Moriel TV: "More and more people are coming out with their own studies and research exposing the false doctrine of David Nathan. Here is such a document:
'A Solution to Your Confusion: An Open Letter to David Nathan'…/ae0d2a_ee65166dca98475f9169d78…
'Baby Steps: A Guide to David Nathan'…/ae0d2a_6a3999b598f84f65ab5c4a2…
Video Discussed in the Letter (the version David has on his youtube channel is edited)…
This individuals blog can be found here:
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in these documents are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official position or opinion of Moriel Ministries." {1}
Jacob Prasch: "I've created a webpage as a repository for all your false teachings --excluding those already covered in this letter. See" {1} This statement gave me the impression that Prasch was the author of these documents. However, I have since been informed by Amos Farrell, founder of Genesis Christian Radio, that it is an "editorial error".
Have we discovered the author of these documents after all?
"77 'John Cambridge' is a nom-de-plume. I’m using it because some people might otherwise choose to reject the points I make in this letter (even though truth is independent of the person bringing it) because of my past failings discussed in an earlier endnote." {2}
Interestingly, is cited no less than five times in the endnotes of the document - A Solution to Your Confusion: An Open Letter to David Nathan' : 8, 22, 37 and 69. {2} Bayith Ministries is run by Elizabeth McDonald and Dusty Peterson aka Neville John Rainier, the man who defrauded a number of Christians into buying a retreat from the coming tribulation on the island of Gozo, near Malta. {3} In fact Jacob Prasch issued a warning about Dusty Peterson/Neville on the 4th of March 2011: "We regard Mr. Peterson's survivalist eschatology as theologically and doctrinally bogus. Whether he actually subscribes to this cultic lunacy or is merely using it as a vehicle to approach targets for money we are not certain. However we view his financial antics as unethical and predatory.." {4}
Perhaps Jacob Prasch would like to clarify how five endnotes citing Peterson's website could possibly be promoted by Moriel - the clear implication being that Peterson actually wrote these documents?
In 2012, someone contacted online lawyers, for advice:
"A well-known "Christian" writer has borrowed about 20,000 euros from each of his victims and left his rents unpaid. He himself is a UK citizen and his victims are all over the world. He gives promises and dates when he should pay, but it has not happened. He was due to pay finally all his loans for one year ago, but has not paid. He said first that he was out of money because he had bought a house in Malta. But it was a lie - he has not bought it even today. Recently he wrote to one of his victims that he has lost the house, because he couldn't pay it fully. Now he says he has lost our money - ?50,000 euros, his own inheritance from his mother and investments from some of his victims....
He went on to say: I live in Finland and have to wait the prime victim, who is a British citizen to go to the police again with all "the new information" the conman has sent. He is probably a psychpath so that he lies, lies and lies. He has no sense of right or erong and accuses his victims instead. His victims are believers and he asks them if they had prayed about lending money to him. If they answer yes, he says: OK, it's God's will then (that they do not get their money back) if they answer: No, he says it's the victims' fault that they lost their money.
His (Dusty Peterson aka Neville John Rainier) victims are his readers (books, articles etc.)
There are two warnings about him on the internet." {5}
A comment on in 2011:
"WARNING to Post-trib and Pre-Wrath Brethren about ‘DUSTY PETERSON’ who has defrauded frightened Christians into buying a retreat from the coming Tribulation on the island of Gozo, near Malta.
By Scripture twisting, he preys upon the fears and sympathy of the Christians he deceives. This man is a work shy, out and out conman. One example:
'…she paid two instalments of Rainier's rent (which he didn't pass on to the landlord!) on the CAMBRIDGE house where he overstayed his welcome by about two years. Here's what she did: 'I actually paid his rent on two occasions (2 x £630). .......he said that he'd be homeless if he couldn't meet the rent, and I felt it my Christian duty to help him. Of course, looking back, I can see that it was an unwise decision to lend him the money. I had no idea until now that there was so much trouble regarding the Landlords.....that he owes them over £11,000!'
The case against this fraudster is growing, so be cautioned against ‘lending’ him money for rent to prevent homelessness. He will make repeated promises to repay with a great deal of extra ‘luvly’ money as a ‘sweetener’. You will not see your money again. Many have felt pity for him to the tune of many thousands of £’s that he will not repay. His real name is: NEVILLE JOHN RAINER. A.k.a DUSTY PETERSON." {6}
It is important that these accusations against David Nathan are put forward by a person of integrity and of good standing in the Lord. I expressed my concern about the unknown author to Amos Farrell last night.
Farrell: "Why are you concerned about who he is and not what he says, 'Curious and curiouser' said Alice good night Treena you are focusing on the wrong thing." Farrell went on to accuse me of being "fixated". This conversation was quickly deleted from FB, although I have a record.
Mr Farrell may not be concerned about the integrity of the person who wrote these documents, but others, including myself, most certainly are concerned.
I also expressed to Amos Farrell my further concern that whilst various people are taking pains to tear David Nathan to shreds, no one is focusing on the false teaching of Jacob Prasch apart from myself. This is incredible considering the serious nature of Prasch's phony eschatology. Is the denial of the Holy Spirit during the 70th week of Daniel not a serious issue?
John Cambridge to Mike Rogers of (with permission)
Mike, thank you for your response to my letter. I am sorry you seem to have missed so much that was in it…
1) “What seems to be lacking, … is a sit down with David Nathan”. But surely the letter proves that David Nathan is a false brother? Why would anyone want to “settle the issues and reconcile” with a false brother?
2) “You assume and “guess” much about what Moriel/Prasch may or may not be thinking, which only slants your letter more that lends credibility to it.” The assumptions about Moriel in the letter are merely a tool with which to give the letter a thread or a ‘spine’. The point is, again, that David Nathan is a false brother (Prasch was the first person I’m aware of who went public with that information). And the fact that Nathan is a false brother explains a lot of the otherwise-very-unreasonable-looking behaviour by Moriel staff.
3) “you are quick to … paint him and many of his videos with the same brush as Prasch and Moriel”. This is simply not true. As the letter states, I tried to think the best of him for months. And I point people to plenty of reasons to question his teachings, methods and ‘repentance’. I fear it is you who are being quick to judge.
4) The phrase “spiritual DNA” was simply a way to add a little colour to the letter and to get across the fact that Nathan is inherently false and nothing he can do will ever change that. Are you not clutching at straws to make such a big thing of it?
Anyway, sincere thanks for your feedback. It is good to know that you were unable to actually fault anything in the meat of the letter, even though you would apparently have loved to have been able to.
Mike Rogers on December 5, 2018 at 5:22 pm
Here’s just a few bullets of quotes, comments and concerns:
• While the scriptural reproof of being “slain in the spirit”, “transferable” and the “control of the Spirit” is text book in its rebuke (although I do question a few things, now is not the time or topic). What seems to be lacking, again is a sit down with David Nathan and Jacob Prasch to settle the issues and reconcile. How is it that the drum keeps being beat on what David Nathan has said and taught in these videos? You are in essence just repeating the same thing that has been said over and over and over by many and in particular Jacob Prasch who REFUSES to meet with David. Any of us coming out of Charismaina/Word Faith know full well the error. Does anybody else see Jacob Prasch’s error in his refusal and at the what cost to the sheep?
• In the letter you state that “I believe the answers to these three questions will, together, provide the key to the mystery of why Moriel staff are now treating you the way they are.”
Not sure how familiar you are with Moriel/Jacob Prasch ; but his treatment and behavior anytime he feels threatened or gets a “bee in his bonnet” for whatever reason has always been brutish, vicious and extreme. So much so that he appears many times to be in need of medication. This is NOT meant to be a slam, this is very serious, as he has gone unchecked for quite some time.
• You say, “My guess is that your errors caused someone at Moriel to become suspicious and to examine your video more closely to try to determine whether your misleading material is accidental or deliberate__i.e. to find out what is in your spiritual “DNA”.
. You assume and “guess” much about what Moriel/Prasch may or may not be thinking, which only slants your letter more that lends credibility to it.
• You say; “You will probably now claim to no longer believe the doctrines discussed above, even though you only approved this video a few weeks ago — as if you’ve never, over the whole of the last quarter of a *century*, come across sound teaching on this topic until today.73 But what about the ungodly *techniques* you use? This is hardly the only video of yours displaying these techniques. I admit I am relatively new to your ministry, but *all* of the videos I have watched of yours display this selfsame pattern of: abusing and undermining Scripture; encouraging irreverence towards God; demoting Christ; and stealthily pushing the core beliefs of the Word of Faith movement — apparently without the Lord EVER chastising you for ANY of it.”
You say David Nathan “will probably claim to no longer believe the doctrines discussed” and then you are quick to dismiss this probability and paint him and many of his videos with the same brush as Prasch and Moriel. YET you don’t afford the readers of this open letter the same advantage to yourself as you don’t use your correct name and make reference to some sin that you have apparently repented of but still feel the need to hide. And yet you want us to accept your acknowledgement and repentance of some “sin” ‘through ignorance”, blindly take your explanation on it with no way to test or try it and you don’t use your real name.
• Endnote:(40) Some years ago, largely through ignorance (Hos. 4:6a), I committed the sin of presumption. I foolishly believed I was capable of handling a certain practical, end-time project without recourse to the Lord. As a result, the Lord put me in a really tight spot — one I genuinely considered to be a life-or-death matter not just for me but for other folks too — and I saw no choice but to take some relatively extreme measures to rescue the situation. I have since repented humbly and very deeply of all this and, just as soon as the Lord enables it, I will make appropriate restitution to the four other people who unfortunately got caught up in my delusion. Due to my sin, I have been ostracized by many believers, but I do ask the saints to remember Galatians 6:1. I also ask them to consider King David. He too committed a serious sin (in his case, adultery) and as a result, the Lord put him in a really tight spot where he saw no choice but to take some extreme measures to rescue the situation (even including *murder*, which is certainly quite a lot more serious than anything I did). Yet we do not continue to reject him after he repented.
• Also, the buzz word on identifying David Nathan’s “spiritual DNA” is somewhat disconcerting would you please connect the scriptural dots for this?
• What is Spiritual DNA?
• Quotes from the article: “In what appears to be a sincere effort to expound on the Scriptures, which declare “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor:5:17), the writer introduces an authoritative, scientific-sounding concept that has no tangible or biblical basis. This error is serious! Just as do mind-science “experts” (such as those in The Secret), he attempts to take what is useful and understood as physical and apply it “scientifically” to the spiritual realm; but “spiritual DNA,” like “thought waves,” are only imagined. Would that all Christians test the spirits that bring such “new revelations” as this!
An article titled “DNA and God” by Bill Donahue reflects on a 2004 Time magazine in which the cover story, “The God Gene,” recounts a search by laboratories to find “spiritual receptors” in physical DNA. Intrigued by “the fact that change can be made to DNA through electricity,” and since “God is not a man” (Num:23:19
), and “God is light” (1 Jn:1:5
), Donahue (a researcher of “hidden ancient wisdom”) reasons that”
• “…we are created in the image and likeness of God suggesting that we too are light….DNA has two aspects to it. One is the physical DNA which the body we use is equipped with through the heredity of our parents. The other is what the Buddhists suggest is a spiritual DNA….That is why I have such strong feelings against executing people. Their spiritual DNA will go into a new body…and do the same evil again.”
• “Notice that both professing Christians and metaphysical spiritualists attempt to explain invisible, intangible spiritual processes with scientific research, supposedly backed up by Scripture. Today, this error is being perpetuated at an increasing rate by two “evangelical” movements, the neo-prophetic “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) and the Emerging Church. An NAR prophet, Bob Jones, (no relation to the University of that name) and Paul Keith Davis, who annually issue a “prophetic” proclamation called “The Shepherd’s Rod,” wrote in 2006:”ers to these three questions will, together, provide the key to the mystery of why Moriel staff are now treating you the way they are.”
Not sure how familiar you are with Moriel/Jacob Prasch ; but his treatment and behavior anytime he feels threatened or gets a “bee in his bonnet” for whatever reason has always been brutish, vicious and extreme. So much so that he appears many times to be in need of medication. This is NOT meant to be a slam, this is very serious, as he has gone unchecked for quite some time.
• You say, “My guess is that your errors caused someone at Moriel to become suspicious and to examine your video more closely to try to determine whether your misleading material is accidental or deliberate__i.e. to find out what is in your spiritual “DNA”.
. You assume and “guess” much about what Moriel/Prasch may or may not be thinking, which only slants your letter more that lends credibility to it.
• You say; “You will probably now claim to no longer believe the doctrines discussed above, even though you only approved this video a few weeks ago — as if you’ve never, over the whole of the last quarter of a *century*, come across sound teaching on this topic until today.73 But what about the ungodly *techniques* you use? This is hardly the only video of yours displaying these techniques. I admit I am relatively new to your ministry, but *all* of the videos I have watched of yours display this selfsame pattern of: abusing and undermining Scripture; encouraging irreverence towards God; demoting Christ; and stealthily pushing the core beliefs of the Word of Faith movement — apparently without the Lord EVER chastising you for ANY of it.”
You say David Nathan “will probably claim to no longer believe the doctrines discussed” and then you are quick to dismiss this probability and paint him and many of his videos with the same brush as Prasch and Moriel. YET you don’t afford the readers of this open letter the same advantage to yourself as you don’t use your correct name and make reference to some sin that you have apparently repented of but still feel the need to hide. And yet you want us to accept your acknowledgement and repentance of some “sin” ‘through ignorance”, blindly take your explanation on it with no way to test or try it and you don’t use your real name.
• Endnote:(40) Some years ago, largely through ignorance (Hos. 4:6a), I committed the sin of presumption. I foolishly believed I was capable of handling a certain practical, end-time project without recourse to the Lord. As a result, the Lord put me in a really tight spot — one I genuinely considered to be a life-or-death matter not just for me but for other folks too — and I saw no choice but to take some relatively extreme measures to rescue the situation. I have since repented humbly and very deeply of all this and, just as soon as the Lord enables it, I will make appropriate restitution to the four other people who unfortunately got caught up in my delusion. Due to my sin, I have been ostracized by many believers, but I do ask the saints to remember Galatians 6:1. I also ask them to consider King David. He too committed a serious sin (in his case, adultery) and as a result, the Lord put him in a really tight spot where he saw no choice but to take some extreme measures to rescue the situation (even including *murder*, which is certainly quite a lot more serious than anything I did). Yet we do not continue to reject him after he repented.
• Also, the buzz word on identifying David Nathan’s “spiritual DNA” is somewhat disconcerting would you please connect the scriptural dots for this?
• What is Spiritual DNA?
• Quotes from the article: “In what appears to be a sincere effort to expound on the Scriptures, which declare “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor:5:17), the writer introduces an authoritative, scientific-sounding concept that has no tangible or biblical basis. This error is serious! Just as do mind-science “experts” (such as those in The Secret), he attempts to take what is useful and understood as physical and apply it “scientifically” to the spiritual realm; but “spiritual DNA,” like “thought waves,” are only imagined. Would that all Christians test the spirits that bring such “new revelations” as this!
An article titled “DNA and God” by Bill Donahue reflects on a 2004 Time magazine in which the cover story, “The God Gene,” recounts a search by laboratories to find “spiritual receptors” in physical DNA. Intrigued by “the fact that change can be made to DNA through electricity,” and since “God is not a man” (Num:23:19
), and “God is light” (1 Jn:1:5
), Donahue (a researcher of “hidden ancient wisdom”) reasons that”
• “…we are created in the image and likeness of God suggesting that we too are light….DNA has two aspects to it. One is the physical DNA which the body we use is equipped with through the heredity of our parents. The other is what the Buddhists suggest is a spiritual DNA….That is why I have such strong feelings against executing people. Their spiritual DNA will go into a new body…and do the same evil again.”
• “Notice that both professing Christians and metaphysical spiritualists attempt to explain invisible, intangible spiritual processes with scientific research, supposedly backed up by Scripture. Today, this error is being perpetuated at an increasing rate by two “evangelical” movements, the neo-prophetic “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) and the Emerging Church. An NAR prophet, Bob Jones, (no relation to the University of that name) and Paul Keith Davis, who annually issue a “prophetic” proclamation called “The Shepherd’s Rod,” wrote in 2006:”
David Nathan: Addressing BOLM in Regards to Jacob Prasch's Videos
{2},-2018.html![]() |
John Cambridge aka Dusty Peterson/Neville John Rainier |
David Nathan: Addressing BOLM in Regards to Jacob Prasch's Videos
Thank you Treena, again job well done.
ReplyDeleteIt now appears certain that John Cambridge is this character Neville/Dusty. Read his comment on Bethel Communications FB page..
ReplyDeleteApparently he has repented... but has he recompensed those he cheated?
And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord, “Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.”
God bless
No, he still owes me £23,000! The house purchase in Gozo fell through and I lost the deposit I lent him plus other expenses. I don't believe I will ever get it back.
DeleteI hope it's okay to share this video that David Nathan just recently made to address the whole thing going on between him and Jacob Prasch. David is not a heretic. If anyone is, it's Jacob. I do hope you will watch it thoroughly in case I missed something. Thank you.
Thank you Nina.. I have watched it already, but I am sure it will be useful for other readers. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteThank you. God bless you, too.
ReplyDeleteCorrect me if I'm wrong but didn't Jacob and Moriel bemoan the fact that they didn't do a very good job of vetting David Nathan? Then proceeded to publish video after video of all of his supposed false/heretical teachings; of which have since been refuted; but for those that blindly believe it also shows Jacob and Moriel's lack of total discernment and incompetence in the vetting process. Yet here we are being expected by Jacob and Moriel to blindly accept John Cambridge as scripturally sound and reliable. Jacob expects us to set aside our discernment and any scriptural scrutiny, when even a quick review of John Cambridges footnotes of excuses show clearly his misquoted scripture to fit his purpose....which is the same as Jacob's ......which is to believe everything they say blindly. Praying for eyes to be opened. Let us all be Bereans.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure we should believe anything at all that Prasch/Moriel say. My view - Jacob Prasch knows exactly what he is doing!!! A number of Christians are praying for the right outcome now that so much wickedness has been exposed. Psalm 10:2. God bless you.
ReplyDeleteAmos Farrell was suspiciously dismissive when I questioned the true identity of John Cambridge on Bill Randles FB page. In my view The John Cambridge episode was a complete sham.
ReplyDeleteOne comment on Bill Randles FB page was very insightful:
"I was re-reading Paul’s epistles recently. One detail that struck me was how important authentication was to Paul when writing to people. He would take a few verses introducing people like Timothy, Titus, Tychicus, etc. as legitimate ministers, etc. In particular in 2 Thessalonians it looks as if Paul had to write the letter to dispel false teaching, false teachers, and possibly even forged epistles, e.g. 2 Thessalonians 2:2 “...that you not be quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come,” and 2 Thessalonians 3:17 where he basically has to affirm that he’s writing the letter and what his handwriting looks like so they could tell a forgery.
It’s interesting to see in the modern free church system how we’re still struggling with similar practical issues: Who’s legit and who isn’t, who really represents whom and who doesn’t, etc."
It is interesting that Amos Farrell has been so involved in trying to defend Prasch with his finding John Cambridge aka Dusty Peterson under a rock, and his bovine conspiracy theory about David Nathan starting the New World Order, and the later Moriel Police Squad fiasco, yet after all this, the man still uses David Nathan's name on his Genesis Christian Radio promotional materials (as of August 2019). He recently posted this video:
which uses David's name, but also rather ironically uses a couple of Prasch's other targets for attack, Todd Friel and Chris Rosebrough (as well as a misspelled Bill Randles, who Prasch has also attacked recently).
Also, Amos accidentally left an element of another video in this one, because there is 30+ seconds of blank screen followed by a weblink to CMFI the ministerial group who openly lied about us researchers as a means of maintaining Prasch's platform to attack others, which tells us Amos does media work for CMFI, which all confirms Mike Rogers' view that all these guys are a good ol' boy network
He is not very bright is he tbckawaii? This is about what I wold expect from a "Senior Police Officer" (NOT)!