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Wednesday 8 November 2023


Mike Bickle, founder of the NAR cult known as the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women spanning several decades. Allegedly the leaders of IHOP have attempted to discuss the allegations with Bickle directly "in the spirit of Matthew 18:15-17" but were rebuffed. It is also alleged that Bickle attempted to intimidate, isolate, manipulate, and discredit his victims.1  Since Bickle's alleged misconduct has spanned "several decades" it is difficult to understand how it has suddenly come to light without the prior knowledge of IHOP leaders? A common practice is for abusive leaders and their cronies to close ranks and intimidate victims into silence for the sake of their reputation. However, after the previous scandals with Ravi Zacharias, Hillsong, Hybels, etc. this tactic is no longer an option, and church elders need to be seen to be doing the right thing. These accusations echo the disgraceful scandal of Ravi Zacharias (RZIM) who abused women for decades while operating under the guise of a high-profile and much-respected Christian teacher. 

The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is an insidious global cult with tentacles infiltrating many denominations worldwide. It is widely known as a theological movement and is not an official organization with formal membership. This ambiguity has given various leaders within the movement a convenient loophole in which to engage in damage control and deny their association with it. The smoke and mirrors employed by those associated with the NAR is widely recognized. Many evangelical and charismatic leaders are entitled narcissists who are under the delusion that they are unaccountable. Leaders like Michael Brown, Bill Johnson, and Mike Bickle have even denied the existence of the NAR, claiming that it is a myth. However, they have been hard-pressed to uphold these denials. Bickle has been reticent about referring to himself as an "Apostle" and yet he is widely known as such. 

The NAR was originally identified as such by false teacher C. Peter Wagner (deceased), who was the "Presiding Apostle" of the International Coalition of Apostles. A basic tenet of the NAR is restorationism i.e. the dubious claim that the offices of apostle and prophet were lost in the early church and must be restored. NAR deceivers allege that God’s intended form of church governance is via apostles and prophets who have authority over evangelists, pastors, and teachers.

The NAR is promoted by Trinity Broadcasting Network, Daystar Television, GOD TV, Charisma magazine, IHOP and Youth With A Mission (YWAM). The leaders associated with the NAR include false teachers Bill Johnson (Bethel Church, Redding, CA), Che Ahn, Mike Bickle, Randy Clark, Todd Bentley, Lou Engle and Bill Hamon. 

King David anointing!

Bickle has always been a false teacher. He was previously the charismatic leader of the aberrant group known as the "Kansas City Prophets" in the 1980s and 1990s. The list of "prophets" included various questionable characters like Bob Jones, Paul Cain, Bill Hamon, Larry Randolph, James Goll, Jill Austin, and John Paul Jackson. John Wimber provided some oversight from the Vineyard Movement during the first few years.Bickle claims that IHOP was formed as a direct fulfillment of a "prophecy" he received from disgraced sexual abuser and false prophet Bob Jones in 1983.3  Jones prophesied that God would raise up a Kansas City prayer and worship movement “in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David” that would be made up of thousands of Christian young adults. 

Bickle's eschatology is as skewed as the rest of his blather. He is under the common NAR delusion that there will be an end-time harvest of one billion souls, and he envisages a conquering church during an “eschatological revolution” resulting in the salvation of Israel and the largest mission in history. The billion soul harvest "prophecy" also originated with false prophet Bob Jones. Bickle claims that he is preparing an elite end-time army of Christians who will triumph during the Antichrist’s global rule during the great tribulation.  These dangerous ideas are in direct contradiction to the teaching of Jesus Christ who prophesied that Christians will be persecuted and martyred during this pivotal time in history. (Revelation 22:18-19). 

Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray and hate one another, and many false prophets will arise and mislead many. Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Then the dragon became furious with the woman and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. And he stood on the sand of the sea. (Revelation 12:17 cf. Revelation 14:12).

Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. (Revelation 13:7).

Like many other NAR leaders, Bickle claims to have had various visions of heaven and prophetic encounters, including hearing the audible voice of God. He designates the end-time church the "David generation" and claims that he and his fellow charismatic leaders will form the "tabernacle of David"  .."God will raise up the tabernacle of David based on Amos 9:11."4

Bickle referred to his "first prophetic encounter" in 1976 in which he compared himself to King David, and alleged that the Lord showed him that Psalm 18 "would be a very important part of my life and messaging..  my 'greatness' would be related to receiving God's gentleness and responding to my adversaries in gentleness."4

Bickle's demonic black horse of accusation

In 1984 Bickle claims to have been kicked by a demonic "black horse" whilst allegedly communicating with Michael the Archangel. "Michael the Archangel said that 'when I went to the east', I would be attacked with demonic rage by the black horse." 4  Bickle associates the metaphor of the black horse with "a demonic attack of accusation" from within the church. This narrative has the effect of deterring accusations of any kind whether genuine or not and is a cultish self-preservation tactic. There are credible reports that anyone who makes an accusation against Bickle or any leader at IHOP is labelled "demonic" and is persecuted. In a recent sermon on October 20th, it appears that Bickle anticipated that these recent accusations would come against him, and he repeated the metaphor of the "black horse" in conjunction with Revelation 12:10. In effect Bickle has put his own slant on the much-abused term used by false teachers "touch not mine anointed" in order to deflect accusations. (1 Chronicles 16:22; Psalm 105:15).

Bickle: "Satan’s most effective weapon in the end times is accusation and he turns whispered innuendoes into hostile accusations that destroy lives and relationships.. the church is approaching the most glorious and challenging hour in history with the dragon (black horse) breathing on many to accuse and betray each other.”4

It is necessary that accusations against elders are addressed biblically in order to avoid the kind of cultish environment and abuse we have seen in many so-called "churches". We should dismiss hearsay or careless accusations against elders that are not corroborated, but the scriptures are clear, where there are two or three witnesses, accusations should be properly addressed. A leader who refuses to submit to the Matthew 18:15-17 process should be rejected as a credible minister of the gospel. 

Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. (1 Timothy 5:19).

If your brother sins against you, go and confront him privately. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, regard him as you would a pagan or a tax collector. (Matthew 18:15-17 cf. Deuteronomy 19:15-19).

Bickle's practice of not defending himself against accusations based on 1 Samuel 24:5 is erroneous and is taken out of context. David refused to physically harm Saul, but he did in fact defend himself verbally against Saul's accusations. (1 Samuel 24:9-15). The apostle Paul defended himself against the accusations of the Jews (Acts 26:2), and he gave a sustained defense of his apostleship in 2 Corinthians 11:1–12:13.  Paul did not take the passive attitude "God will defend me" by ignoring various accusations against him, although he undoubtedly did trust the Lord. Wisdom is needed for every situation we come up against and we should not take a "one size fits all"  approach, but I guess if "God" told Bickle not to defend himself that settles it!  People within IHOP and beyond need to begin to consider whether Bickle's narrative is biblical. (1 John 4:1; Colossians 2:18-19).   

The victim blaming culture at IHOP

While the leaders of IHOP congratulate themselves on putting procedures into place, it appears that there is some skepticism within the IHOP congregation regarding a fair outcome. Various allegations of past mishandling of sexual abuse cases have come to light according to the Roys Report.5  The so-called "honor culture" existent within certain churches facilitates abuses of power and exploitative environments where victims of either spiritual and/or sexual abuse are afraid to speak out publicly.

Ministry Safe (Responding to an Allegation): "In any allegation response, adopting a ‘victim-centric’ approach is fundamental.. False allegations are rare; academic studies indicate 92% to 98% of outcries are real and factual. Your church should assume the allegation received is likely factual, and multiple (unknown) victims might exist, whether the alleged victim is male or female."6
Should Christians trust an ecumenical leader?  
Should Chistians trust a leader who promotes contemplative prayer? 

Bickle quotes:

“The Protestant wing of the western church, which is a tiny percentage of the Body of Christ…, is nearly completely (98%) unaware that the Holy Spirit is restoring contemplative prayer—center stage—to the church… The Holy Spirit is restoring this precious jewel (contemplative prayer) to the body of Christ. This is the God ordained means of attaining the fullness of God.”

“Every one in the Body Of Christ is called to live lives of contemplative prayer…” 

“Everybody is called to live in the contemplative lifestyle. Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! That’s one of the great strongholds we have to overcome (resistance to contemplative prayer)." 7

My advice to any true believer associated with IHOP is to run! We are instructed in no uncertain terms to mark and avoid false teachers! (Romans 16:17).

1. Mike Bickle accused of sexual misconduct by multiple women | Church & Ministries News (christianpost.com)2. Apostolic-Prophetic Movement - Wikipedia
3. Bob Jones University Told Sex Abuse Victims It Was Their Fault: Report | HuffPost College
4. Notes Bickle Sermon.pdf(Review) - Adobe cloud storage
5. IHOPKC Announces Investigation, But Victims Remain Wary (julieroys.com)
6. ARTICLE-6-Responding-Well-6.15.20.pdf (ministrysafe.com)
7. The Dangers of Centering / Contemplative Prayer and Mind Control - Christian Observer


  1. Treena, thank you for the research and all of your articles that I have read so far. It is amazing how blind and misled the church is today and to see this all unfold before our eyes, my jaw just drops.

    From all of the articles I have read, you are echoing all that I have seen and believe. We certainly think alike, and as the Holy Bible is our truth and Jesus Christ as our center we are like minded.

    Please do not stop publishing articles because we all need to hear this and have it reinforced.

    Thank you, a brother in Christ

    1. Thank you Jim.. the churches are in a terrible place as you say. Christians need to study the scriptures instead of following wolves!
      God bless.
