Louis responds to the latest video: John Haller, Bill Randles, Ian Huxham & Amos Farrell respond to David Nathan
The accusation in this video is that David Nathan has still not cleared up the question of blood sacrifices during the millennium. This accusation is patently untrue as demonstrated by David Nathan's response to Bill Randles dated 15th October 2018:
"The statement which I should not have made but rather should have sought to express myself very differently and that folk have objected to is, “The Blood of Jesus will not profit anyone, anything in the Millennium.” In using this phrase, which I regret, I was not stating that the Blood of Jesus does not cleanse in all ages as this would be a clear violation of scripture. His blood alone can take away sin and every sacrifice from Genesis 3:21, when the Lord clothed Adam and Eve in tunics of skin to the sacrifices of the Millennium all point to Jesus. In the teaching I kept using the word atone to describe the purpose of the millennial sacrifices in the sense that they do not remove sin but cover sin. I reiterate again that I do not teach nor believe that the sin of an animal or animals can ever remove sin. Not under the Old Testament, not now nor in the age to come. Only the Blood of Jesus can remove sin both now and forever, including the millennium. This is and has always been what I have believed though I did not express it succinctly in the series on Eschatology." https://www.bolm.co.za/index_htm_files/Response%20to%20Bill%20Randles%20-%20Open%20Letter.pdf
Incredibly at the end of their accusatory video against David Nathan, Amos Farrell urges "brothers and sisters - Stop this -this is totally ?? it is not edifying the church or any individual.." I think that many people are wondering why Moriel's stooges do not "stop this" in light of David Nathan's clear refutation back in October, and his further video Addressing BOLM in Regards to Jacob Prasch:
Amos Farrell has also recently questioned the validity of my claim that the Sisterhood of Mary are ecumenical in a previous post:
Evidence that the Sisterhood of Mary are ecumenical:
Wikipedia gives the following information: "The Evangelical Sisterhood of Mary is an ecumenical, Lutheran based, religious order."
Schlink, Mother Basilea
Book Review by IAGS: Mothering the Fatherland: A Protestant Sisterhood Repents for the Holocaust
"The immediate impetus for the formation of the Ecumenical Sisters of Mary, as the group was called.."
Basilea Schlink was a sister of Professor Edmund Schlink (3 March 1903 – 20 May 1984) who was a leading German Lutheran theologian in the modern ecumenical movement, especially in the World Council of Churches.
"Schlink (1903-1984) published an ecumenical systematic theology (Őkumenische Dogmatik, Schlink 1983a) shortly before his death, which remains probably the only work of its kind until today.. In the book, forewords by the Roman Catholic Heinrich Fries and the Orthodox Nikos Nissiotis also welcome and praise the book in glowing terms." http://www.scielo.org.za/pdf/vee/v29n2/09.pdf