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Monday 15 January 2024


One Church Together | 31st December 2023, 10.30am (youtube.com)

I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. (Acts 20:29-30).

One Church Leicester (formerly Trinity Life Church) is hosting two services on the 28th of January with guest speaker J John.  

The critical thing to note about J John is that he is an Anglican and ecumenical to the core. This means that he does not follow the true gospel of Jesus Christ, but that he teaches a "different gospel". (2 Corinthians 11:4).

The video below by The English Fundamentalist accurately sums up the "ministry" of J John. (2 Corinthians 11:13). 

An assessment of the ministry of British evangelist J John - a ministry of grave danger and great deception, particularly with regard to the coming lying signs, wonders and miracles movement, and Roman Catholic seduction.


"There is an evangelist today who I would equate to Billy Graham in his method, worldwide impact, amount of souls reached, preaching and Christian profession. But this is of course a bad thing. He goes by the name of J John, an anglicized form of his Greek-rooted Ioannes Ioannou, John son of John. And like Billy Graham, he is a friend of the devil's Roman Catholic religion. London-born J John has been in ministry as an evangelist for well over three decades now, preaching all over the world to large crowds at crusade-type events, often reminiscent of Billy Graham in his subtle work of deception. J John has been a significant figure in shaping today's perverse hybrid Christianity. Souls responding to his preaching responded in turn to his anti-Christian philosophy which has paved the way for the emerging Roman Catholic takeover and false signs and wonders movement. J John is a good example of today's corrupted UK evangelical Christianity and has played his part in bringing it to fruition. The sixty-two-year-old describes himself as an Anglican, as a Canon of Coventry Cathedral, honorary it seems, has authored a large number of books, and has spread the seeds of his hybrid Christianity all over the world to untold millions of people in receiving appraisal, even awards from two Archbishops of Canterbury, Justin Welby and George Carey. The alarm bells should sound very loudly for us regarding J John. Please listen to me my friends, this man is more dangerous than we can ever imagine as I shall show. He is a signs and wonders enthusiast who, and note this well, has declared that he seeks God's revival through the Catholic Church in a fresh move of the Spirit; not exclusively through that system, I grant that, but he is open wide to such an idea and is thus setting people up for the false Eucharistic or Marian miracles that may well be coming soon from the belly of the Roman Catholic harlot. J John loves the Roman Catholic Church. His attitude towards such epitomizes the general tone of UK evangelical Christianity. Yes, he has stated that he does not believe as Catholics do on certain issues such as transubstantiation, but he equally does not oppose it, he speaks not against it, he sees it as a legitimate expression of Christian truth. It's today's typical unity in diversity heresy. J John validates Roman Catholicism. He says we should respect and support this Roman Church. He intimates the deception that the Roman Catholic system stretches back in history 2,000 years to the days of the Apostles. He praises Rome's extraordinary richness of doctrine and traditions terming such a 'blessing'. He sees Catholics as genuine Christians, doing no favors to the deluded souls caught up in that wicked parody. He is open to speaking at Roman Catholic conferences, has claimed to have prayed with the Pope, rejoices in his month working with Mother Teresa and her Sisters of Charity Order, claiming that it was a life-transforming experience, inspiring by nature. J John allegorizes reprobate churches as 'differing flavors of the same product' all equally valid, and advocates each individual finding a flavor that suits them with such ?? it's not about what's true it's about what flavor you like, and this of course involves his legitimizing of Romanism and sending persons into the clutches of the harlot. What wicked manner of evangelism and pastoring is this? J John's large evangelistic events under the 'Just One' banner, also described by the man himself as 'a movement of church unity', and his Emirates Stadium event had 223 churches and charities partnering and working together with him in his ecumenical evangelism that, like Billy Graham, will send supposed converts to the Church of their choice or background rather than steer them away from falsehood and error. J John fellowships with a rogue's gallery of prolific spiritual offenders, heretics and reprobates; speaks on their platforms, interviews them approvingly, persons such as Matt Redman Nicky Gumbel, Guvna B, John Sentamu, Carl Lentz, Mike Pilavachi, Justin Welby, Philip Yancey and so on; associates whose compromised sin and era lead the way in the dark course of reprobate evangelicalism. He has spoken at habitations of devils, such as Holy Trinity Brompton, Sole Survivor, Hillsong London and Hillsong New York City. And to the complete lack of surprise to those acquainted with the state of UK Christianity today, J John has directed respondents at his rallies to attend the Alpha Course, that wicked imposture of the false prophet Nicky Gumbel, the gateway course to end times deception. J John's Christianity is a hybrid Christianity, a mixture of truth and a lot of deadly error. He of course utilizes the music of the world, the all kinds of music of Nebuchadnezzar's worldwide Empire and religion, as all the false teachers do. It is a significant adhesive and accelerant of the Roman Catholic ecumenical movement designed to destroy Christian truth and replace it with Papal Authority and the Roman Catholic system. A token or badge recognition was given to J John by the Minister of Satan, Justin Welby, who spoke well of J John in the recent past, saying of him that he is 'one of the best communicators of what it is to be a Christian'. An appraisal from the Archbishop of Canterbury signifies the corrupt roots of the ministry receiving it. J John, as I have mentioned, is a signs and wonders man and undoubtedly accepts the Roman Catholic system as a Christian Church as valid as any other denomination, and that its adherents are Christians, and that it's Christ is the true Jesus. Now if miracles signs and wonders began to flow publicly and powerfully from the heart of the Roman Catholic Church, J John will point people there with enthusiastic accreditation. He is a catastrophic deception waiting to happen, and many others with him. Let us recall, he will accept as authentic, a revival, even if it came by the Roman Catholic Church. That is his position, and those souls tutored under his ministry, many false converts as well as intrigued unbelievers will be led into great deception by this false teacher and false prophet, who for many years has received a stipend for preparing the way for satanic deception. And the way has been prepared, and deception is abundant now and is to come in manifested power. Whether J John himself, who has sown the seeds and helped build the necessary conditions for end times deception regarding lying signs and wonders, or one like him, such as Matt Redman, Nicky Gumbel or Mike Pilavachi, there shall be charismatic popular attractive personalities eagerly pointing to Rome as the source of God's revival and move of the Holy Spirit. J John's ministry has been accompanied by miracles, and people follow the miracles in unrighteousness instead of receiving a love of the truth. For Satan can work miracles. False christs and false prophets work great signs and wonders to deceive. We must test the spirits by the word of God. J John's initials remind me of Jannes and Jambres in 2nd Timothy chapter three (2 Timothy 3:8), those wicked persons who withstood Moses and resist the truth, referring I believe to those magicians of Egypt in Exodus who through their enchantments, were allowed of God to mimic the work of God to their own shame and folly by false signs and wonders, a feature of the end times church led by individuals very much akin to the false prophet J John." 

Money money money!

Hind: "Let's keep giving tithes and offerings.." (1:29 mark) 

The New Testament encourages believers to be cheerful givers and to give what has been decided in their hearts, not under compulsion. Giving in the New Testament was for the benefit of the poor (Acts 2:43-47,4:32-37) and to support those who preach the gospel. (Matthew 10:10; Luke 10:7; 1 Corinthians 9:6-14; 1 Timothy 5:17-18). Money was definitely not given to support the extravagant lifestyle of greedy pastors or for things like ostentatious building projects that never come to an end. Any pastor or minister who has a superior lifestyle to that of his congregation is a hireling and is unworthy to be in the ministry. (1 Timothy 6:8). There should be no pressure to tithe in any New Testament Church. Believers are no longer under the Mosaic Covenant. (Romans 6:14-15,7:5-6; Galatians 3:15-4:7; 2 Corinthians 3:4-18). I have added a link on this subject at the end of this post. 

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7 cf. Psalm 37:21).  

The Lord did not intend a large body of believers to be governed by a centralized leadership. In the New Testament congregations are described as local assemblies governed entirely by local elders. (Acts 14:22; Titus 1:5) The New Testament model eliminates the need for the popish "megachurch" model and the crippling expense of huge buildings and facilities. 

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; (Revelation 18:4).

Further Links

7 Reasons Christians Are Not Required to Tithe (thegospelcoalition.org)
Dave Hunt - The false “unity” of ECUMENISM [YT] (youtube.com)
Billy Graham Exposed by Dave Hunt (youtube.com)

APOSTASY, ERROR & DECEPTION IN WALES - the watchman4wales blog.: Order of St. Leonard

Friday 12 January 2024


The Pre-Wrath Versus the Post-Tribulational Rapture THE RAPTURE & ENDURANCE OF THE SAINTS (youtube.com)

Joel Richardson has a very neat way of coming on board and then muddying the waters by undermining the very teaching he claims to support. He has employed this technique against the prewrath rapture view previously. 

Richardson describes his own view regarding the timing of the rapture as a "kind of hybrid" between prewrath and posttrib. His "initial introduction" makes this topic more confusing than it already is. The following summary is sufficient to introduce the subject minus Richardson's various nuances.

The pretrib rapture view ~ The rapture occurs at an indeterminate point before the 70th week of Daniel.
The prewrath rapture view ~ The rapture occurs after the tribulation following the cosmic disturbances in between the sixth and seventh seal in the book of Revelation.
The posttrib rapture view ~ The rapture occurs at Armageddon i.e. at the end of the 70th week of Daniel.

Richardson describes the prewrath view as "a relatively newer position". His poor research into this subject is obvious and he is inaccurate on many points. It is reasonable to say that the prewrath interpretation is not a new position, rather it has been defined this way in recent history. Many of the early Church Fathers have been described as "posttrib" erroneously since they taught significant aspects of the prewrath view. It therefore appears that the early Fathers were generally prewrath without applying the "prewrath" label. 

Richardson: "..there was no one that held to prewrath in the more specific limited sense, for example the form of prewrath that would be articulated by Alan Kurschsner. There's no one throughout church history that's going to hold to that view right, they're going to largely hold more to a posttribulation perspective." Alan Kurschner argues that many early Church Fathers were, in fact, prewrath without using the "prewrath" label.1  

Robert Van Kampen was the primary mover in developing the prewrath view during the 1970s and 80s.2 Marvin Rosenthal was formerly a staunch pretribulationalist and it took some time for him to be persuaded by Van Kampen. Rosenthal began to adopt the prewrath view in 1986 much to the ire of the pre-trib camp. In 1990 Rosenthal's book The Pre-Wrath Rapture of the Church popularized the prewrath view. Rosenthal was one of those rare pre-trib teachers who had the courage of his convictions. He was removed from his position as Executive Director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in 1989 due to his prewrath stance.3

Richardson points out the massive ramifications to the church if pre-trib teachers are wrong. The pretrib rapture view could indeed ruin a large portion of the church. Sadly many staunch pre-trib teachers appear to be blinded to the devastating implications of this dangerous error. Nevertheless, I pray that many believers will re-think this question and will consider the prewrath position. 

Richardson: "..prewrath vs posttrib.. I don't care about arguing. I personally wholeheartedly believe that prewathers and posttribers need to unite and essentially work together and expose the deception the dangerous deception of pretribulationism." thinks arguments between prewrath and posttrib are "the dumbest thing to fight about" because both camps agree on the important distinction that believers will face the persecution of the Antichrist. I may have agreed with this perspective at one time, but having thought about it more deeply, I see that it is necessary to present an accurate and credible argument to pretrib believers. (1 John 4:1). The posttrib view has some serious flaws that any thoughtful pretribber will easily pick up. A flawed argument that integrates the prewrath/posttrib views is likely to lead pretrib believers to reject any argument that believers will face the Antichrist. For clarity, we need to present a sound theological argument, and the prewrath view achieves that criterion. Richardson claims to have found "some problems" with the prewrath rapture view which he says he will articulate in a later video. Richardson: "In reality I don't know, I don't have absolute confidence, and I don't care.. who cares?"  This is perverse. If he doesn't know, if he hasn't got confidence, and if he doesn't care, then it begs the question: Why does he feel that he is qualified to critique the prewrath rapture view or make recommendations? Richardson's narrative demonstrates his negligent attitude toward sound teaching: "..it's not worth dividing over, we do need to unite.." I would not reject a posttrib teacher/believer or regard them as unsaved. However, having studied Joe Schimmel's posttrib view, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that he has mistaught the book of Revelation for years. (Revelation 22:18-19).4 Schimmel refuses to even acknowledge or address the questions that I have put to his ministry. The same applies to Sam Adams of Independance Baptist Church. 5 When posttrib teachers will not even acknowledge identifiable problems associated with their view then it is difficult to have any respect for them.

Joel Richardson's "interesting" history and his strange friends

Richardson's history and questionable associations demonstrate that he does not care about sound teaching. 

Richardson: "I got saved in the Assemblies of God. It's is a denomination that I greatly esteem, it's one of the most rock-solid missions-focused, most globally influential denominations in the world. I mean you know in terms of out there throughout the Middle East on the ground the Assemblies of God is a great denomination."  I profoundly disagree with Richardson about the Assemblies of God (AOG). I attended the AOG myself in Leicester some years ago and I am horrified by their unbiblical teachings. Many AOG churches promote the New Apostolic Reformation and are lethal places to attend. It is perverse that the AOG officially rejects NAR teaching and yet their practice in many instances is the very opposite. Holly Pivec: "..many churches that remain part of the Assemblies of God actively promote NAR teachings--even inviting NAR apostles and prophets into their churches."6 

In previous posts, I have catalogued a number of serious problems associated with Joel Richardson's "ministry". (summarized below).

Richardson's "prophetic endorsement" by "Latter Rain" false prophet Paul Cain who he claims was the catalyst that kick-started his "ministry".
Richardson's previous associate and co-author false teacher Walid Shoebat and their case for an Islamic Antichrist. 
Richardson's association with false teacher Dalton Thomas who was recently ejected from Frontier Alliance International Studios (FAI).7
Richardson's false teaching regarding Identificational Repentance. 
Richardsons Metatron heresy.
Richardson's false teaching that the Antichrist will be killed and not thrown "alive" into the lake of fire. (Revelation 19:20).
Richardson's attempt to shoehorn the Antichrist into Ezekiel 38 and 39.
Richarson's recent association with false teacher and "deliverance" guru Vlad Savchuk.9 
Richardson describes himself as a "friend" of false teacher Chris Reed, the new head of apostate Morningstar Ministries, formerly led by false teacher Rick Joyner who is a member of the Ecumenical Knights of Malta. Reed claims to have had a vivid dream allegedly from God revealing that John the Apostle has been living in a cave in Turkey for the last 2000 years! John the Apostle is supposedly going to come out of hiding and reveal how to interpret the book of Revelation (NOT)! You really can't make this stuff up!10 

For more information please refer to: WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: FALSE PROPHETS AND BIBLE TEACHERS IN THE LAST DAYS: Joel Richardson (bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com)

UK Apologetics Library: "Not only has Joel Richardson gone along with Mormon (Glenn Beck) but also other notable names of false teachers and organizations that are promoted, this includes Jim Bakker, Sid Roth, Mike Bickle, Walid Schoebat, Paul Wilbur, TBN, Pat Robertson 700 Club, CBN News, Joel Rosenberg (listed 2009), IHOP (International House of Prayer), Jonathan Cahn, Mark Biltz, Chuck Missler, Daystar TV. Joel Richardson is a frequent Speaker at Billy Humphrey's IHOP Atlanta".11

Given the plethora of information that identifies Richardson as a false teacher, it t is very concerning that he is endorsed by Zion's Hope and is a speaker at their conferences.12 

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. (Romans 16:17 cf. 1 Timothy 6:3-5).

1. Microsoft Word - Prewrath - Early Church Fathers.docx (alankurschner.com)
2. Robert Van Kampen - Rapture Ready
3. https://lionandlambapologetics.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Another-Look-at-Rosenthals-Pre-Wrath-Rapture-McLean-1.pdf
4. WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: FALSE PROPHETS AND BIBLE TEACHERS IN THE LAST DAYS: Joe Schimmel Blessed Hope Chapel (bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com)
5. WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: FALSE PROPHETS AND BIBLE TEACHERS IN THE LAST DAYS: Sam Adams Independence Baptist Church (bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com)
6. The Assemblies of God and the NAR — Holly Pivec
7. Founder of Missions Group FAI Resigns Over Sexual Infidelity (julieroys.com)
8. Is the Disciple John Alive? - Chris Reed on the Elijah List (youtube.com)
9. 20231020 LIPS YT VSL ExplainerUGC 03 JW NoGH (youtube.com)
10. (3) Joel Richardson - An Important Update: Many of you who have been... | Facebo
11. Why are Joe Schimmel and Jacob Prasch not discerning within their own camps? - UK Aplogetics Libra ry (ukapologeticslibrary.net)
12. Zion's Hope (zionshope.org)

Tuesday 9 January 2024


Justin Peters - Dangerous Doctrines: Session 3 (youtube.com)

Justin Peters: "My bible says that sexual sin leaves a wound and the reproach will never be fully blotted out. My bible says that sexual sin is sin that is committed inside the body, not outside the body. There is something especially pernicious and especially injurious about sexual sin that is not true of other sin.. Just because we have been forgiven judicially, does not automatically remove the ugly consequences of that sin, and there is something unique about sexual sin that leaves a wound, it leaves a scar because it is sin that is committed inside the body, not outside the body. The Bible does not 'whisper' about sexual sin.."  (51:00 mark) 

The passage Justin Peters refers to is 1 Corinthians 6 below:

"All things are lawful for me,” but not all things are helpful. “All things are lawful for me,” but I will not be dominated by anything. “Food is meant for the stomach and the stomach for food”—and God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body. And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? Never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two will become one flesh.” But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. (1 Corinthians 6:12-20). But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. (1 Corinthians 6:12-21).

Although I agree with much of what Justin Peters says in this video, and I certainly have nothing but contempt for JD Greear and Ed Litton, it would be tragic if those who have been cleansed from their sin by the blood of Jesus were to believe that their previous sexual sin was not fully blotted out! Where does it say this in the Bible? Justin Peters' sweeping statement applies to a great many believers and it would be tragic if any believer, let alone a great number of believers, were to swallow the lie that their sexual sin was not fully blotted out. Paul referred to himself as "the worst of sinners" ~ he was a murderer and all his sins were blotted out. (1 Timothy 1:16). Ironically Justin Peters' opinion runs counterproductive to his aim of exposing false teachers. His false supposition has the potential to ruin the peace of many believers and is injurious to the very gospel itself! (Proverbs 30:6). Isn't this precisely how false doctrine gains a foothold? 

The Bible teaches that when someone repents of their sin and believes the gospel, ALL their sins are blotted out, including sexual sin. Sexual sin does differ from other sins in that it occurs inside the body. However, it is critical to note that Jesus has blotted out ALL our sins completely.

Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out.. (Acts 3:19 cf. Isaiah 43:25,44:22; Psalm 51:1,9).

..how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. (Hebrews 9:14).

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all (every) sin.   

Barnes: "The general meaning is plain, that in regard to any and every sin of which we may be conscious, there is efficacy in that blood to remove it, and to make us wholly pure. There is no stain made by sin so deep that the blood of Christ cannot take it entirely away from the soul."

Clarke: "The blood of Jesus Christ — The meritorious efficacy of his passion and death has purged our consciences from dead works, and cleanseth us, καθαριζειημας, continues to cleanse us, i.e., to keep clean what it has made clean, (for it requires the same merit and energy to preserve holiness in the soul of man, as to produce it,) or, as several MSS. and some versions read, καθαριει and καθαρισει, will cleanse; speaking of those who are already justified, and are expecting full redemption in his blood.
And being cleansed from all sin is what every believer should look for, what he has a right to expect, and what he must have in this life, in order to be prepared to meet his God. Christ is not a partial Saviour, he saves to the uttermost, and he cleanses from ALL sin." 

Woods: "Moreover, it cleanses from sin, not merely solely the conscience, but sin (amartias), all sin, whether of thought, word, or deed, rash sins, sins of ignorance, of malice, of omission or commission, sins of the flesh, sins of the disposition, sins of pleasure or of pain, sins of every type and kind committed at any time or place." 

Sunday 7 January 2024


Sunday Worship Service - Guest Matt Candler (youtube.com)

The murky depths of IHOP are thankfully being exposed and Matt Candler has replaced David Sliker as the President of IHOP University. Candler helped to set up IHOPKC in 1999.1 In other words, Candler lived under the Bickle's false prophesies and spiritual deception for many years, apparently without raising any concerns! (2 Timothy 3:13).

Two years ago Candler was a guest at Legacy Church in Washington which has all the hallmarks of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Candler's false teaching begins at around the 1:20 mark.

Candler: "..this is a title I feel like the Lord gave me.. I want to talk about unbelief, friendship and the power of a preferred future." This is not a good start! We should treat with caution people who claim 'the Lord gave me a word'. If anyone claims or implies that the Lord has given them a prophetic word in an unworthy manner they have committed a grievous sin. (1 John 4:1; 1 Corinthians 14:29; Deuteronomy 18:20-22; Jeremiah 28:9). 

NAR buzzwords in bold:

Candler: "We are on the precipice of a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit we can't imagine.. bringing transformation... unprecedented notable miracles are going to break out.. miracles will be so commonplace but unbelief will also be rampant.."

Imminent revival or apostasy? 

The "imminent revival" mantra is characteristic of false prophets and has no biblical foundation. (Ezekiel 13:10). No prophecy of an end-time revival exists in the New Testament. The scriptures prophesy rampant spiritual deception, apostasy, false prophets, lying signs and wonders, birth pains.. and ultimately worldwide spiritual deception under the Antichrist. (Acts 20:29; Revelation 13:14). We should reject those who prophesy that we are on the "precipice of revival" or "awakening". False prophets tickle itching ears and tell us what we want to hear, not what we need to hear. (2 Timothy 4:3).

Candler's "sermon" is deeply flawed and incoherent. He teaches the false doctrine that believers should base their faith on "notable miracles". (Matthew 24:24; 2 Thessalonians 2:9).

Candler: "..when I think about unbelief you know I think about like seeing a miracle and being like unbelievable but I saw it and I'm like I see the works of God I read about the great works of God and outpouring of the spirit and i and I and there are people that they just think that they even see it they have a front row seat and they don't believe it and I'm thinking you just believe and I and there's a lot of talk especially in context of revival when the spirit is poured out and that the church is invited to ? church and outside the church and even in the bible to wrestle with. Do you believe this is true or is this not true in the book of Acts that was called a notable miracle and there's this issue of belief or unbelief but what I want to highlight is how can a person an individual us? included stand before something that was clearly notable and say I don't believe that because when we think of unbelief thinking all I need is enough evidence and then I'll be like I'll believe and the lord knows the depths of the human heart in a way and sees the roots of unbelief.."  

The difference between the works of Jesus and lying signs and wonders.

I have seen many alleged signs and wonders by those who falsely claim God's authority. A few examples are Todd White's leg-lengthening trick; Kathryn Krick's false deliverances using actors; various false "outpourings" (Toronto Pensacola etc.); Benny Hinn's false prophecies; Mike Bickle's false prophecies; Kenneth Copeland and Rodney Howard-Browne's fake tongues; unverified "healings", Morris Cerullo's False Miracles, Shawn Bolz' smart phone "cold readings" ~ on and on and on! Why would I trust "prophecies" of "notable miracles" and "imminent revival" given the track record of these wolves? (Matthew 7:22-23). Not only are we faced with fake signs, but Jesus Christ Himself warned us of powerful demonic signs. (Revelation 13:13).

If anyone’s will is to do God’s will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority. (John 7:17).

If I alone bear witness about myself, my testimony is not true. There is another who bears witness about me, and I know that the testimony that he bears about me is true. You sent to John, and he has borne witness to the truth. Not that the testimony that I receive is from man, but I say these things so that you may be saved. He was a burning and shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice for a while in his light. But the testimony that I have is greater than that of John. For the works that the Father has given me to accomplish, the very works that I am doing, bear witness about me that the Father has sent me. .. You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life. (John 5:31-36, 39-40).

Candler: "They (the Pharisees) had the law, they had the scriptures.. they had their life, their reputation related to the scriptures.. the actual phrase is 'you don't want me though you love the scriptures'". This is absolutely false! Jesus condemned the Pharisees because they did not love or follow the scriptures, they followed the Oral law i.e. their traditions!

There is one who accuses you: Moses, on whom you have set your hope. For if you believed Moses, you would believe me; for he wrote of me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” (John 5:45-47).

Then Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat.” He answered them, “And why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition? For God commanded, ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’ But you say, ‘If anyone tells his father or his mother, “What you would have gained from me is given to God,” he need not honor his father.’ So for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of God. You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’” (Matthew 15:1-90.

And he said to them,“You have a fine way of rejecting the commandment of God in order to establish your tradition! For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die.’ But you say, ‘If a man tells his father or his mother, “Whatever you would have gained from me is Corban”’ (that is, given to God)— then you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or mother, thus making void the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And many such things you do.” (Mark 7:9-13).

My advice to anyone still attending IHOP - LEAVE! IHOP is a nest of vipers and is saturated with false doctrine! (Matthew 12:34; Proverbs 1:7).   

1. My IHOPKC Experience: Matt & Dana's Story - IHOPKC BLOG

Further Links

Disgraced Televangelists (youtube.com)
Kenneth Copeland & Rodney Howard Browne Mighty Tongues Mighty Anointing (youtube.com)
EcoWell UK V1 (youtube.com)
30 Sec CS2589 CS Cont Rewired refresh (youtube.com)

Thursday 4 January 2024


 What is Jesting? (youtube.com)

In answer to Spencer Smith's charge that anyone who does not approve of his foolish talk has a humourless sour disposition and is miserable. We find our joy in the Lord Jesus Christ, not in Smith's version of humour, which apparently a number of people do not appreciate. 

Smith: "Smite that like button and all your dreams will come true."  This is fairly typical of Smith's idea of a joke. The underlying motive is of course that he wants to get as many hits on his channel as possible in order to generate income. Smith spends an inordinate amount of time merchandising, touting for subscriptions and donations, offering rewards for watching his videos, competitions, giveaways etc. He repeatedly tells his viewers to "smite thine like button". Smith's self-serving worldly behaviour is unseemly for a man of God.

Smith: "There are a breed of people that think that anything like that is unspiritual.. I mean I don't want to be this prude where I'm just, you know, like some hermit in a monastery somewhere and I never smile. I don't think that's scriptural either.. and I did some studying in the Bible and I found out several things. I found out that God laughs, I find out that merry heart doeth good like a medicine, and I just don't think this humourless sour disposition is becoming of a Christian."

Smith's two absurd examples:

But you, O LORD, laugh at them; you hold all the nations in derision. (Psalm 59:8 cf. Psalm 2:4; 37:13; Proverbs 1:26). This expression does not concern God's humour, rather it expresses his contempt and derision. 

A glad heart makes a cheerful face, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is crushed. (Proverbs 15:13). Smith quotes half the verse which continues with the opposite of glad i.e. sorrow. The definition of glad (sameach) is glad, cheerful, merry. This verse does not concern jesting!

Benson: "Hebrew, of a good heart, that is, composed, quiet, and contented, conscious of intending God’s glory in all things, and of being devoted to his service in love and obedience; hath a continual feast — Hath constant satisfaction and delight in all conditions, yea, even in affliction."
Like many poor teachers, Smith doubles down on his ungodly behavior and attempts to justify it with the scriptures. Some have challenged Smith with Ephesians 5:3 regarding his inappropriate foolish talk or jesting. Smith proceeds to totally distort this verse to suit his own agenda. Ephesians 5:3 does, of course, refer to crude sexual jokes, but it also refers to "any kind of impurity or greed". In verse 4, Paul identifies idolatry as immorality impurity and greed. This passage is clearly not limited to crude sexual jokes! Several real theologians disagree with Smith's eisegesis of Ephesians 5:3.

But among you, as is proper among the saints, there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk, or crude joking, which are out of character, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure, or greedy person (that is, an idolater), has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. (Ephesiains 5:3-4).

Barnes: "Nor foolish talking - This word - μωρολογία mōrologia - does not occur elsewhere in the New Testament. It means that kind of talk which is insipid, senseless, stupid, foolish; which is not suited to instruct, edify, profit - the idle 'chitchat' which is so common in the world. The meaning is, that Christians should aim to have their conversation sensible, serious, sincere - remembering the words of the Lord Jesus, "that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment;" Matthew 12:36."

Ellicott: "But rather giving of thanks.—The opposition is striking. 'The foolish talking and jesting' aim at mirth and play of mind; St. Paul will not austerely condemn, such light-heartedness, but he finds a wholesome and spiritual vent for it in the habitual expression of thankfulness to God, which proceeds from a natural and childlike cheerfulness. Exactly in the same spirit below (Ephesians 5:18-20) he contrasts the excitement of drunkenness with the being 'filled with the Spirit . . . giving thanks always for all things.'”

Meyer: "μωρολογία] is the carrying on of insipid, foolish talk. Antig. de Mirab. 126: μωρολωγίας καὶ ἀδολεσχίας, Arist. H. A. i. 11; Plut. Mor. 504 A.
εὐτραπελία] signifies properly ready versatility (from τρέπω and εὖ), urbanity; then specially a witty, jesting manner; and in a bad sense, as here, the witticism of frivolity, scurrilitas. See in general, Wetstein ad loc.; Dissen, ad Pind. p. 180; Krüger on Thuc. ii. 41. 1."

Isaac Barrow: "All profane jesting, all speaking loosely and wantonly about holy things (things nearly related to God and religion), making such things the matters of sport and mockery, playing and trifling with them, is certainly prohibited, as an intolerably vain and wicked practice. It is an infallible sign of a vain and light spirit, which considereth little, and cannot distinguish things, to talk slightly concerning persons of high dignity, to whom especial respect is due; or about matters of great importance, which deserve very serious consideration.."  

But avoid irreverent babble, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness.. (2 Timothy 2:16).

I do not recommend Spencer Smith as a bible expositor for obvious reasons! I guess I will continue to be "miserable" and find my joy in the Lord! (Psalm 19:8).

1. Proverbs 15:13 Commentaries: A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. (biblehub.com)
2. Against Foolish Talking and Jesting. (biblehub.com)


Wednesday 3 January 2024


(177) Scofield's Hyper-Zionists: The Useful Idiots of Talmudic Judaism - YouTube

For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside.. (1 Corinthians 5:12-13).

They say that in war, truth is the first casualty. In other words, facts are often distorted or suppressed during a conflict. It is virtually impossible to understand exactly what is happening between Israel and her enemies, and how much the deep state is involved. We are largely at the mercy of the media and self-appointed "experts" engaging in newspaper eisegesis. The scriptures are the only reliable source for Christians to somehow make sense of world events. 

Tragically, many dispensational pre-trib believers have been taken in by leaders promoting the false teaching of cult leader John Nelson Darby and the corrupt Scofield Reference Bible which was widely circulated during the 20th century. It is a tragedy that many have been deceived by these charlatans, and the fallout from their deception continues to damage the body of Christ. Pre-trib dispensational teachers are the worst culprits who constantly speculate about the timing of the rapture and the "tribulation" which they wrongly define as a seven-year period.Those "prophecy experts" who incessantly churn out end-time speculations about an imminent rapture should know better. The false hope of a pre-trib rapture is a critical issue that has divided the body of Christ. I fear this dangerous nonsense will end badly for many unless there is urgent repentance. (Proverbs 13:12; Matthew 24:10).   

There are some critical points in Sam Adams' deranged "sermon" regarding Jewish Israelis and the land of Israel that are important to reject. 

Adams' reaction to what he describes as the "hyper-Zionist manifesto" is an opinion that is difficult to corroborate! He describes the Jews as highly aggressive warmongers..

Adams: "As a result of their rightful claim to the land, Israel has a right, just as they did in the days of Joshua, to wage wars of aggression to drive out the Canaanites, now known as the 'Palestinians' to occupy and take over their land and their homes. That is basically what these people believe. No one I know will actually come out and say this is their position, but the fact is, this is their position.." Adam's views are based on pure speculation since no such thing has been stated. (1 John 4:1). (54:00 mark)

Adams further speculates: "Point 5 of the hyper-Zionist manifesto: 'Those who claim to be Palestinians should move to Jordan or to some other location, and if they refuse to move then they must actually surrender their civil liberties or convert to Judaism.' Again, most hyper-Zionists will not say this is their position.."  (56:00 mark)

Adams: "..today Israeli Jews have not even come near to the place where they will receive the Lord Jesus as their Messiah and until they come to that place which I do not believe will happen until the end of the tribulation when Christ returns in power and Glory. Until that time we can presume that their house is left unto them desolate and they have no claim to all that land. That's right and all we can also presume that Jerusalem will be trod to the Gentiles until that wonderful day comes when Jesus does return in power and glory.. (52:00 mark) And yet the Jews are beloved!  As regards the gospel, they are enemies for your sake. But as regards election, they are beloved for the sake of their forefathers. (Romans 11:28).

In a previous video, Adams claims: "The Jews have no claim to that land..  not one verse in the bible that shows that the Jews will be restored to all the land before the end of the tribulation.." 2 Adams' narrative is very dangerous! No one that I am aware of is arguing that the Jews have a right to all the land of "Palestine" at the present time. As such this is a moot point. The land allocated to Israel in 1948 doubled after the six-day war in 1967. Whether the land taken during the six-day war was warranted is highly debatable - there are strong opinions on both sides. This is a very complex situation that is not helped by speculative inflammatory judgements. (2 Corinthians 13:1). Why does Adams bring this up if not to fuel Antisemitism? Are Christians to make judgments about those outside the church? (1 Corinthians 5:12-13; Luke 12:2).

The other side of the argument is that Israel's very survival depends upon her ability to defend herself against her enemies. It seems certain that Israel would be obliterated if they did not defend themselves! The slogan "Free Palestine from the river to the sea"  implicitly advocates the dismantling of Israel, and is a call for the removal or extermination of the Jewish population of the region.3

Israel's existence was determined by the United Nations following the horrors of the Holocaust. The Jews did not make an arbitrary decision to occupy the land as their "right". As many have pointed out, the land of Israel is a tiny speck compared with the vast lands of the surrounding Muslim nations in the Middle East. Before Israel’s Declaration of Independence on the 14th of May 1948, the land of Israel was sparsely populated and no one was interested in it. (Deuteronomy 28:63). This is borne out by many sources, including Mark Twain's travel book The Innocents Abroad following his trip to Israel in 1867. Twain described "a desolate country – devoid of both vegetation and human population". 

Twain: “..A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds… a silent mournful expanse…. a desolation…. we never saw a human being on the whole route…. hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country.”4 

It is clearly God's will for the Jews to return to their ancestral land at this time. God's unconditional promises to the true descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are irrevocable. I will give as an everlasting possession to you and your descendants after you. (Genesis 15:18,26:3-4; Exodus 6:8 etc.). The presumption in the New Testament is that the Jews will occupy the land of Israel before Jesus' return. Ezekiel 37 describes the Jews returning to the land in an unregenerate state. Christians cannot possibly object to the Jewish occupation of the land, but inevitably their presence is objectionable to the enemies of Jesus Christ, as well as a significant number of professing Christians. 

Is Adams' hostile rhetoric about the Jews helpful to anyone at this critical time, or has he gone beyond his remit?

Adams ignorance of the scriptures

Another assumption by Adams is that Charles Spurgeon was "post-trib". I am not sure why Adams should seek confirmation from the writings of Calvinist Charles Spurgeon whose eschatology was unclear.

The Master's Seminary Journal: "Lewis A. Drummond states, "Spurgeon confessed to be a pre-millennialist."1 Peter Masters, current 1 Lewis A. Drummond, Spurgeon: Prince of Preachers (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 1993) 650. 184 pastor of Spurgeon's church, The Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, stated, "Spurgeon . . . would have stood much closer to amillennialism than to either of the other scenarios recognized today"2 Erroll Hulse firmly declared Spurgeon to be postmillennial.3 2Peter Masters, 'Spurgeon's Eschatology,' The Sword and Trowel (December 1989):39. 3Erroll Hulse, The Restoration of Israel (London: Henry E. Walter Ltd., 1968) 154. Some in the 'Theonomist' movement (which holds postmillennialism as a cornerstone of its system) in their writings have implied that Spurgeon was postmillennial. See Gary DeMar and Peter Leithart, The Reduction of Christianity (Tyler, Texas: Dominion, 1988) 41. Spurgeon could not have held all these positions. However, in which, if any, did he fit? The issue is an important one, as Spurgeon continues to be one of the most popular Christian authors in print, even a century after his death. Men of different positions seek to marshal support for their prophetic interpretations by appealing to Spurgeon." 

Spurgeon appeared to believe that believers would go through the tribulation. However, we cannot assume that he was post-trib as he might just as easily have been prewrath. 

Adams seems ignorant of the fact that the tribulation ends with the cosmic disturbances before the wrath of God is poured out on the ungodly (the Day of the Lord). The rapture of the church becomes imminent after the cosmic disturbances and occurs before the seventh seal is opened as the scriptures indicate.  

Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (Mathew 24:29-31).

When he opened the sixth seal, I looked, and behold, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black as sackcloth, the full moon became like blood, and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as the fig tree sheds its winter fruit when shaken by a gale. The sky vanished like a scroll that is being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth and the great ones and the generals and the rich and the powerful, and everyone, slaved and free, hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains, calling to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who is seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?” (Revelation 6:12-17).

Wednesday 27 December 2023


Apostle Kathryn Krick 6 demon exorcism on 2 girls $$$ 4 deliverance (youtube.com)

The claims of modern "Apostle" Kathryn Krick and other deliverance teachers are in large part the fruit of Derek Prince's false ministry. Prince is arguably the most significant teacher in the last 50 years to promote the controversial view that Christians can be "demonized". Prince skewed the definition of "demonized" and promoted various unreliable ideas associated with demonization, deliverance, ancestral spirits, the alleged demonic implications of self-curses, generational curses and "soulish prayers".

In the New Testament, the Greek verb daimonizomai (demonized) describes a person who is indwelt or possessed by a demon. 

Strongs: daimonizomai: to be possessed by a demon
Original Word: δαιμονίζομαι
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: daimonizomai
Phonetic Spelling: (dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee)
Definition: to be possessed by a demon
Usage: I am possessed, am under the power of an evil-spirit or demon.
Greek daimonizomai (demonized); elsewhere rendered oppressed by demons

Thayer's Greek Lexicon STRONGS NT 1139: δαιμονίζομαι

δαιμονίζομαι; 1 aorist passive participle δαιμονισθείς; (δαίμων); to be under the power of a demon: ἄλλος κατ' ἄλλην δαιμονίζεται τυχην, Philemon 1 in Stobaeus, ecl. phys. 1, p. 196; of the insane, Plutarch, symp. 7, 5, 4, and in other later authors. In the N. T. δαιμονιζόμενοι are persons afflicted with especially severe diseases, either bodily or mental (such as paralysis, blindness, deafness, loss of speech, epilepsy, melancholy, insanity, etc.), whose bodies in the opinion of the Jews demons (see δαιμόνιον) had entered, and so held possession of them as not only to afflict them with ills, but also to dethrone the reason and take its place themselves; accordingly, the possessed were accustomed to express the mind and consciousness of the demons dwelling in them; and their cure was thought to require the expulsion of the demon — (but on this subject see B. D. American edition under the word Demoniacs and references there; Weiss, Leben Jesu, book iii., chapter 6): Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:16, 28, 33; Matthew 9:32; Matthew 12:22; Matthew 15:22; Mark 1:32; Mark 5:15; John 10:21; δαιμονισθείς, that had been possessed by a demon (demons), Mark 5:18; Luke 8:36. They are said also to be ὀχλούμενοι ὑπό or ἀπό πνευμάτων ἀκαθάρτων, Luke 6:18 (T Tr WH ἐνοχλούμενοι); Acts 5:16; καταδυναστευόμενοι ὑπό τοῦ διαβόλου, i. e. by his ministers, the demons, Acts 10:38. 1

Reasons why believers cannot be demon-possessed 

The deliverance racket is lethal to the body of Christ for many reasons.

There is no explicit text in the New Testament demonstrating that believers can be possessed or indwelt by demons. Those who promote deliverance argue that there is nothing in the scriptures that precludes believers from being demonized. However, teachings based on silence are unreliable and cannot be tested. (1 John 4:1). Deliverance teachers are forced to abandon hermeneutics and enter the realm of speculation and eisegesis. The result is that many believers are left with an open question rather than assurance and clarity, and many are left in doubt and confusion. This teaching undermines numerous assertions found in the epistles regarding the freedom believers have in Jesus Christ. Deliverance is linked to the retrograde doctrines taught by false apostles who seek to make disciples after themselves (2 Corinthians 11:13; Acts 20:30), and who seek to put believers under the curse of the law. (Galatians 3:10-13; Deuteronomy 5:9,28:16; Exodus 34:7).

* There is no instance of a believer being indwelt by demons and delivered in the New Testament.
* The epistles give no instructions regarding delivering believers from demons. 
* Deliverance is never referred to as an integral part of any Christian meeting in the New Testament. 
* When believers assemble together, all things should be done in an orderly manner. (1 Corinthians 14:26-33). The purpose of the Christian assembly is to glorify Jesus Christ and to encourage one another in the faith. (Hebrews 10:24). These disruptive pantomimes detract from true worship and do not glorify God.
* People who were possessed by demons in the New Testament were known to be possessed due to their extreme involuntary behaviour affecting not only themselves but their families and the wider community. (Luke 8:27; Mark 9:18). The New Testament gives no indication of involuntary demonic behaviour amongst believers after their conversion.
* We see the same people (actors) being repeatedly "delivered" by Krick. Those repeatedly "exorcised"  by Krick and other deliverance "ministers" simulate demonic possession. 2 
* Krick states that people need to sow (money) for deliverance. (14:46 mark). She promotes the wicked lie that money spent on psychics needs to be surpassed by the person allegedly "possessed" due to some alleged "spiritual law - to unlock the keys of deliverance". 
* Believers are delivered from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. (Acts 26:18).
* The instructions given to believers regarding external spiritual attacks:
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. (Ephesians 6:10-18)
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7).
* The deliverance racket is a distraction from Paul's exhortation to direct our thoughts towards pure and praiseworthy things. (Philippians 4:8).
* Believers are temples of the living God. (2 Corinthians 6:16; John 14:23).
* Believers are sealed by the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:30).
* Paul exhorts believers not to grieve the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:1,30).
* Deliverance detracts attention away from Jesus Christ onto the alleged demons.
* Deliverance compromises the scriptures and puts believers into bondage. 
* The deliverance racket denies the blood of Jesus. (John 8:36).   
* People often come back for deliverance repeatedly - this demonstrates that it is not successful. When Jesus expelled demons it resulted in complete deliverance. (Mark 5:15; Mark 16:9).  
* Deliverance involves mind control and subjective experience.
* Jesus' exorcisms were not long drawn-out affairs ~ they were brief and decisive. (Matthew 8:16, 32,17:18).  
Jesus did not initiate dialogue with demons or ask them to identify themselves. Jesus knew exactly what they were e.g. the case of the "deaf and mute spirit". (Mark 9:25).
* Deliverance adds to the word of God. (Proverbs 30:6). 
*Those who practice deliverance inevitably promote other false teachings that are harmful to the body of Christ. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17).
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (John 8:36).
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 1:3).

If a true Christian is in the throes of a severe spiritual attack, it is sheer folly to put oneself at the mercy of false deliverance teachers. In my view, this kind of "ministry" is very dangerous due to the suspect character and the sheer fakery practiced by those involved in it. Ironically those who dabble in spiritual things without God's authority are likely to attract demons. (Acts 19:13-16). Deliverance "ministers" encourage believers to abdicate personal responsibility and reduce personal problems and sin to the level of demonic possession and/or curses; they fail to appreciate more complex issues such as personal responsibility, self-control and endurance. (1 Peter 1:6; Ephesians 4:25-32,6:13). Sometimes people can be sick for unknown reasons. (John 9:2-3). Sometimes, sin (i.e. bad lifestyle choices) is responsible for sickness. (John 5:5,14). Furthermore, we should not think it is unusual to face trials and difficulties of various kinds. (James 1:2; 1 Peter 1:6-7,4:12). The answer to a spiritual attack is to throw oneself onto God Himself and seek Him for the solution rather than rely on the blasphemous profanities of false teachers and their cheap dramas.

Kathryn Krick's recent "Prophetic Warning for the Body of Christ" is an unsanctioned attempt to foist the NAR and its false "Apostles" and "Prophets" onto the church. Faithful Christians should reject this "warning" and anything else that comes out of the NAR. 

And you, son of man, be not afraid of them, nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you sit on scorpions. Be not afraid of their words, nor be dismayed at their looks, for they are a rebellious house. And you shall speak my words to them, whether they hear or refuse to hear, for they are a rebellious house. (Ezekiel 2:6-7).

..and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. (Acts 20:30).

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. (2 Corinthians 11:13).

And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. (Matthew 24:4-5).

I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot bear with those who are evil, but have tested those who call themselves apostles and are not, and found them to be false. (Revelation 2:2).