Jonathan Cahn is a well known Messianic rabbi and author of a number of books, including bestselling novel The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that holds the Secret of America's Future (2012). The Return was an event specifically based on Cahn's "harbinger" theme i.e. his "prophetic" view that nine parallel harbingers show a connection between ancient Israel's destruction and a possible coming destruction of present-day America. The event was promoted by Cahn as "A global day of prayer and repentance" on the National Mall in Washington DC on Saturday September 26th 2020.
Jonathan Cahn is a well known Messianic rabbi and author of a number of books, including bestselling novel The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that holds the Secret of America's Future (2012). The Return was an event specifically based on Cahn's "harbinger" theme i.e. his "prophetic" view that nine parallel harbingers show a connection between ancient Israel's destruction and a possible coming destruction of present-day America. The event was promoted by Cahn as "A global day of prayer and repentance" on the National Mall in Washington DC on Saturday September 26th 2020.
Good News Florida: "Believers and leaders from every walk of life are already part of 'The Return' include Dr. James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Ann Graham Lotz, Alveda King, Kevin Jessip, Michele Bachmann, Gordon Robertson, Marcus Lamb, Bishop Harry Jackson—and many more." {1}
Cahn's books are published by the Charisma Media Group whose Founder and CEO is Stephen Strang, an "apostle" with ties to the New Apostolic Reformation.
Cahn's associates include Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Jim Bakker, Sid Roth, Pat Robertson, Morris Cerullo, John Paul Jackson etc. All these teachers follow an ecumenical agenda at odds with the scriptures and all of them promote an end time "revival".
The Return: "Now we move forward together for worldwide revival and the end-time harvest foretold in the Scriptures." {2}
The scriptures warn about false prophets, apostasy and wickedness in the last days, not revival. (Matthew 24:5-12; 2 Timothy 3:1-9).
Cahn does not claim to be a "prophet". As such it is difficult to hold him accountable to Deuteronomy 18:22. However, his reticence on that score is something of a misnomer since The Return was promoted as a "prophetic announcement". Cahn's title "rabbi" is antithetical to the New Testament. Jesus Christ stated unequivocally that no one should be called "rabbi" (Matthew 23:8). Cahn is very careful to make loose predictions and ambiguous statements with disclaimers without actually saying anything definite. His books are presented as "fiction" and yet he claims divine insight. Cahn is very careful not to say that America is actually in "covenant relationship" with God. However this is what he constantly infers.
God's covenant is with individuals from every tribe, nation and language and is entered into exclusively by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. (Revelation 7:9; John 3:16; Romans 3:21-26; Ephesians 2:8-9). America can claim no special distinction amongst the nations before God. (Romans 3:23).
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. (1 Peter 2:9-10).
I have not read Cahn's book The Harbinger and I am unlikely to do so. However, I have listened to his audio The Harbinger On Audio. {4} Cahn claims that: "..there are only two nations in world history founded and dedicated from their inception upon God - they are Israel and America." {5}
The Myth: America's Puritan Foundations
It is important to note that the Pilgrims/Puritans were not the first to land in America, nor did they discover it.
Cahn argues as historical fact that American civilization was founded exactly 400 years ago by the Puritans who set sail from Plymouth on the Mayflower in 1620. The Mayflower set sail with up to 30 crew and 102 passengers on board. Forty one of the passengers were Puritans who were also known as "Separatists". Cahn identifies Plymouth Massachusetts as the first foundation of American civilization, and he specifically draws attention to the The Mayflower Compact. {6} Cahn fails to point out that the Anglicans had already established colonies in America prior to 1620.
Jamestown Virginia, America’s first permanent English colony, was founded in 1607, thirteen years before the Puritans landed at Plymouth Massachusetts on the Mayflower. The Jamestown charter was granted by King James to the Virginia Company on April 10th 1606. The Anglican leaders of the Virginia Company of London oversaw the original charter.
Text of The Jamestown Charter
"Wee, greately commending and graciously accepting of theire desires to the furtherance of soe noble a worke which may, by the providence of Almightie God, hereafter tende to the glorie of His Divine Maiestie in propogating of Christian religion to suche people as yet live in darkeness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worshippe of God and may in tyme bring the infidels and salvages living in those parts to humane civilitie and to a settled and quiet governmente.."
"Jamestown was sponsored by the Virginia Company of London, a group of investors who hoped to profit from the venture. Chartered in 1606 by King James I, the company also supported English national goals of counterbalancing the expansion of other European nations abroad, seeking a northwest passage to the Orient, and converting the Virginia Indians to the Anglican religion." {7}
The original Jamestown charter was subsequently followed by three further charters:
The Second charter of the Virginia Company of London, 1609
The Third Charter of the Virginia Company of London, 1612
The Great Charter November 18, 1618
Dissolution of the Charter - The Jamestown Massacre in 1622 {8}
The Mayflower Compact was signed on the 11th November 1620 on board the Mayflower. Nothing in the Mayflower Compact dedicates America as a nation to God. The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of the Plymouth Colony i.e. its application and relevance was limited to that particular geographical area.
Text of The Mayflower Compact:
In the name of God, Amen. We whose names are under-written, the loyal subjects of our dread sovereign Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, etc.
Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together into a civil body politic, for our better ordering and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the Colony, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witness whereof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cape Cod, the eleventh of November [New Style, November 21], in the year of the reign of our sovereign lord, King James, of England, France, and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Dom. 1620.
The Arbella 1630
Cahn misquotes Puritan leader John Winthrop who travelled on the Arbella in 1630 and founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony with 900 Puritans.
Winthrop was referring to Massachusetts Bay Colony, NOT TO AMERICA AS A WHOLE.
"While crossing the Atlantic Ocean aboard the Arbella, Winthrop delivered a renowned sermon entitled 'A Modell of Christian Charity.' Winthrop compared the flight of the Puritans to the story of Exodus. He described the future colony as an ideal Puritan society, where colonists could uphold their obligations to God and one another. Winthrop believed that the world was watching this grand Puritan experiment and, in an echo of Jesus's words in Matthew chapter 5:14, he declared that Massachusetts 'shall be as a city on a hill." {10}
National Endowment For The Humanities: "..the content of Winthrop’s sermon—what {Perry} Miller thought Winthrop was actually saying or proposing as a model—differed radically from what Reagan and others would make of it. According to Miller, this sermon called Puritans to model radical communal solidarity. It had nothing to do with the American Dream, nothing to do with bettering one’s life, nothing at all to do with making money or getting ahead. In fact, Miller claimed, Winthrop specifically rejected all such ideas. Going it alone, pulling ahead of others, getting rich or even trying to—these were the very dangers that Winthrop sought to guard against. Society’s success depended instead on mutual affection, being 'knit together in this work as one man.'" {11}
Cahn also quoted from George Washington's Inaugural Address in which he affirmed America's relationship to God. Washington's precise phrase was "that Almighty Being". Since George Washington was a Freemason, we might legitimately question whether his faith was biblical, or whether he followed the ambiguous Great Architect of the Universe. George Washington was influenced by the Illuminati or “luminaries", a movement rooted in the Enlightenment. {12} America was allegedly consecrated to God in 1789 at today's ground zero in New York, a fact that Cahn finds "prophetic".
It is reasonable to conclude that America consisted of pockets of believers from 1620, but it is also apparent that there were other influences at work in the country both before and after the Mayflower landing. This is evidenced by the Masonic symbols interwoven into American architecture and society, in particular, the Great Seal of the United States and other national seals, the symbols on the dollar bill, the layout of Washington DC etc. In fact several "founding fathers", such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and James Monroe were Freemasons.
Isaiah 9:10: The bricks have fallen, but we will build with dressed stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place.”
Three leading politicians quoted Isaiah 9:10 following 9/11: Tom Daschle, John Edwards and Barack Obama. Isaiah 9:10 was Israel's vow of defiance against God after they had been struck by the Assyrians.
Obama signed a beam laid at the WTC memorial with the words "We remember, we rebuild, we come back stronger." on June 14 2012. He also quoted Isaiah 9:10 on January 2009 in his first State of the Union address.
![]() |
Barack Obama 2012 |
Tom Daschle Speech, 09/12/01 -
The renewal of the Consecration of the United States of America to "the blessed Virgin Mary" was managed exclusively by the Roman Catholic Church:
Cahn's Breaking Of The Vessel
It is ominous that Cahn's "prophetic act" of smashing the vessel took place at the Mall in Washington DC at the southern tip of the occult inverted pentagram directly in front of the obelisk. Cahn's use of masonic hand signals is evident throughout this event. I refer in particular to his frequent upward pointing index finger (pointer).
Cahn: "How can God bless a nation that wars against His ways, that blasphemes His name, that silences his Word and vilifies those who uphold it, that sheds the blood of over sixty million of its children."
Cahn smashed the vessel in front of many "professing Christians" as a replay of Jeremiah 19. He specifically called out the sin of abortion as one of the primary reasons for God's impending judgement against America. The awful sin of abortion is a symptom of godlessness. However, pervasive sin in every area of society is the disease that can only be healed by the new birth. (John 3:3).
The chronic sin Cahn fails to acknowledge is the sin of ecumenism. Cahn loudly protests the sin of abortion, but he deliberately ignores the millions of souls lost due to the false works gospel of Roman Catholicism. The inevitable prospect of spiritual death and eternal damnation awaits countless numbers of people deceived by the imitation gospel of the ecumenical movement. (2 Corinthians 11:4).
The Return was a politically motivated event and a call to vote for Donald Trump who, like Cahn, is deeply involved with many false NAR Dominionist leaders who are guilty of the many things that Cahn supposedly speaks out against.
Shabbat Shuvah
Cahn: "When this day was chosen for The Return, nobody realized, no one had any idea.. It turned out that this day was a sacred day set apart on the biblical Hebrew calendar from ancient times. It is called Shabbat Shuvah. Shabbat means the sabbath, that's Saturday which is right now, but the key word is Shuvah. What does it mean? Shuvah means the return.. This day was specifically consecrated as the day of repentance of return to God for the return of a nation.."
I find it surprising that Cahn, a "rabbi", was unaware that the 26th of September was Shabbat Shuvah/The Sabbath of Return. I am inclined to think that this date was specifically chosen for The Return to fit in with Cahn's spiel. In any event, there are discrepancies between Rabbi Hillel's lunisolar calendar and Jewish holidays.
"..there are discrepancies between his (Hillel's) calendar and the astronomical reality. This is a serious problem the Sanhedrin is taking steps to gradually fix." {14}
Cahn's involvement with the New Apostolic Reformation is a clear indication that he has a different agenda that is completely at odds with the scriptures. He works on the assumption that America's alleged special position before God through its Christian foundations is relevant to individuals living in America today. This assumption is not only false, it is a denial of the gospel of Jesus Christ who calls individuals out of the world, from darkness into his marvelous light. (John 17:6; 1 Peter 2:9).
I regard Jonathan Cahn as an extremely dangerous man. (Matthew 24:24; Ephesians 6:12).
Hi Treena. Thank you so much for all your research and hard work for this article. I’m sure others will have more insight, but one thing struck me. ‘Rabbi’ Cahn says that there are harbingers of America’s destruction. He then goes on to talk about a worldwide revival (I totally agree with your view on that subject). But presumably the (fictional) revival won’t include America, because it will be destroyed...
ReplyDeleteAnd if he believes his own words, why hasn’t he moved abroad to escape the, er, destruction. Obviously in another country he won’t make as much money, but - oh, I see..
Many blessings
Thank you John. In Cahn's mind he is calling America to "repentance" (albeit false repentance) in order to avoid the destruction. He is very careful not to commit himself to any definite scenario - this is why it is difficult to critique him. Whatever happens he cannot lose the argument! His response to Thomas Ice gave me a good insight.
God bless.
Excellent and thorough article on this deceiver who is gaining much influence. It would appear that anyone organising a major prayer event (particularly in Washington DC) is to be avoided like the proverbial plague. So many false ministers living and dead turn out to have occultic connections, be it freemasonry or-in Cahn's case- the Kaballah. Plus the ministerial company one keeps is a major giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI think you have a couple of words out of place in your final sentence. The English teacher in me! My best to you, Mike
Thank you Mike.
ReplyDeleteThere is more I want to say concerning Cahn's "Cyrus prophecy" over Trump.
I will do this in another post as this one is long enough.
It has taken me some time to really get to grips with this subject as my knowledge was pretty limited before doing the research. I have learned a lot from it and I hope it will be useful to others.
I have corrected the error - thank you.
God bless.
As I’ve mentioned before, I used to be part of Richmond Messianic Fellowship in London, and one of the frequent speakers was a certain Jacob - er, sorry, Yakov Prasch. And a lot of us made the unconscious connection of Messianic Jew (I know that that’s highly questionable in JP’s case) = Mouthpiece of God. And I think the same’s true for Cahn. I was all set to buy his book, after it was heavily promoted on TBN, when I realised it’s a novel. A novel? Prophetic fiction? Oh I see - if his ‘prophecy’ doesn’t happen, he can say it’s only fiction. Clever.
ReplyDeleteTalking of which, I take your point, Treena: if America collapses, he’s right, and if it doesn’t, he’s also right because apparently everyone will have repented.
We can all do that. If I don’t have three Weetabix for breakfast tomorrow, a huge meteor will strike London. Just see what happens...
Exactly John.. God bless.
DeleteI didn't know Cahn was on the Trump/Cyrus prophecy bandwagon. How ludicrous! I once heard a false teacher state that "At the last trump..." could be an oblique prophetic reference to Donald Trump in scripture. It is beyond me how anyone can take these people seriously. Yet a huge crowd turned up to hear this 'Messianic rabbi' ramble on about national repentance and exalt the USA to a false position before the LordL
ReplyDeleteI will be interested to read your next instalment. My best, Mike
P. S. I think after the bracketed reference to Matthew 23:8, you meant to write 'Cahn' rather than 'Cahn's'
His book 'The Oracle' goes into details about the Trump/Cyrus "prophecy", although I don't think it originated with Cahn.
DeleteThank you again Mike.
God bless
As far as I can see, Trump/Cyrus started with Lance Wallnau. He’s co-written a book with Bill Johnson. I think that’s all we need to know!
ReplyDeleteMany blessings, and thanks for all the work you do, Treena!
You have made me smile John. Yes you are right, it was Lance Wallnau, and yes, that is all we need to know! Cahn puts some meat on the bones as it were. I am in the process of demolishing Cahn's points one by one. Hopefully it will be of some use to those following this nonsense.
DeleteGod bless.