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Wednesday 9 October 2024


Who is the Prince of the Covenant that Just Launched the Tribulation? We NAME NAMES! (youtube.com)

In the above video, Nelson Walters speculates that the covenant that initiates the 70th week of Daniel (Daniel 9:26) is the Pact for the Future adopted by the United Nations on the 22nd of September 2024. According to Walters the 70th week of Daniel was launched on October 2nd when globalism and new powers were given to the International Court of Justice to become the ultimate source of judicial power in the world.  

United Nations: "New York, 22 September 2024 – World leaders today adopted a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations. This Pact is the culmination of an inclusive, years-long process to adapt international cooperation to the realities of today and the challenges of tomorrow.1 
The Pact contains a number of pledges related to international peace and security, including calls for all countries to comply with the decisions of the International Court of Justice;" 2 

Walters discusses the identity of "the prince who is to come" in Daniel 9:26, i.e. the man who renews the covenant that launches what Walters refers to as the seven year "tribulation". Although many teachers refer to 70th week of Daniel as the "tribulation", technically this is not the case. The tribulation begins at the midpoint of Daniel's 70th week following the “abomination of desolation” event. (Matthew 24:15,21 cf. Daniel 9:27). Prior to the midpoint of the 70th week, the first four seals will likely be broken by the Lamb (Jesus Christ). (Revelation 6:1-8).

The overwhelming consensus among prewrath teachers is that "the prince who is to come" is the Antichrist aka "the man of lawlessness". (2 Thessalonians 2:3). 

..who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. (2 Thessalonians 2:4; cf. Daniel 7:25,11:36; Revelation 13:5–6).

Based on Daniel 11:22, Walters submits that "the prince who is to come" is not likely to be the Antichrist. He argues that the man who makes/renews the covenant will be destroyed by the Antichrist. Walters: "This prince seems to appear later, again in Daniel 11:22. I personally have never heard anyone else talk about this.." Then a flood of forces will be swept away before him and destroyed, along with a prince of the covenant. (Daniel 11:22). The reason no one else talks about Daniel 11:22 as a direct reference to the Antichrist is that Daniel 11:1-36 refers to the rise and fall of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Seleucid king who persecuted the Jews who is a type of the Antichrist. According to many expositors, a shift occurs in the narrative from Daniel 11:36 onwards from Antiochus IV Epiphanes to the future fulfillment i.e. the Antichrist "the wilful king". (Daniel 11:36). Walters' reference to Daniel 11:22 is therefore invalid because the destruction of the prince referred to is a past event.

Walters: "It is possible that there are actually two princes; the Antichrist, who makes or causes the covenant with the many on the one side, and the prince who actually signs that covenant on the other side. So could one prince be an Israeli and the other the Antichrist who forces or causes the covenant upon the Israeli? It's entirely possible.. Maybe the prince who is to come is a secular person who just enforces the covenant on Israel or maybe it's the Antichrist who does this.."  The Antichrist is the prince who enforces the covenant upon Israel. (Daniel 9:27). The scriptures do not mention "two princes" in relation to the covenant. 

And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. And he (Antichrist) shall confirm (gābar) the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abomination ns he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. (Daniel 9:27 cf. Daniel 12:11).

Based on the Hebrew verb gābar (hiphil stem) which is causative, Walters proposes the novel suggestion that the Antichrist causes or orchestrates the renewed covenant behind the scenes and that he is not directly involved.3 He doesn't seem to have considered the possibility that the Antichrist could be both the cause and the enforcer of the covenant.     

For the 70th week to begin, the confirmation of the covenant specified in Daniel 9:27 is generally expected to be an enforced covenant of peace with "many" (Israel). It is also anticipated that daily sacrifices will be reinstituted on the Temple Mount since "he (the Antichrist) will put an end to sacrifice and offering" at exactly the midpoint point of the 70th week. (Daniel 9:27). The Temple Institute, Yaraeh, and other groups consider building the Third Temple on the Temple Mount imperative, although all that is strictly required is an altar. 

Walters regurgitates an old argument cooked-up by Walid Shoebat and Joel Richardson in 2008. In their reckless attempt to authenticate an Islamic Antichrist, Shoebat and Richardson attempted to show that "the people of the prince who is to come" (Daniel 9:26), will be Islamic based on the idea that Syrians and other Middle Eastern peoples made up the majority of the Roman army that destroyed the Jerusalem Temple in 70AD. There is good evidence that Titus authorized the destruction of the Temple; Roman generals oversaw the operation; and Roman forces carried it out. Note: Historian Sulpicius Severus (apparently based on Tacitus' lost history) contradicts Josephus' account of this event.4 The plain sense of this passage is that Rome was the rod of God's judgement, not the soldiers fighting for Rome. I recommend Chris White's excellent series debunking the Islamic Antichrist theory.* 
I have written a number of posts exposing Joel Richardson's false teaching.5

On the strength of his speculation that the 70th week began on the 2nd of October, Walters digs a deeper hole in a follow-up video in which he claims that the "pretrib rapture" has failed to take place.6  Pretrib teachers JD Farag and Amir Tsarfati are heavily featured in this second video. Walters' fallacious information is likely to provoke contempt from the pretrib camp since they will not find it difficult to demolish his argument. Walters' ill-advised speculations will no doubt cause further confusion to the deluded followers of Farag and Tsarfati if they dignify his video with a response.

Walters: "..But you might ask 'Why doesn't anyone else seem to see this, my favorite Bible teacher has nothing to say about this'. Jesus prophesied exactly that in the parable of the ten virgins, that all ten virgins, the entire Kingdom of Heaven, or what we'd call the church today, that they would be asleep prior to his return. Folks aren't going to wake up and realize this until the midnight cry that wakes them up, so Christians being oblivious is exactly what we should expect.. It's a blessing if you have seen that this has happened.. A much larger group are saying 'This can't be the tribulation' and you are going to find reasons to deny what just happened and you will argue it with fervour.."

These are very arrogant assertions considering Walters' claim does not pass the test of scripture. (1 John 4:1). Walter's perplexing assertions appear to be based on clickbait and are precisely what the body of Christ does not need to hear right now! Although globalism is increasing exponentially and the 70th week does not seem far off, it is not reasonable to claim that the 70th week began on the 2nd of October. At this present time, it is essential to trust in Jesus Christ while we keep watch for the Lord's return. (Matthew 24:42,25:13). 

I have applied all these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, brothers, that you may learn by us not to go beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up in favor of one against another. (1 Corinthians 4:6).

* Islamic Antichrist Debunked Chris White | Bible Prophecy Daily

1. Press Release | United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance - United Nations Sustainable Development
2. Summit of the Future Explainer: A new global peace plan for ‘uniquely dangerous’ times | UN News
3. Stem Hiphil — unfoldingWord® Hebrew Grammar 1 documentation (uhg.readthedocs.io)
4. Chronology of the War According to Josephus: Part 7, The Fall of Jerusalem
6. If TRIBULATION Began on OCT 2 - DId We Just Miss the Pre-trib Rapture?????? (youtube.com)

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