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Monday 20 February 2023


The Asbury "revival" began on February 8th and continues to the present time, although I understand that there will be some restrictions put in place from February 22nd. Whether it is biblical to put restrictions on a revival is an interesting question. The "revival" has been well aired on GodTV, CBN and also on Fox News. As far as I am aware from various reports and from personal observation, this revival has consisted mainly of singing repetitive Bethel/Hillsong-style songs and personal testimony. There has been no preaching of the gospel, a hallmark of genuine revival. It has been confirmed that the worship team has been led by self-identifying LGBTQ students. {1} In line with the college statement on human sexuality, this particular element within Asbury claim to be celibate while affirming the biblical teaching that sex is between a man and a woman within the context of heterosexual marriage. {2} As Caleb Corneloup explains below, the problem with identifying as an "LGBTQ Christian" is paradoxical from a biblical perspective. (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

Caleb Corneloup (iThinkBiblically): "There are many people touting the so called Asbury Revival as being a genuine move of God. But the truth is, this so called revival is not a move of God at all. Its a disgrace. From the very beginning the worship has been led by homosexuals. Gays and Queers have been leading this so called Asbury Revival. Now, as Christians we must love homosexuals and we must treat them equally and with compassion. However, the bible is very clear that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven. There is no such thing as a gay Christian or a queer Christian. A true Christian renounces his sin, and is ashamed of his or her sin."


Two Christian men were ejected from the "revival", one wearing a T-shirt saying "Homo Sex is Sin - Romans 1". {3} I am not entirely sure that the motivation of these two men was unassuming observation, but perhaps their ejection is worth noting. 

I have identified the following red flags at Asbury University which should send a cautionary message about accepting the current so-called "revival" as genuine. (1 John 4:1). Many Christians have learned critical lessons from the blatant false teaching and excesses that came out of Toronto, Lakeland, Pensacola etc. It should be expected that Satan will attempt to disrupt a genuine revival. (Nehemiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:14). As such, endorsements from various NAR wolves who apparently seek to co-opt the "revival" is unsurprising. What is surprising, if Asbury is a genuine revival, is their tolerance of various heretical teachers, not least the attendance of proven false prophet and adulterer Todd Bentley. Biblically we should mark and avoid Bentley and his cohorts like the plague! (Romans 16:17).  What fellowship has light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14; cf 1 Corinthians 5:9; Ephesians 5:7). Todd Bentley, Shawn Bolz and other wolves are referring to Asbury as the possible beginning of the fulfillment of the “Bob Jones Superbowl prophecy”. It seems that NAR leaders are determined to have their "billion soul harvest" one way or another! {4} 

An Orchestrated revival? 

Approximately two months prior to the "revival", ecumenical false teacher Francis Can posted the following video: 
(12) Collegiate Day of Prayer 2023: "Will You Pray?" (Francis Chan) - YouTube

4,043 views Premiered on 28 Nov 2022
"Adopt a college campus in prayer today at http://collegiatedayofprayer.org. Join us on Feb 23, 2023 for 200-year anniversary of when every denomination and every university adopted the last Thursday of February as a day of prayer for revival and spiritual awakening on college campuses in America."

Let's ADOPT and saturate EVERY CAMPUS in America in prayer (go to http://collegiatedayofprayer.org to adopt a campus) and join us LIVE from Asbury University on Feb 23rd at 8-10pm ET with special guests Rick Warren, Francis Chan, Allen Hood and worship leaders from International House of Prayer, Circuit Riders + Black Voices Movement, and Met By Love Worship. Let’s believe God for REVIVAL amongst believers on college campuses and SPIRITUAL AWAKENING amongst the lost. Father, revive the saved and save the lost!!

The Asbury "revival" has the endorsement of the Roman Catholic Church.
Universe Weekly: Asbury revival sets Catholics on fire with Holy Spirit.
"It’s almost like a wellspring,” said Father Norman Fischer, pastor of St. Peter Claver Church in Lexington, Kentucky, and chaplain at Lexington Catholic High School. “You just know right away that God is there.” {5}

Alleged exorcism? 

The (Christian?) woman who was allegedly delivered from a demon poses the controversial question of whether true believers of Jesus Christ can be demon possessed. In my view, believers cannot be demon possessed. Whilst I subscribe to the belief that believers can be oppressed by demons, there is no instance in the New Testament of believers being demon-possessed. If this was a genuine "deliverance", then why was it necessary to send for medical assistance? {6} 

When Jesus delivered those possessed by demons they emerged completely sane.  

And they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, and they were afraid. (Mark 5:15 cf. Matthew 17:18; Mark 9:26-27; Luke 11:14).
Asbury is an ecumenical liberal Methodist seminary

Loving God, Loving Self: Faith & Culture 2013
Speaker Father Normal Fischer

"Topics ranged from identifying the not-so-obvious signs of racism to ministering to other faiths in a pluralistic society.

'We need to focus less on our similarities and focus on our differences and work through them,” Barringer said. “Even Catholic/Protestant — you’re working in your framework, and I’m working in my framework, but how do we work together and give witness to the fact that Jesus rose from the dead? I would hate to be ‘color blind’ and not see the beauty of our differences, but I would also hate to live in a world where we can’t approach those differences in a productive way, especially for those of us who claim the name of Christ..

'Junior Elijah Friedeman appreciated the emphasis on religious diversity in this year’s “Faith and Culture” series.
'I enjoyed having a Catholic priest come and speak, because it emphasized the point that not only is ethnic diversity important, but also religious diversity' he said. 'Although Catholics are Christians too, it was neat to have that experience hearing from a theological tradition that’s far different from what most of have experienced.'" {7}


Kate Nunneley speaks on the egalitarian and complementarian views of women in the Church. {8)

Entire Sanctification

"Asbury University, with its roots in the American Methodist and holiness tradition, has followed Wesley’s teaching on entire sanctification. Believers may and should seek a subsequent work of God where through grace imparted by the Spirit, they are made full of the love of God." {9} 

We believe:

"That entire sanctification is that act of divine grace, through the baptism with the Holy Spirit, by which the heart is cleansed from all sin and filled with the pure love of God. This is a definite, cleansing work of grace in the heart of a believer, subsequent to conversion, resulting from full consecration and faith in the cleansing merit of the blood of Jesus Christ." {10}

Wesley's definition of "entire sanctification" was, and still is, widely criticized. {11} 

There are enough red flags at Asbury to be very cautious about this so-called "revival". It seems unlikely that this was a spontaneous revival arising from a simple student prayer meeting. I do not doubt that there are genuine Christians in attendance and my prayer is for their protection and for spiritual discernment. 

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. (2 Peter 2:1).

1. The Asbury Revival Narrative Is Crumbling – Evangelical Dark Web

Further Links

(14) Daniel Adams Using Asbury to Promote His False Ministry - YouTube
Francis Chan, Rick Warren Do Not Attend National Collegiate Day of Prayer at Asbury To Keep It Free of Celebrities (churchleaders.com)


  1. Thank you, Treena for saying the truth. Many discerning Christians have noticed the same things and these are factual statements. This is a false "revival" leading to a united false Christianity, ecumenical to the core.

  2. Thank you Anonymous. I have added the Lighthouse Trails article which is very good.
    God bless.

  3. These are good warnings. However, I do believe, at least initially, that there was a genuine prayer meeting which led to this event. Chapel services (with preaching) have continued on schedule. And for their part, those at Asbury weren't labeling this as a "revival" as that language came from social media posts and subsequent news stories reporting on the event. If we are to draw encouragement, it's that for many students there is an apparent recognition of their need for God. This doesn't happen often on college campuses, even Christian ones. If any true revival occurs from this, it likely won't be seen via Asbury as an institution denouncing specific NAR heresies, but will be a genuine change in the hearts of students and have a ripple effect as they go out, get jobs, start families, go on missions, etc. I echo your prayer for their protection and discernment.

  4. "Two Christian men were ejected from the "revival", one wearing a T-shirt saying "Homo Sex is Sin - Romans 1". {3} I am not entirely sure that the motivation of these two men was unassuming observation, but perhaps their ejection is worth noting."

    On the other hand, I don't know what would be gained by wearing such a T-shirt.
