normal boundary lines are transgressed. Within the strength of the meta-narrative, a subtle "ends-justifies-the-means" mindset emerges in leaders and followers, making it easier for leaders to justify their actions and followers to ignore questions of propriety. Within the isolation of the community, actions and situations become seen as normal or only slightly abnormal, that in outside ecclesial and professional environments are considered grossly abnormal. IHOP-KCs leadership has crossed into the domain of domestic control in instances where individuals were told they needed to stop being friends with one another. These instructions to end friendships were sometimes accompanied by unsubstantiated claims to knowledge of sexual impropriety provided by the spirit of God. In another instance, at least a dozen individuals were told they were to no longer help or associate with a sick member of the community with no explanation or reasoning even when asked. When one of these individuals questioned this, leadership lied to this individual and claimed the sick friend had never been a part of the IHOP-KC community. When confronted about this lie, leaders both acknowledged the lie and

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    justified it, saying, The situation is complicated. The attempts to end this friendship nearly resulted in the significant disruption of the individuals family unit as family members were pressured by high-level leaders to take sides for or against IHOP-KC leaderships position. In another instance, when a low-level leader said in a meeting that IHOP-KC leadership was pressuring them to come to a mandatory meeting on their only day off felt like manipulation, this individual was met with one-on-one, told never to use the word manipulation again, not to oppose leadership, and to name the other individuals who had expressed appreciation to this individual for expressing dissatisfaction with the mandatory meeting. Subsequently, this individual was not invited back to their leadership position again with no explanation. Many other individuals were kept from having a weekly day off. Worship leaders were told they were not allowed to travel on the weekends to raise financial support in order to pay their bills and remain on staff. Individuals were routinely pressured into accepting that they did not need a day off, being told that for most of IHOP-KCs history individuals did not take a day off, and that most Christians out there in the world would love to be able to come to the prayer room on their day off and you are upset that you have to come in for a [two-hour worship/music] set on your Sabbath. On numerous occasions, leaders in IHOPU stated that their educational philosophy was eliminate any flexibility or free time from their students schedules, saying "Our goal is to keep the students so busy they don't have time to sin." One IHOPU faculty member was forced to take what was originally a six-month (but without additional explanation grew to be indefinite) sabbatical from teaching due to the alleged bad fruit he was producing. The bad fruit referenced was that two of his students were asking difficult questions and disagreeing with teachers in their other IHOPU classes. As a part of this forced sabbatical, this faculty member was no longer allowed to

    1) teach in any context (including informal Greek classes in his own home or extended conversations in the prayer room hallway)

    2) hold small group liturgical prayer meetings in his home, 3) lead home groups and prayer room teams, and 4) invite individuals to his church (since he was opening things up to

    students that IHOPU was not opening up to them).

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    When his students were informed of this sabbatical, which they were told was voluntary, they were instructed not even to ask this faculty member about the sabbatical. Control in domestic spheres is one of the most troubling aspects of the stories we have heard from individuals who have been involved with IHOP-KC. Telling individuals who to associate with, what they can do in their own homes, what conversations they can have, and how they can spend their free time is deeply troubling. This control represents a fundamental inappropriateness on the part of senior IHOP-KC leaders in crossing of boundaries. This type of behavior is a significant red flag in diagnosing the state of IHOP-KCs leadership culture and the extent to which they are able to distinguish between right and wrong. Disregard for the Mental Health of People in their Pastoral Care If what we have said thus far serves as any indication of how we perceive IHOP-KCs dealings with the overall well-being of its students and staff, this section should come as no surprise. Time and time again, as we have mentioned, various leaders have opted to support IHOP-KCs meta-narrative, often at the expense of students and staff. In these instances, IHOP-KC does not exist for people; rather, real live individuals exist to further IHOP-KCs agenda and become a means to advance IHOP-KCs ends. Looking at many stories we received, it would take little more than a casual glance to recognize the potentiality for serious psychological harm and emotional dysfunction to develop among those who have spent time at IHOP-KC. During our time at IHOP-KC, it has been our experience and observation that IHOP-KC has not been willing to accept responsibility for the mental well-being of those who have come to IHOP-KC as staff, students, interns, or members of the community. There is an assumption at IHOP-KC that the ministry is bringing in mostly mature Christians who merely need to be equipped with the end times message and sent out for ministry. The reality is that IHOP-KC attracts many broken individuals who need to be provided a basic foundation of Christian theology and praxis and professional psychological help. For IHOP-KC to be appropriately responsible, it needs both to identify the ways in which its culture attracts and exasperates issues of mental health and to provide care for these individuals as a primary concern and use of its resources. All of these stories we have received are painful. They involve dysfunction, mistreatment and traumatic instances. Many involve the loss of friends, support structures, jobs, dreams, and ambitions. Many of these stories include events that call for serious pastoral care and professional psychological help. They are the type of life-defining events that need openness, honesty, and vulnerability to heal. In many cases, IHOP-KC has not only been the perpetrator of such harm, but has also not sought to meet the true

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    demand of pastoral care that the fractured state of its people demand. As of yet, IHOP-KC has not taken responsibility for the mental well-being of those individuals who come, either those who are fractured upon arrival or those whom IHOP-KC takes an active role in fracturing. The weight of these stories and the repeated lack of concern over the well-being of students, staff, and interns raise serious concerns about the safety of IHOP-KC as an organization and the drastic response that would be required for it to right this area of gross neglect. Conclusion Our entire presentation attempts to illustrate the long-term, systemically unhealthy leadership culture that is present in IHOP-KC. We recognize that our knowledge is limited. While we are only able to present some of the stores we are aware of, it is likely that there are many more stories that we have not yet heard. The consistency with which individuals in very high positions of leadership go on to abuse their power is both disturbing and alarming. The degree to which Mike Bickle deeply trusted these individuals and the abuses that took place under his watch is also frightening. What we are dealing with is not one or two isolated instances of weakness, but rather a pattern demonstrating that a number of the senior leaders have a warped sense of what is right and wrong, what is appropriate and inappropriate. This also brings to light the marked contrast between what Mike Bickle say from the platform and what is executed by the leaders directly underneath him. While speaking with an individual who was heavily involved with IHOP-KC as a prophetic singer from its early days and for many years, they commented,

    everyone hears one thing on the platform, but several leaders directly under Mike enforce a radically different policy that has to be the most common/recurring theme Ive heard countless times over the past 11+ years.

    For example:

    - Critical Thinking - (A) Mr. Bickle says, We must all test each teaching that we hear in the light of Scripture. Do not receive a teaching that you cannot see with your eyes in your Bible. Do not quickly accept new ideas before examining them. Loyalty to a ministry involves humbly challenging it when needed. Do not say, Our leaders say..., but, The Bible says... (b) However, people are routinely punished, rebuked, and/or humiliated by senior leaders for questioning Mr. Bickle and other leaders teaching. The phrase, Mike said

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    is one of the most commonly heard phrases at IHOP-KC. The caveat to challenge in a right spirit is used as an excuse to shut down anything that doesnt pass a subjectively nebulous bar of in the right spirit.

    - The Scriptures - (A) Mr. Bickle says, The Bereans only accepted Pauls teaching when they saw it in the Scriptures (B) However, leaders have on multiple occasions defined Bereans as accepting the teaching first and then confirming in the scripture. A plethora of stories show that it was not even arriving at inappropriate conclusions which could exclude a person from ministry, but even asking the questions was enough to label individuals unfit to lead or participate on even low levels.

    - Isolation and Rejection - (A) Mr. Bickle says, A leaders concern is to help people succeed in doing Gods will for their own lives, regardless of whether it means joining another ministry. The foundational value is that God owns the people, not the leader of a ministry. (B) However, people are at times humiliated and given explicit and implicit (eschatology/Prophetic History) pressure when they want to go to college, pursue another career, or even think about their life outside of IHOP-KC.

    - Inappropriate Loyalty- (A) Mr. Bickle says, Our first loyalty and connection is to Jesus (Col. 2:19). Faithfulness is defined as loyalty to Jesus and obeying His Word and will. (B) However, behind the scenes, senior leaders promote Mr. Bickle as an apostle, often insist that Bible studies only be led from Mr. Bickle's teaching notes, continually appeal to Mr. Bickle's experience, authority, and prophetic experiences; operate in an authoritarian manner, and root out anything that would challenge this authority.

    - Biblical Boundaries- (A) Mr. Bickle says, healthy organizations do not cross biblical boundaries of behavior. (B) However, senior leaders believe it is their prerogative to tell people what they can and cannot do in their own home; who they can be friends with, who they can talk to, and where, and about what; whether or not they can have a day off; how to schedule their time beyond their requirements, etc.

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    - The Church -

    (A) Mr. Bickle says, We love Jesus by loving the whole Church that is so dear to Him. We cultivate a culture of honor by loving the whole Church. (B) However, senior leaders promote an elitism that disparages other churches, denominations, and movements; demonizes various orthodox and evangelical theologies, villianizes people for engaging in practices of other orthodox Christian traditions, seeks to prevent students from engaging with other churches and traditions.

    - Special Revelation- (A) Mr. Bickle says, healthy ministries do not, emphasize the special revelations of their leader that contradict Scripture. (B) However, senior and junior leaders regularly appeal to the Prophetic History to shape the ministry, motivate people, and guide, limit, and even determine the biblical interpretation. From our perspective, we can only see two possible explanations as to Mr. Bickles personal involvement with this unhealthy leadership culture. (1) Individuals who abuse their power are put into place because they are the type of leaders that Mr. Bickle wants in his organization. The contrast between what is said on the platform and what they execute is because they execute what Mr. Bickle actually wants. (2) Abuses have perpetuated in many different areas of Mr. Bickle's organization, by many senior and junior leaders without Mr. Bickle's full knowledge, but not without an extreme level of negligence on Mr. Bickle's part. If this is true, Mr. Bickle must take full responsibility for the level of negligence that was required for this type of situation to grow and perpetuate.