Alpha began at Holy Trinity Brompton Church (CofE)) in London in 1977. In 1990 Nicky Gumbel, then a curate at HTB, adapted the course in order to facilitate people outside the church who were interested in exploring the Christian faith. It is claimed that millions of people have attended Alpha since 1993. The course now runs in every part of the "global church", including the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church and all mainline Protestant denominations. {1}
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Gumbel is an out and out Romanist. |
Alpha's ambiguity is evidence of doctrinal weakness.
"Alpha refers to salvation, the cross, the death of Christ, etc., in such a general way that false doctrine is not refuted. It says salvation is by grace, for instance, but it does not say that salvation is by grace ALONE by faith ALONE through the blood of Christ ALONE without works or sacraments. It refers to the Bible as God’s Word in a general sense, but it does not explain that the Bible is truly God’s inerrant, infallible, supernatural Word that must be reverenced and obeyed in every detail, that the Bible ALONE is the authority for faith and practice. It refers to Christ’s death on the cross, but does not plainly explain the vicarious atonement that was required for man’s salvation. It refers to man’s need, but it does not describe man as a totally depraved nature sinner. If Alpha were that specific, it is certain it would not be ecumenically popular in this apostate hour." {2}
RCDOW: "It (Alpha) is wholly compatible with Catholic teaching, but it does not address specific Catholic teachings and ecclesiology." {3}
The above statement is very telling! In order to be "compatible with Catholic teaching", Alpha by its very nature must involve doctrinal modus vivendi. RC historic opposition to faith alone in Jesus Christ still stands:
THE COUNCIL OF TRENT CANON XII -"If any one saith, that justifying faith is nothing else but confidence in the divine mercy which remits sins for Christ's sake; or, that this confidence alone is that whereby we are justified; let him be anathema." {4}
The Holy Spirit Weekend
The controversial "Holy Spirit weekend" is the sine qua non of Alpha. Both Sandy Millar, the previous vicar of HTB, and Nicky Gumbel, personally experienced various dubious manifestations introduced by John Wimber during the 1980s, the prequel to the so called "Toronto Blessing". Holy Trinity Brompton's heavy promotion of Toronto was the catalyst that caused Alpha's popularity to explode during the 1990s.
Gumbel: “I believe it is no coincidence that the present movement of the Holy Spirit has come at the same time as the explosion of the Alpha Courses. I think the two go together.” {5}
The Holy Spirit weekend initiates spiritually naïve participants into the dangerous experience known in charismatic circles as the "transferable anointing". Alarmingly, without a comprehensive understanding of the gospel, this "anointing" leaves attendees vulnerable to "another spirit". (2 Corinthians 11:4,14; Matthew 13:19). Alpha "converts" have no competency to test the spirits as the scriptures instruct, as such they are an easy target for deceivers. (1 John 4:1). The method typically employed by Alpha is to infect their victims with this counterfeit spirit by the laying on of hands. The resulting occult manifestations, such as falling backwards, violent jerking, uncontrollable laughter, bodily contortions, "drunkenness" etc. is unbiblical and dangerous. (Acts 8:17). This error has spread like gangrene from Toronto and Holy Trinity Brompton. (2 Timothy 2:17). Toronto and its demonic manifestations have now been thoroughly exposed as counterfeit. (See Further Links)
Rob Thomas: "Using the classic cult technique of taking people out of their normal routine and surroundings, and placing them into a new and super-charged environment of intense expectation of Signs & Wonders, the candidates are ripe to receive WHATEVER comes their way! They are urged to be open to being "slain in the spirit" and experiencing strange physical sensations like shaking and heat. In short, persons are being taught and encouraged to receive a most UNHOLY type of spirit with attendant fleshly manifestations known in Eastern occultism as KUNDALINI.." {6}
ShipofFools: "My own parish had the unfortunate experience once of people walking out of the weekend because they felt duped - there were 'plants' as they took it, people sprinkled about the gathering whose job it would be to lay hands on people and pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit." {7}
Gumbel's Faulty Theology
Gumbel describes the Holy Spirit as a "Compelling Spirit". {8}
This description is very misleading. The Holy Spirit convicts, He never compels! (John 16:8).
..for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7)
..and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. (1 Corinthians 14:32).
God is not a God of disorder...1 Corinthians 14:33).
Gumbel on the gift of tongues: "You don't need to speak in tongues. It is not the most important gift. But tongues is a beginner's gift, and Alpha is a beginner's course in Christianity, so it would be wonderful if you tried.. They (tongues) take time to develop. Most of us start with a very limited vocabulary. It gradually develops. Tongues is like that. Don’t give up." {9}
Gumbel's description of the gift of tongues is inaccurate.
On the Day of Pentecost, no one had to "try" to speak in tongues; it was not something they needed to "learn" or "practice".
..they were all together in one place. (probably the hundred and twenty) (Acts 1:2,15).
Gumbel: “I believe it is no coincidence that the present movement of the Holy Spirit has come at the same time as the explosion of the Alpha Courses. I think the two go together.” {5}
The Holy Spirit weekend initiates spiritually naïve participants into the dangerous experience known in charismatic circles as the "transferable anointing". Alarmingly, without a comprehensive understanding of the gospel, this "anointing" leaves attendees vulnerable to "another spirit". (2 Corinthians 11:4,14; Matthew 13:19). Alpha "converts" have no competency to test the spirits as the scriptures instruct, as such they are an easy target for deceivers. (1 John 4:1). The method typically employed by Alpha is to infect their victims with this counterfeit spirit by the laying on of hands. The resulting occult manifestations, such as falling backwards, violent jerking, uncontrollable laughter, bodily contortions, "drunkenness" etc. is unbiblical and dangerous. (Acts 8:17). This error has spread like gangrene from Toronto and Holy Trinity Brompton. (2 Timothy 2:17). Toronto and its demonic manifestations have now been thoroughly exposed as counterfeit. (See Further Links)
Rob Thomas: "Using the classic cult technique of taking people out of their normal routine and surroundings, and placing them into a new and super-charged environment of intense expectation of Signs & Wonders, the candidates are ripe to receive WHATEVER comes their way! They are urged to be open to being "slain in the spirit" and experiencing strange physical sensations like shaking and heat. In short, persons are being taught and encouraged to receive a most UNHOLY type of spirit with attendant fleshly manifestations known in Eastern occultism as KUNDALINI.." {6}
ShipofFools: "My own parish had the unfortunate experience once of people walking out of the weekend because they felt duped - there were 'plants' as they took it, people sprinkled about the gathering whose job it would be to lay hands on people and pray for them to receive the Holy Spirit." {7}
Gumbel's Faulty Theology
Gumbel describes the Holy Spirit as a "Compelling Spirit". {8}
This description is very misleading. The Holy Spirit convicts, He never compels! (John 16:8).
..for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. (2 Timothy 1:7)
..and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. (1 Corinthians 14:32).
God is not a God of disorder...1 Corinthians 14:33).
Gumbel on the gift of tongues: "You don't need to speak in tongues. It is not the most important gift. But tongues is a beginner's gift, and Alpha is a beginner's course in Christianity, so it would be wonderful if you tried.. They (tongues) take time to develop. Most of us start with a very limited vocabulary. It gradually develops. Tongues is like that. Don’t give up." {9}
Gumbel's description of the gift of tongues is inaccurate.
On the Day of Pentecost, no one had to "try" to speak in tongues; it was not something they needed to "learn" or "practice".
..they were all together in one place. (probably the hundred and twenty) (Acts 1:2,15).
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:1-4).
Tongues is described by the Apostle Paul as a lesser gift than prophecy. (1 Corinthians 14:5; 12:28). Tongues are not a "beginners gift". Gumbel is full of these inconsistencies.
Tongues is described by the Apostle Paul as a lesser gift than prophecy. (1 Corinthians 14:5; 12:28). Tongues are not a "beginners gift". Gumbel is full of these inconsistencies.
Before anyone accuses me of being a cessationist, I am not. I have personally received insights and revelations from the Lord, and I claim to have the gift of "discerning of spirits". (1 Corinthians 12:10). How ironic that "discerning of spirits", the most needed gift in these perilous times, is rejected by compromised churches when it disagrees with their ecumenical agenda. (2 Timothy 3:1)
Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).
ALPHA LEICESTERTherefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12).
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Kings Church Leicester
All Nations Church Leicester
Holy Trinity Church Leicester
St John's Church Clarendon Park
5. Renewal magazine, May 1995, p15.
9. Questions of Life, p147.
Good article Treena.
ReplyDeleteI was lured into the grave errors of Pentecostalism as an unsaved Anglican in the late '70's,when charismatic teaching and manifestations were infiltrating the doctrinally defenceless mainline denominations in Australia. I had not even heard of modern day speaking in (Kundalini) tongues until my high school years and it was very much on the fringe. How times have changed and how swiftly the leaven has expanded, that this perverse mutation of Christianity is now its main face, presented 24/7 on TV globally, promoted by the Vatican in union with many who classify themselves as Protestant evangelicals and influencing leaders of nations such as Australia, the USA, Brazil etc.
The Alpha Course is one more strategy to pervade the errors which came to the fore in places such as Toronto and Pensecola throughout churches far and wide as well as furthering the NAR and ecumenical agendas, which are often combined. It is all now so mainstream that voices opposing it are very few and mostly ignored. I am hugely thankful to be out of it as I know firsthand how bewitchingly lethal it is. Finding an assembly which is not infected by grave error these days is, I think, next to impossible. I thank God for online ministry and fellowship and for good Bible commentaries from the 19th century and early 20th century, which I feed on.
I found this article on the NAR conquest of the UK interesting. My best to you, Mike
I also came into charismania when I was unsaved Mike. I thank God that He has opened my eyes to the full on deception now taking place. I now have zero tolerance for any of it.
ReplyDeleteRob Thomas (Watchman4Wales) became known to me when we were both writing against the "Welsh Outpouring" a few years ago. I have never met him but we have corresponded quite a bit.
Alpha is a strategy of Satan to prevent any genuine teaching taking hold. There is "some" truth in it, but new "converts" are quickly led into error. (2 Corinthians 11:14).
“A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. (Matthew 13:3-4)