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Thursday 27 December 2018


I have written something to the church, but Diotrephes, who likes to put himself first, does not acknowledge our authority. So if I come, I will bring up what he is doing, talking wicked nonsense against us. And not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers, and also stops those who want to and puts them out of the church. (3 John 1:9-10).

Jacob Prasch's Creatures Identified:

*Joshua Chavez (aka Servus Christi) likes to secretly record his victims in order to entrap them. Chavez is a man who always answers a question with a question. He has managed to alienate himself even from many within the Moriel camp!

*Amos Farrell
(Genesis Christian Radio) is another dirty tricks merchant.

Farrell was a bit too dismissive when I questioned the true identity of John Cambridge on Bill Randles FB page. In my view The John Cambridge episode was a complete sham.

One comment on Bill Randles FB page was very insightful:

"I was re-reading Paul’s epistles recently. One detail that struck me was how important authentication was to Paul when writing to people. He would take a few verses introducing people like Timothy, Titus, Tychicus, etc. as legitimate ministers, etc. In particular in 2 Thessalonians it looks as if Paul had to write the letter to dispel false teaching, false teachers, and possibly even forged epistles, e.g. 2 Thessalonians 2:2 '..that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come,' and 2 Thessalonians 3:17 where he basically has to affirm that he’s writing the letter and what his handwriting looks like so they could tell a forgery. It’s interesting to see in the modern free church system how we’re still struggling with similar practical issues: Who’s legit and who isn’t, who really represents whom and who doesn’t, etc." {1}

Dave Borlase "That, for me creates two major issues. 1) Jacob hadn’t read in full or investigated the source before putting it out on the Moriel TV page and encouraging me to read it. It seems anything from anyone will do, as long as it fits the narrative he is presenting. 2) In his testimonial of these people, he gives them a glowing report, but as the blog post shows, he knows a lot more about them than he tells me. I can only consider that, at best misleading and could well be considered a deliberate attempt to deceive." {1}

*John Cambridge (aka Dusty Peterson/Neville John Rainier) is the dubious character who almost got in on the act. However, his sins soon found him out! (Numbers 32:23).

*John Haller
The silence has been deafening for a long time. At last Haller has been persuaded to squeak up. 

*Ian Huxham "This is just about doctrine, it is not about David.." OK Ian.. if you say so!

*Bill Randles put up a token fight at first, but he turned out to be weak. Randles friendship with Prasch has taken precedence over any attempt he made at godly discipline. (James 3:17). I am still waiting for Bill Randles assessment of Prasch's intra-seal theory. Perhaps when he is not too busy being manipulated by Prasch, he will have time to give his attention to these false teachings.

Bill Randles FB

It appears that Bill Randles was pressured to take down his article entitled "The Menelaws Are My Friends". {1}

Moriel TV have opted to hide all comments and have blocked any discussion from taking place on their FB page. It seems that open discussion about these matters is not on Diotrephes' agenda!

It's been a very close run thing, but my vote for Prasch's number one creature goes to Joshua Chavez, with Amos Farrell coming up a very close second.. but perhaps you have another candidate in mind?

Creatures: "Shall we leave that victim alone now Jacob?"
Prasch: "What do you think you ignoramuses.. Get out there and get it back you morons ..grrr."

On a more serious note.. Prasch's creatures have compromised their integrity and tarnished their reputations as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mikes comment on my previous post is priceless:

"Very sad that teachers such as John Haller and Bill Randles have tarnished their reputations and from henceforth their ministries by participating in a video which is nothing more than propaganda for a self-deluded Diotrephes who has disqualified himself as a minister of the gospel for many reasons. One more exposer of heretics has now been exposed as a heretic himself and possibly, a false convert. He appears to be devoid of the love of Christ and is an unrepentant accuser of the brethren. I am sure there is a defamation case (or cases) that can lawfully come forth from this sad situation which must be causing the wicked one to be rejoicing." {2}

{1} https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009370648530&epa=SEARCH_BOX
{2} https://bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com/2018/12/pastor-bill-randles-blog-menelaws-are.html
{3} https://bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com/2018/12/moriels-deaf-spin-doctors-spring-into.html?showComment=1545869153726#c3134389929853762729

Wednesday 26 December 2018


Below is a video where David Nathan address all the issues he is accused of by Jacob Prasch and his henchmen who are determined to discredit David Nathan and villainize him as a heretic. It serves as an example of what is known in a religious system as “the good boy network,” where a leader is placed on such a high pedestal that they themselves are beyond correction and criticism, who themselves are unaccountable to anyone for their actions and behavior. Where those who follow do so with complete blindness. Its a matter of conformation bias which is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s own beliefs or hypotheses, while giving disproportionately less consideration to alternative possibilities. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. In attempting to debate supposed accusations the leadership of Moriel and its affiliates have made themselves look very foolish by stroking Jacob Prasch’s agenda against David Nathan and refusing to investigate the matter fully and address Prasch’s unbibical behavior and refusal to meet and resolve said issues.

Men such as John Haller, Bill Randles, Ian Huxham & Amos Farrell cozy up to Prasch and are enablers to his hot style, aggressive, unethical, and unbiblical behavior all while David Nathan has pleaded for reconciliation. Prasch on the other lies and manipulates the facts. In fact, he is guilty of far worse that what he has accused David Nathan of. He diminishes the role and ministry of the Holy Spirit in his faulty eschatology, reverses Pentecost without any biblical evidence and distorts Jesus’ teachings concerning the Holy Spirit role in the world. An article is soon coming. Watch the video below, examine the facts, and by all means do the right thing. Take a stand, its time people stand up to bullies such as Prasch, who abuse their power over others and ostracize without any real biblical grievances. Who himself is disobedient to our Lord’s teaching on church discipline as taught in the beatitude and outlined in Matthew 18.


Monday 24 December 2018


For pressing milk produces curds, pressing the nose produces blood, and pressing anger produces strife. (Proverbs 30:33).

Louis responds to the latest video: John Haller, Bill Randles, Ian Huxham & Amos Farrell respond to David Nathan

The accusation in this video is that David Nathan has still not cleared up the question of blood sacrifices during the millennium. This accusation is patently untrue as demonstrated by David Nathan's response to Bill Randles dated 15th October 2018:

"The statement which I should not have made but rather should have sought to express myself very differently and that folk have objected to is, “The Blood of Jesus will not profit anyone, anything in the Millennium.”  In using this phrase, which I regret, I was not stating that the Blood of Jesus does not cleanse in all ages as this would be a clear violation of scripture. His blood alone can take away sin and every sacrifice from Genesis 3:21, when the Lord clothed Adam and Eve in tunics of skin to the sacrifices of the Millennium all point to Jesus. In the teaching I kept using the word atone to describe the purpose of the millennial sacrifices in the sense that they do not remove sin but cover sin. I reiterate again that I do not teach nor believe that the sin of an animal or animals can ever remove sin. Not under the Old Testament, not now nor in the age to come. Only the Blood of Jesus can remove sin both now and forever, including the millennium. This is and has always been what I have believed though I did not express it succinctly in the series on Eschatology."  https://www.bolm.co.za/index_htm_files/Response%20to%20Bill%20Randles%20-%20Open%20Letter.pdf

Incredibly at the end of their accusatory video against David Nathan, Amos Farrell urges "brothers and sisters - Stop this -this is totally ?? it is not edifying the church or any individual.."  I think that many people are wondering why Moriel's stooges do not "stop this" in light of David Nathan's clear refutation back in October, and his further video Addressing BOLM in Regards to Jacob Prasch:

Amos Farrell has also recently questioned the validity of my claim that the Sisterhood of Mary are ecumenical in a previous post:

Evidence that the Sisterhood of Mary are ecumenical:

Wikipedia gives the following information: "The Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary is an ecumenical, Lutheran based, religious order."

God is Always Greater (Ecumenical Sisterhood of Mary Darmstadt, 2)
Schlink, Mother Basilea

Book Review by IAGS: Mothering the Fatherland: A Protestant Sisterhood Repents for the Holocaust
"The immediate impetus for the formation of the Ecumenical Sisters of Mary, as the group was called.."

Basilea Schlink was a sister of Professor Edmund Schlink (3 March 1903 – 20 May 1984) who was a leading German Lutheran theologian in the modern ecumenical movement, especially in the World Council of Churches.

"Schlink (1903-1984) published an ecumenical systematic theology (Őkumenische Dogmatik, Schlink 1983a) shortly before his death, which remains probably the only work of its kind until today.. In the book, forewords by the Roman Catholic Heinrich Fries and the Orthodox Nikos Nissiotis also welcome and praise the book in glowing terms." http://www.scielo.org.za/pdf/vee/v29n2/09.pdf


Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. Luke 11:35

Recently, it was brought to my attention that Jacob Prasch of Moriel Ministries has been under somewhat of an investigation by an organization called Catalyst. Following is the video hosted by Mr. Graham Baldwin explaining the nature of the investigation involving Mr. Prash’s actions and behavior with an invite for others to come forward.


Moriel Ministries, a 501(c)(3) non profit corporation in the USA is run by 3 trustees – James (Jacob) Prasch, David Lister and Marco Quintana. Moriel Missions – a UK registered charity is run by Prasch and Lister. Their media man calling himself Josh Chav has uploaded a number of defamatory videos to the Moriel YouTube channel on their behalf and has published Moriel messages on their Facebook – neither of which allows free comments or right of reply. Having made a number of false and extremely defamatory accusations against certain Christians and their ministries, Graham Baldwin of Catalyst Counselling (www.catalystcounselling.net) challenges Moriel and their supporters to examine the evidence for themselves.

Following a copy of the e-mail I sent to Mr. Baldwin in response to his video. For those of you who are reading this and are unaware of previous experience with Moriel, you will find a link to a previous post in the body of the letter, along with the mention of others who were also involved at that time.

Dear Mr. Baldwin,
I am contacting you regarding the behavior and treatment that I and others have experienced at the hand of Jacob Prasch, a man upheld by many as a man of God. I am the blogger, M’Kayla Kelly at M’Kaylas Korner, and the unnamed friend mentioned to you in the letter from Mike and Pat Rogers. I will assure you the events that Mike brought to your attention during the summer of 2016 regarding our experiences with Moriel via Tim Wirth are correct.

After watching your video and discussing recent events with my friends, I cannot stay silent. I have a blog that exposes false teaching of the International Association of Healing Rooms, the false healing movement, and the false prophetic, of which the Lord delivered me in 2008. It was during my research that I came upon Moriel and Jacob where I received help with some of the things I needed to understand. I believed him to be true to scripture, and even purchased a couple of his books, which unfortunately I found to be not so helpful.

I had been on first named basis with Tim Wirth and considered him a brother in the Lord and friend by way of internet contact though we had never personally met. Through personal messages through Facebook I asked Tim the question regarding women teachers, specifically if Jacob is against women teaching then what is his stance on women who expose false teachers on a public blog such as mine. This began a very long diatribe between us and one that Tim would not settle as he continued a banter with me for a good amount of time. I should still have these conversations in my archive.

What did come out of it is just as Mike described to you, even after I posed my question directly to the Moriel website, it went unanswered, and instead, I and my friend were compared to the likes of Joyce Myers and called names. We were horrified, and yet now understand this behavior is normal to the way Jacob operates.

I went public on my blog to expose this work, and shortly thereafter was contacted by numerous people, one of which was Deborah Menelaws. I remember our communication went on for several hours that day well into the night and for sometime after that. I had also been contacted via e-mail by a woman who had serious experiences with Jacob many years ago, a description  of events so serious that she stated nearly destroyed her personally as well as her ministry.

Since that time I have had numerous conversations with others regarding Jacob as many are either put off by his brash behavior and angry rants, or who tell similar stories of personal encounters with him. Despite the public exposure regarding my experiences I still see people endorse and follow him and have read comments from women who seem to fawn over him, nearly in a state of worship.

I am often accused of being the one who is in wrong, that I am interfering with the work of God in belittling my work in comparison to his, or that I should have done more to connect to Jacob on a personal level. No matter the excuse, people still refuse to see the truth.

My first article begins here – https://mkayla.wordpress.com/2016/07/13/an-encounter-with-a-madman-or-two/ and from there you will see the connection between myself, and my friends, Mike and Pat Rogers at https://closingstages.net/ and Treena Gisborn at bewareofthewolves.blogspot.com/

I join with you all in agreement that Jacob needs to be held accountable for his crude and unkind behavior he so easily displays toward others, as to continue is to disparage not only brothers and  sisters in the Lord, but even more so, the work of the cross to which we are called to uphold in Christian love and truth. It is distressing that others who are considered leaders know of his behavior yet continue to work with him side by side as in acceptance and agreement with his inexcusable behavior.

And just as he is doing with David Nathan, as with others, he needs to be held accountable for his own false teaching that he is so quick to deliver including the videos posted to our blogs, edited by Tim Wirth.

I will be making a public address with this e-mail posted to my blog, again, in an attempt help others see truth and find healing, can have cc’d the Rogers and Treena in this e-mail as part of continued communication.

Please know that you are welcome to contact me. Thank you for your diligent work.
In Christ,
M’Kayla Kelly

I would like to remind my readers who may be in dissent. If James Jacob Prasch would stick to the word of God and actually obey the teachings regarding how believers are to talk to and treat each other, we would be in a much better place. We can disagree but we are called to do so in love and to bring scripture as proof. All of his arrogant ugliness does nothing but bring division, despair, and destroys the work of believers in bringing opportunities for salvation and discipling others.  It must stop and we all need to speak up.

Friday 21 December 2018


Louis Erasmus speaks out about Jacob Prasch's scandalous lack of accountability. I am posting this in support of Louis, who is yet another example of a brother who has been badly maligned and abused by Prasch's infamous judgements upon others. My only reservation is that I cannot agree with Louis' assessment about the timing of the rapture and his hurtful remark about Joe Schimmel of Good Fight Ministries. I regard Joe Schimmel as an excellent teacher of God's Word.

Thursday 20 December 2018


In 2016 Jacob Prasch endorsed Kay Arthur (1) whom by that time had already been deemed questionable, to say the least, due to her sharing the stage with many contemplative and emergent  leaders. (2)  All of which Jacob teaches against. Not to mention that Kay Arthur has joined with Beth Moore, not only sharing a platform (Deeper Still) (3) but even writing a book “Faithful, Abundant, True: Three Lives Going Deeper Still” (4). Now in 2018 he’s still endorsing her and in the same breath condemns Beth Moore and yet both of these women have been working together for sometime, sharing conferences and writing a book together!

In his “teaching” titled :Usurping Headship” (5) at the 52:13 mark:  Prasch states:

“you look at this, Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, Cindy Jacobs, they’re all propagating false doctrine. All of them propagating false doctrine. Now there are women ministries that are valid, people like Kay Arthur, I have no problem with them. They teach women.”

How is it possible that Jacob can endorse someone who shares a platform and co-authors a book with a known false teacher “propagating false doctrine”, his own words? By the way the book was published in 2010 so it’s not like this was something that has happened recently and he just wasn’t aware. Does anyone, who allows him in their pulpits, fact check this man? Is he sending women off to contemplative prayer? The question then needs to be asked how can Jacob condemn Moore but endorse Arthur…isn’t it all leaven? How can two walk together unless they agree? (6) Who’s fact checking him?  Who’s protecting the sheep

This is a common trait of Prasch’s teachings once you start to really listen to him and check every thing he says, you start to see inconsistencies in facts and scriptures. More and more are finding the errors in his teachings and they spread much farther and deeper than just this example.

Double standards are most commonly seen as a decisive psychological tool used to defend one’s ego or subconscious from the shortcomings of one’s own set of values or contrasting principles.  Its similar to what Ephesians 4:14 teaches concerning “being tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine,” which shows the childish fickleness and the causes that lead to it.  In other words, Jacob Prasch “inwardly” is a very unstable man.

1. https://closingstages.net/2016/08/02/moriel-madness/
2. https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=11053
3. https://youtu.be/Wq6FvUU1DFg
4. https://www.goodreads.com/work/editions/13607305-faithful-abundant-true—bible-study-book-three-lives-going-deeper-still
5. https://youtu.be/mkyZa2iJZYs
6. Amos 3:3

Wednesday 19 December 2018



We too have contacted Catalyst/Graham Baldwin concerning Jacob Prasch/Moriel

We are letting as many as we can know that we too have contacted Graham Baldwin. The spiritual abuse that has taken place over a long period of time and has gone unchecked has to be stopped. Many have suffered greatly and still are.

“If you have suffered in any way by your involvement with Jacob Prasch/Moriel Please contact our helpline in complete confidence.” 


We need to encourage, care and support each other. Praying for all who have suffered and are suffering, you’re not alone. If you have been or if you know of someone who has please share this information with them.

1 Corinthians 12:25-26

That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the members rejoice with it.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen.

1Thessalonians 5:14-15

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

Philippians 2:4

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

